I apologize if there's already a discussion on this around here somewhere. I searched, but didn't find what I was looking for - but if it's out there, feel free to point in me the right direction.

I'm wanting to get some water kefir grains and start making water kefir for my family, but I'd read on here that kombucha can be a bad idea if you have mercury fillings. My husband has multiple mercury fillings, and I'm wondering if I'd actually be doing more harm than good by giving him water kefir. Does it have detox effects like kombucha?

Can anybody tell me whether or not water kefir is safe in this situation, and if so, why it is - while kombucha isn't?




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Kombucha has Saccharomyces boulardii which displaces and replaces candida albicans in the gut. Candida binds mercury to keep it out of circulation. When you kill off candida in the gut, stored mercury is released back into circulation to redeposit into other organs and the brain.

Kefir does not do this similarly. Some people get GI symptoms if they start kefir too much too fast due to the microbial shift in the gut. Kefir has many beneficial microbials. You only need 1 tablespoon to equate to a whole bottle of probiotics.

Kombucha also has the effect of increasing detoxification in the liver. This is beneficial, unless pregnant or nursing, or excess mercury stores. You also need your detox pathways to be open first for effective detox.

Hope that helps. Water kefir is fabulous!!

Is there a specific "best recipe" for water kefir?
I put 1/2 lemon (peele, if not organic), 1/3-12/cup sugar and 3 dates in 6+ cups water with my water kefir grains. Leave in cupboard for 48 hours, then put whole jar in refrigerator, strain as needed. Make new batch each week.

Must use non-chlorinated water.
And I add a tablespoon of molasses for the minerals most times.

Here is a visual tutorial: tp://www.weim.net/homeovet/Docs/water kefir.pdf

Thanks, Pat, this is what I was needing to know! :-)
So glad to read this info, and like the idea of molasses for minerals. I read that healthy microbes like molasses. I am ordering water kefir grains and was needing more info. Thanks!

Pat Robinson said:
I put 1/2 lemon (peele, if not organic), 1/3-12/cup sugar and 3 dates in 6+ cups water with my water kefir grains. Leave in cupboard for 48 hours, then put whole jar in refrigerator, strain as needed. Make new batch each week.

Must use non-chlorinated water.
And I add a tablespoon of molasses for the minerals most times.

Here is a visual tutorial: tp://www.weim.net/homeovet/Docs/water kefir.pdf

I recently read that adding more than 1 tablespoon of molasses each time could decrease the growth/reproduction of the water kefir grains.

I am working on developing a candida protocol for DD. Is the sugar content of kombucha and kefir more than offset by the probiotic value, or will the sugars just keep feeding the candida?
Kombucha when fermented for 48+ hours has little residual sugar, from my understanding. However, the longer it brews the higher the alcohol content, as the beneficial yeast turn the sugar into alcohol. I believe it is around 0.5-1% alcohol. http://www.happyherbalist.com/analysis_of_kombucha.htm

The probiotic benefit outweighs the sugar content, if you are drinking home made. Some of the commercial kombucha is higher in sugar because they add straight juice to sweeten it. You only need an ounce to get significant probiotic benefits.

If dd has any mercury issues, the s. boulardii in kombucha kills off the candida, releasing mercury into her circulation and needs nutrients to help detox safely. There are 'die-off' issues when candida are killed also and headaches are common. So, I recommend small amounts of kombucha and increase gradually, by an ounce a month.

wow! I have been eating too much keifer. How long does it last? I was eating only coconut keifer as I am lactose intolerant but only one t may be safe, thank yoU! I also have many mercuy fillings and want to do a metal cleanse, I guess I should wait based on this reply??

Pat Robinson said:
Kombucha has Saccharomyces boulardii which displaces and replaces candida albicans in the gut. Candida binds mercury to keep it out of circulation. When you kill off candida in the gut, stored mercury is released back into circulation to redeposit into other organs and the brain.

Kefir does not do this similarly. Some people get GI symptoms if they start kefir too much too fast due to the microbial shift in the gut. Kefir has many beneficial microbials. You only need 1 tablespoon to equate to a whole bottle of probiotics.

Kombucha also has the effect of increasing detoxification in the liver. This is beneficial, unless pregnant or nursing, or excess mercury stores. You also need your detox pathways to be open first for effective detox.

Hope that helps. Water kefir is fabulous!!

well, thanks for getting lost so I could find it! I never heard of the Mercury filling thing with Kombucha (I drink about a quart a day), and would be interested in the research. I have heard stuff like this about Cilantro - and I don't accept it until someone can point out somewhere what really happens.
Most of us with Merc fillings, have fillings that are really old and flaking anyway, so how do you know when it's an old filling that flakes off or a side-effect?
I took Cilantro to chelate my Body Burden of Mercury - testing the whole time with BDORT method, and I cleared the body burden just fine with nothing other than normal old-fillings in my head.
Once chelation happens, and if you still have filings, you will have to do it again, annually at least until the fillings are out. But in no way did the fact that I have fillings do anything or pose any problem while I was chelating, and not since I have been doing Kombucha, or all the other probiotics I try to take in.
Pat Robinson said:
Kombucha has Saccharomyces boulardii which displaces and replaces candida albicans in the gut. Candida binds mercury to keep it out of circulation. When you kill off candida in the gut, stored mercury is released back into circulation to redeposit into other organs and the brain.

Yes, that is true, but 33% of the people CAN and DO eliminate Mercury, 33% are OK at it and 33% have trouble getting the metals out. That means that when the Candida goes - yes, maybe Mercury is redistributed some, but some is expelled and less is in the Body Burden. I personally went thru Hell in chelation for several days, and I would rather the stuff be moving around on it's way out, than hanging with Candida friends indefinitely or taken out again in a clump.

Would store bought kombucha have the same detoxifying effect as homemade kombucha.  I just bought a jar to try, and I am now thinking that I shouldn't drink it since it is detoxifying and I am breastfeeding a toddler.

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