Adrenal Fatigue Solutions by Pat Robinson

Adrenal Fatigue Solutions

by Pat Robinson


Adrenal Fatigue Solutions – 90 Day Plan to Improve Adrenal Function is a self-paced eCourse which presents a nine-week plan of actions, nutrients, foods, herbs, and removing toxins for adrenal stress relief.  It is followed by three weeks of support and review tools to strengthen your adrenal function.

This comprehensive resource provides practical, simple, and doable suggestions for exhausted, stressed, and sleep-deprived moms.


Baby steps are the goal. 




Adrenal Fatigue Solutions teaches tools for increasing self-care, sleep routines, stress relief, toxin relief, nourishing foods, connecting with nature, recognizing depression, finding calm, balance, and energy while creating boundaries for yourself.

Recipes for power-foods for energy and herbal adaptogen alternatives are provided along with resources for ongoing support.

You will:

  • Feel Better
  • Sleep Better
  • Have Less Pain
  • Have More ENERGY!

~ Money Back Guarantee ~


The intention is to empower you with straight-forward explanations for improving adrenal function:

  • daily routines to improve adrenal function
  • easy stress relief activities to incorporate into your life
  • increase awareness of the unhealthy aspects and toxic stressors in our daily lives
  • increase awareness of the toxic elements that you can avoid
  • improve your health environment with weekly toxin removal
  • priority steps to consider for optimal adrenal support
  • recipes, detox tools, herbal remedies, and stress relief resources
  • practical ideas for those experiencing the health impact of adrenal fatigue
  • self-help tools may be started wherever you are along the journey
  • weekly action bullets provide an outline of priorities to consider
  • weekly tools to create a path toward adrenal wellness

  • Perfection is not the goal.

    Get More ENERGY Now

    for only  $59.00


able of Contents:

  • About
  • Intro
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Week 1 – Self Awareness
  • Green Smoothie Instructions
  • Week 2 – Sleep Routines
  • Nettle Infusion Instructions
  • Week 3 – Stressors
  • Kefir Instructions
  • Week 4 – Self-Care
  • Broth Instructions
  • Week 5 – De-stress
  • Master Tonic Recipe
  • Week 6 – Toxin Relief
  • Week 7 – Nourish
  • Week 8 – Nature
  • Week 9 – Wisdom
  • Week 10 – Calm
  • Week 11 – Balance
  • Week 12 – Energy
  • Boundaries and Trust
  • Resources

NOTE: Since I know the feeling of not being able to thumb through a book before I buy it, I’m happy to offer a satisfaction guarantee: If you are not happy with your purchase for any reason, including that you can’t figure out how to get it onto your device or that dietary restrictions make too many recipes impossible for you, simply email for a full refund.                                                                 




  • 48 most nourishing food ingredients to choose.
  • 49 hidden toxin exposures presented.
  • 50 practical skills and self-help activities to gradually incorporate for adrenal stress relief.
  • 55 herbal alternatives to consider, including adaptogenic herbs, infusions, and remedies.
  • 60 body care toxins to avoid.

  • Focus: less stress, more nourishing.

  • Helpful resources for adding whole food nutrients, addressing candida, and detoxification nutrients to include.
  • Nourishing rituals to build into our life.
  • Printable chart to reference for quick reminders of Actions, Nutrients, Foods, Herbs and Toxins to prioritize for adrenal health.
  • Priority nutrients explained and food sources identified.
  • Recipes for adrenal and immune support superfoods.
  • Recommendations for herbal resources.
  • Summaries as a method for committing to your own Self-Care.
  • Support to create boundaries for yourself.

  • 90 Day Plan
  • find calm, balance, and energy

    Get calm, balance and energy now

    for only





Adrenal fatigue symptoms are reported as a myriad of generalized complaints which often are discounted by the conventional medical paradigm as “all in your head”.


  • I’ve read that 80% of Americans suffer at some point with adrenal imbalances (Lam) and 40% of Americans have some thyroid imbalance (Brownstein).

  • Mostly, it is women aged 35-55 years old who experience the constant “high alert” with cortisol elevation and feel “tired & wired”.

  • Fortunately, extreme adrenal fatigue can be improved in 4-6 months; mild adrenal fatigue can have much faster benefits.

 Do you experience the following symptoms?

These have been reported as common among people with adrenal fatigue issues:

  • Emergency sensation
  • ‘fight or flight’
  • afternoon crash
  • anxiety
  • caffeine to function
  • can’t sleep, fitful in the middle of the night
  • dizzy with standing
  • exhausted
  • hyper-energy & drained
  • hypoglycemia events
  • jump at noises
  • lightheadedness
  • low blood pressure
  • marked irritability
  • palpitations, chest pain
  • rage
  • ruminating
  • salt and sugar cravings
  • stress
  • tired in the morning
  • too tired to think
  • trembling

    Energy to feel better for only


Digital Download
This is a downloadable pdf ecourse. This is not a physical class.

Do you need Adrenal Fatigue Solutions?

This eCourse will walk you through finding activities to soothe, simple nutrient-dense superfoods, herbal support and toxin relief.


You can feel better. You will feel better!

  • self-care tools
  • sleep routines
  • stress relief
  • nourishing foods
  • connect with nature
  • recognize depression
  • find calm, balance, and energy through weekly support and priorities.
  • feel better or your money back!


All the best,

Pat Robinson, Wellness Educator

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Adrenal Fatigue?

New eCourse: You can feel better. You will feel better!



Start Here...

                Master Tonic 101

          14 Steps for Healthy Guts

   The Beet Test (stomach acid)

                Healthy Poop 101

Overwhelmed? Where To Start?

                      Candida 101

Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

        Nettle Leaf Infusion 101

            10pm Bedtime Club 14-Day Green Smoothie Challenge

        Sharing Starter Cultures

               Probiotic Selection

       Water Kefir vs. Kombucha         Natural Remedies for Flu

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Wellness is an active process of personal accountability.

This list shares personal experience and information only and should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and information shared are the views of the individual member.

Everyone must use her own discretion and judgment to determine whether you are comfortable or need to seek professional assistance. We are not your doctor.

The information contained in these pages is not intended to take the place of your health professional's advice. It is derived from our personal experience and research, and may shed light on your health complaints. In case of serious ailments which may not respond favorably, please seek the counsel of a qualified health professional.

"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti

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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

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