Sarah Wood
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Sarah Wood's Discussions

Food sensitivity testing?
2 Replies

Has anyone read this article?  And is anyone familiar with the testing mentioned?  It also talks about identifying gut infections.…Continue

Tags: testing, GAPS, sensitivity, food

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sarah Wood Jan 9, 2013.

Garlic Water - my new go-to cold prevention!
4 Replies

The boys started with runny noses last week.  I started drinking garlic water everyday as soon as that started and I never once even got the feeling that I might be coming down with something and I…Continue

Tags: colds, garlic

Started this discussion. Last reply by Yvonne LV Jul 9, 2010.


Sarah Wood's Page

Latest Activity

Sarah Wood commented on Pat Robinson's blog post Win Your Ultimate Kitchen Tool
"I would choose the berkey."
Feb 16, 2014
Sarah Wood commented on Pat Robinson's blog post Master Tonic 101
"Personally, I take the MT in a shot glass, about a tablespoon.  It is hot, but tolerable.  Chase with a glass of milk, if necessary."
Jan 11, 2013
Sarah Wood replied to Sarah Wood's discussion Food sensitivity testing?
"Thank you! but I don't think I could go so far as to say my diet is "pristine!" :)  In some respects, I think giving up grains for a while has been good for me in helping me to avoid as many "compromise" foods. …"
Jan 9, 2013
Pat Robinson replied to Sarah Wood's discussion Food sensitivity testing?
"Sarah, Your diet is very pristine. I don't believe that testing provides 'more certainty' than a Food Journal, which is the gold standard. But, if you have the money to spend, it could help to identify potential foods to consider…"
Jan 9, 2013
Sarah Wood posted a discussion

Food sensitivity testing?

Has anyone read this article?  And is anyone familiar with the testing mentioned?  It also talks about identifying gut infections. I am interested in trying testing to pinpoint my issues instead of going through lots of tedious elimination diets and trials.  (I've recently eliminated…See More
Dec 31, 2012
Sarah Wood commented on Pat Robinson's blog post Amalgam Removal Risks and Protocols.
"Karin - I just wanted to try to briefly share my story.   I did have an amalgam filling removed while I was nursing two kids (a 3 yo and 9 mos) and have gotten pregnant and had another baby since then.   So far, everyone seems to…"
Jul 28, 2011
Sarah Wood replied to Julie's discussion Non-Dairy Kefir and the candida diet.
"Also wondering about the coconut water kefir.   How is this made exactly?  Is it just coconut water + water kefir grains?  Does any sugar need to be added?  Can one use the bottled coconut water (Zico, e.g.) to make…"
Jul 25, 2011
Sarah Wood commented on Pat Robinson's blog post Nettles Leaf herbal infusion 101. Using Herbs Simply and Safely
"Does anyone have additional info on nettle root?  I recommended nettle leaf infusion to my SIL b/c she is anemic and struggling to replenish her iron (she suffers from resteless leg syndrome and IBS).  She has started seeing a naturopath…"
May 25, 2011
Sarah Wood commented on Pat Robinson's blog post Master Tonic 101
"Thank goodness!  That makes sense since I crushed it instead of chopping it."
Mar 31, 2011
Sarah Wood commented on Pat Robinson's blog post Master Tonic 101
"OK folks, I need some help here.  I have a new batch of MT brewing.... but the garlic has turned blue!!  Literally, blue.  Any ideas what could have caused this?? Will it still be safe for me to consume?  Everything else looks…"
Mar 30, 2011
Sarah Wood replied to Sarah Thompson's discussion "power bar" recipe? in the group Nutrition on the Go!
"Just use your food processor.  Start by chopping the nuts in the food processor, then add the dried fruit and then any spices or a drizzle of coconut oil, or water or honey to help hold it together, if necessary.   If it seems to…"
Feb 25, 2011
Sarah Wood replied to Pat Robinson's discussion Water Kefir Quest in the group Sharing starter cultures
"Well, as for me, I originally got my grains from Pat, and they were small (pea sized or smaller).  And now after many months (I can't remember how many, probably about 8), they have started growing in big clumps, like almost grape…"
Feb 21, 2011
Sarah Wood commented on Pat Robinson's blog post Master Tonic 101
"How much do you think cooking affects its effectiveness?"
Feb 16, 2011
Sarah Wood replied to Pat Robinson's discussion Water Kefir Quest in the group Sharing starter cultures
"Have your grains been growing during all this time?  I've never noticed mine dissolving, although there is some nondescript residue at the bottom of the bottle that I store the strained kefir in.   Mine have actually started…"
Feb 13, 2011
Sarah Wood replied to Pam Genant's discussion Jerusalem Artichokes in the group Explore Growing Your Own Food
"I've heard they make a good pickle.  So you could try fermenting some."
Jan 22, 2011
Sarah Wood replied to Diane Tantimonaco's discussion fermenting my kraut in the group Intro to Ferments
"do tell!"
Jan 22, 2011

