Cancer Vaccines Are Profitable Business

Why mandate vaccines?

In order to sell cancer vaccines (made with measles virus).

Today I saw that presidential candidate Ben Carson has a strident vaccine stance. Until today, Ben Carson was the Chairman of the Board of a cancer vaccine company Vaccinogen.

  • Dr. Carson: No religious exemptions for vaccinations (CNN).

"A personalized disease like cancer requires a personalized weapon," Carson wrote in a letter to shareholders. "I believe Vaccinogen has developed the first truly personalized, and potentially commercializable, approach to combat cancer and that is why I'm joining the board and accepting the role of chairman."

Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D.  named Chairman of the Board of Vaccinogen in Frederick, MD.

This is telling: Nearly 300 Vaccines Are in Development.

Page 10 and beyond lists a bunch of vaccines in development.

I came across the fact that cancer vaccines are being developed using the measles virus.

  • We have found that people who had childhood measles have lower rates of cancer.

  • The concern with giving measles to people in a cancer vaccine is the risk of spreading measles virus to the general public.

  • And prior measles vaccination limits the effectiveness of the cancer vaccine, it seems.

"Infectious agents are present in nature that can cause cancer but we should also remember the dual role they play in preventing cancer."

"Another challenge to using measles virus (MV) therapeutically is the fact that most patients have been immunized against MV. This immunization is less of a challenge when MV is injected directly into the tumor during a neurosurgical procedure, as it is in GBM, than its systemic administration for other forms of cancer. Targeted tumor injection of MV also overcomes the effects of the blood-brain barrier."

  • There is a bit of a Catch 22. Without adequate measles immunization coverage, cancer vaccines using measles virus can not come to market due to the risk of measles outbreaks since the measles dose in cancer vaccines is much higher than in MMR.
  • The other Catch is that prior immunization with measles makes the cancer vaccines less effective. So, they are genetically modifying the measles virus to make the cancer vaccines.

It would seem that the ubiquitous childhood measles - which provides protection against some cancers - would be the way to decrease cancer. But, that does not optimize shareholder value.

Enter in another vaccine marketing opportunity...

"Even if one considers the worst case scenario wherein an attenuated measles virus used for cancer therapy might revert back to wild-type pathogenic strain, the risk of virus transmission from patients to caregivers and then into the population is limited by the high prevalence of anti-measles immunity.

At the current time because of the successful childhood measles vaccination programs which give lifelong protection, more than 80% of the people in the world are currently measles immune.[61] For this reason, attenuated measles viruses raise significantly fewer safety concerns than oncolytic viruses derived from other virus families."

"The main public safety concern associated with the therapeutic use of an oncolytic virus is accidental emergence of a new viral pathogen capable of epidemic spread in the human population.[27, 28]"

Measles virus for cancer therapy.

  • Follow the money: cancer treatment is going to be fully paid by the government for 315 million Americans.

  • Billion dollar market for cancer vaccines.
  • But the vaccine manufacturers NEED the population fully vaccinated to sell more vaccines. Otherwise cancer vaccine sales are too risky.
  • Or else the "cancer treatment" (using the measles vaccine) could infect everyone (who is unvaccinated).

Cancer treatment is big money

  • So we're replacing childhood measles with vaccines and a cancer diagnosis?

And then vaccine manufacturers claim the cancer vaccine is the "patented pharmaceutical" which saves lives - brilliant marketing.

And government vaccine mandates are necessary (to be able to sell cancer vaccines) to "protect those receiving cancer treatment" --- we've already seen that spin!

Pat Robinson

Views: 4377


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