Nettles Leaf herbal infusion 101. Using Herbs Simply and Safely


Two cups of nettle infusion has all the vitamins and minerals you need for a day. And, it's in their natural, effective, complex forms; not synthetic and broken up like in pills.

To make an infusion of nettle:

  • place one ounce of dried herb in a quart jar
  • fill to the top with hot (not boiling) water
  • cap tightly and let steep for 4-8 hours
  • strain and drink


"Stinging Nettles herbal infusions have calcium, magnesium. potassium, iron, chromium, selenium, trace minerals, Chlorophyll, and B vitamins. manganese, silica, iodine and sodium. They are also a great source of vitamins A, C and E, B complex vitamins and beta-carotene. I use Nettles regularly in my diet as a major source of easy to absorb vitamins and minerals."

Plus many other health benefits:  Costs about $8 per month. :-)

Nettles Leaf herbal infusion 101.

Using Herbs Simply and Safely Learn how to understand how safe--or dangerous--any herb might be.

Also known as Urtica dioica, Stinging Nettle, Common Nettle, Gerrais, Isirgan, Kazink, Ortiga, Grande Ortie, Ortie, Urtiga, Chichicaste, and Brennessel

Herbal Anecdote: Nettle is an excellent source of many minerals and vitamins, giving it a reputation as one of the most nutrient-rich herbs available.

Traditional Uses: Allergies, cystitis, kidney and bladder stones, diuretic, astringent, psoriasis, acne.

Nettles has astringent, expectorant, galactagogue milk producing, tonic, anti-inflammatory, homeostatic, and diuretic properties.

"Bioflavonoids in Nettle leaves and roots are generally anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine. The magnesium in Nettle may help upper respiratory symptoms, if asthmatics are magnesium-deficient. Magnesium relieves bronchial muscle spasms and reduces the histamine response. The boron in Nettle may be helpful in treating osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), because it helps the bones retain calcium and influences the body's endocrine system since hormones play a crucial role in helping the body maintain healthy bones and joints."

"Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) builds energy, strengthens the adrenals, and is said to restore youthful flexibility to blood vessels. A cup of nettle infusion contains 500 milligrams of calcium plus generous amounts of  bone-building magnesium, potassium, silicon, boron, and zinc. It is also an excellent source of vitamins A, D, E, and K. For flexible bones, a healthy heart, thick hair, beautiful skin, and lots of energy, make friends with sister stinging nettle. It may make you feel so good you'll jump up and exercise."

"Green is the color of plant energy. The plants with the deepest green give you the most energy. A daily cup of nettle infusion increases energy without wiring your nerves. Nettle strengthens the adrenals, allowing you to tolerate more stress with less harm. And it nourishes your immune system, too.

To make it: Put one ounce of dried nettle leaf in a quart jar. Fill to the top with boiling water. Cap tightly and steep at least four hours (overnight is fine). Strain and drink. I add about 1 cup of dry nettles to 4
cups liquid.

Refrigerate the remainder and consume within 36 hours. (Leftovers may be used as a hair rinse or fertilizer for your house plants.)"


"formic acid, histamine, serotonin, choline, minerals, chlorophyll, amino acids, lecithin, carotenoids, flavonoids, sterols, tannins and vitamins. Nettle's main plant chemicals include: acetophenone, acetylcholine, agglutinins, alkaloids, astragalin, butyric acid, caffeic acids, carbonic acid, chlorogenic acid, chlorophyll, choline, coumaric acid, folacin, formic acid, friedelins, histamine, kaempherols, koproporphyrin, lectins, lecithin, lignans, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, neoolivil, palmitic acid, pantothenic acid, quercetin, quinic acid, scopoletin, secoisolariciresinol, serotonin, sitosterols, stigmasterol, succinic acid, terpenes, violaxanthin, and xanthophylls"

"Many of the benefits are due to the plant's very high levels of minerals, especially, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, silica, iodine, silicon, sodium, and sulfur. They also provide chlorophyll and tannin, and they're a good source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and B complex vitamins. Nettles also have high levels of easily absorbable amino acids. They're ten percent protein, more than any other vegetable.

Making a big jar of Nettles Infusion with Susan Weed (video):
How to Use Stinging Nettle as a Natural Allergy Medicine

Herbs for Pregnancy:

Everything I've read suggests drinking Nettles while nursing. "well-known herbs to help with milk flow include fennel, fenugreek, nettles and blessed thistle."

Vitamins A, C, D and K, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron and sulphur are particularly abundant in nettles.

From Nutritional Herbology by Mark Pedersen
Per 100g dry weight:

Calcium - 2900mg
Magnesium - 860mg
Potassium - 1750mg
Selenium - .22mg
Zinc - .47mg

Thiamine - .54mg
Riboflavin (B2) - .43mg

They taste very GREEN!

I toss the strained leaves into my bone broth. It is delicious and nutritious!!

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     •  Healthy Poop 101

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     •  Nettle Leaf herbal infusions 101.

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Views: 78527

Comment by Pat Robinson on May 13, 2013 at 12:28pm

I don't know how much magnesium, he would need.  I do not supplement calcium, just using food. Magnesium is difficult to get enough from food. I take 200mg Magnesium Citrate if I miss my nettle infusion.

Here is more about epilepsy and natural things to add.


Comment by Sharlene Bjerke on May 13, 2013 at 1:16pm

Is there a list of what we get from Nettles that I am missing here?  I want to do the whole foods way, as I think this is better, and the tinctures, or teas, like this seem appropriate.  I thought of my nettles, but I see Calcium listed prior to magnesium, and that is reverse of what we need to replenish magnesium.  Calcium can plummet magnesium.  So...maybe I wasn't clear.  The Magnesium Advocats fb forum page is interesting, I wee you are on it.

Comment by Kate Paine on June 24, 2013 at 10:16am

We have a "adapted" NETTLES here in Hawaii that has developed over time without stingers:  Mamaki (Pipturus albidus), easy to grow and pick. I grow it one my City & County 10x10 garden and therefrom dry the leaves for self and sharing. I include in tea mixtures, and will now try as suggested in above infusion. Thank you for these tips. Look for more web info on Mamaki, Mamake.

Comment by Stephanie on April 29, 2014 at 11:07pm

Does anyone know if toddlers can consume this?  My sons are 3 and 17 months- could I give them some too?

Comment by Kate Paine on April 30, 2014 at 4:02am

These are green plants. There should be no contraindication for children IMHO. Since they are little folks, they should require less strength.

Comment by Pat Robinson on April 30, 2014 at 9:48am

I give nettle infusions to ds in smoothies as the liquid. They are a bit green/mineral flavored for his taste. Nettles are very nourishing for all ages.

Adults can consume 2-4 cups per day. Proportionally, children benefit from the nutrients also!


Comment by Stephanie on April 30, 2014 at 10:11pm

Thanks everyone!!


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