Profile Information

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
from Pat R. via EHA.
What does "holistic" mean to you?
Approaching our health by looking at the big picture: nutrition, circumstances, emotional/psychological state etc. Addressing the whole problem and not just treating ourselves symptomatically.
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
About 4 years... every since becoming a mom! I'm sure the interest was latent in me before then, but motherhood has really caused it to blossom.
a little about me
I am married, mother of two boys (so far). I am an avid babywearer, and passionate about (ecological)breastfeeding, EC, and other "AP" type practices. I have been preparing traditional foods for a little over a year and I also enjoy languages, traveling, culture, religion, reading and learning new things! I hope to grow some medicinal and culinary herbs soon and figure out what else I can grow on our shady property.
Professional or business affiliations?

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Sarah Wood's Blog

A Dairy Free Foray

I've finally decided to bite the bullet and swallow my biggest fear: an elimination diet!! I am going to give up dairy for at least two weeks, along with my 18mos old son. I am mostly doing it for him, but am interested to see if it affects any of my minor ailments.


DS2 has had a rash in his diaper area, on his perineum, for almost his whole life so far. I've tried a lot of different things on it. It sort of comes and goes, but I am wondering now if maybe it is…


Posted on July 9, 2010 at 10:57pm — 1 Comment

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At 5:55pm on July 7, 2010, Pat Robinson said…
Hey Sarah, welcome!

Consider posting in our many forum discussions, start your own "About Me" thread, or create a blog post about natural health and healing or about learning to prepare traditional foods. The beef heart experiments would make a wonderful blog post!

Glad you joined us.



Adrenal Fatigue?

New eCourse: You can feel better. You will feel better!



Start Here...

                Master Tonic 101

          14 Steps for Healthy Guts

   The Beet Test (stomach acid)

                Healthy Poop 101

Overwhelmed? Where To Start?

                      Candida 101

Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

        Nettle Leaf Infusion 101

            10pm Bedtime Club 14-Day Green Smoothie Challenge

        Sharing Starter Cultures

               Probiotic Selection

       Water Kefir vs. Kombucha         Natural Remedies for Flu

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Wellness is an active process of personal accountability.

This list shares personal experience and information only and should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and information shared are the views of the individual member.

Everyone must use her own discretion and judgment to determine whether you are comfortable or need to seek professional assistance. We are not your doctor.

The information contained in these pages is not intended to take the place of your health professional's advice. It is derived from our personal experience and research, and may shed light on your health complaints. In case of serious ailments which may not respond favorably, please seek the counsel of a qualified health professional.

"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti

Heal Thyself!

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

Blog Posts

Homemade Beauty Tips to Enhance Beauty Naturally

Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm

Cancer Vaccines Are Profitable Business

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 5, 2015 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Vaccine Safety and the CDC

Posted by Pat Robinson on March 29, 2015 at 7:30pm

I certainly don't fear the measles.

Posted by Pat Robinson on January 23, 2015 at 10:59am — 3 Comments

Gluten-Free Snacks

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 26, 2014 at 8:30pm

Cholesterol 101

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 20, 2014 at 8:00pm

Safe Detox Protocol

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 4, 2014 at 9:00pm

Ella’s Story

Posted by Pat Robinson on April 19, 2014 at 12:00pm

Naturally Sweetened Treats

Posted by Pat Robinson on February 25, 2014 at 7:30pm