What is infection?

Infection is the body’s healing process due to an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, virus, yeast or fungi. The body reacts naturally with inflammation, in order to manage, control and eliminate the infection.


Classic symptoms of a bacterial infection are localized redness, heat, swelling and pain. Generally, viral infections are systemic. This means they involve the whole body system at the same time (a runny nose, sinus congestion, headache, cough, body aches, fever, etc.).


“Infection” is the body healing itself.  The heat and inflammation are the immune system working to raise the temperature of the infected area in order to kill the pathogenic microbials.


Symptoms of Infection:

  • Body aches & fatigue
  • Burning, irritation
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Drainage, mucus, pus
  • Fever, chills
  • Headache
  • Inflammation, heat and redness, pain
  • Skin rashes
  • Sore throat
  • Vomiting


Common Types of Infection:


How to Support the Body To Heal:


•  Astragalus             •  Cayenne          •  Echinacea        •  Elderberry

•  Fluids                     •  Garlic               •  Honey               •  Hot bath

•  Lemon                   •  Licorice            •  Rest                   • Turmeric


•  Vitamin A, B, C and D, Magnesium and  Zinc.


Avoid:  • Alcohol • Allergens • Antibiotics • Dairy • Smoking • Stress • Sugar • Toxins


Whole food probiotics provide nutrients and beneficial microbials to balance the gut. The gut is 70-80% of our immune system. Delicious and easy whole food probiotics include yogurt, kefir, homemade sauerkraut, kimchi, miso soup, natto, and kombucha. These can be made dairy-free.


Immnne Boosting Foods: Green Smoothies, Nettle Infusions, Real Kefir, Fermented Veggies, Bone Broth, Master Tonic, Liver, Coconut Oil, Cod Liver Oiland Epsom salt baths.



Master Tonic Ingredients:

1 part fresh chopped garlic

1 part fresh chopped white onions or the hottest onions available

1 part fresh grated ginger root

1 part fresh grated horseradish root

1 part fresh chopped Cayenne peppers, Jalapenos, Serranos, Habeneros...any combination of the hottest peppers available


• Fill a glass jar 3/4 of the way full with equal parts of the above fresh chopped and grated herbs.  Then fill to the top with raw unfiltered, unbleached, nondistilled apple cider vinegar. (Bragg’s)
• Close, and shake vigorously daily. Top off the vinegar if necessary.

• After 14 days, filter the mixture through a clean piece of cotton, bottle and label. Keeps indefinitely.


Dose: 1 tablespoon at the first hint of a cold or illness, or other infection. Take 1-4 doses per day, as needed.

For more information about healing naturally, keep updated on Facebook  Heal Thyself!


Overwhelmed? Where to start?     ~Become your own Gut Guru!


Welcome, we hope you will join us!


Pat RobinsonWellness Educator




P.S. Favorite Posts:


     •  14 Steps For Healthy Guts

     •  The Beet Test (stomach acid?)

     •  Candida 101

     •  Green Smoothie Challenge

     •  Healthy Poop 101

     •  Master Tonic 101

     •  Nettle Leaf herbal infusions 101.

     •  Overwhelmed? Where to Start?!

     •  Probiotic Selection


P.P.S.  •  Favorite Topics        •  Extensive Video Library     •  Join in the discussions! 




Views: 6318

Comment by Susan M Burke on July 15, 2012 at 9:59am

Hi Everyone, over 40 days ago, in May, I was diagnosed with a Tonsillar abscess by my D.O. and told to go to the ED.  She said, " I know you like to go the natural, herbal route, but this is serious, please go to the ED."  I couldn't swallow my own saliva, and was having a hard time breathing easily at that point.  I am generally rather healthy.  I woke up with a sore throat and that quickly developed into a HUGE right tonsil, swollen tongue, neck, and pain radiating up into my ear.  So, I went to the ED, Mass Eye and Ear's ENT ED.  They hydrated me, gave me IV antibiotics ( My first ever IV, first antibiotics) and IV steroids ( My first ever steroids as well)  I began to feel immediately better.  I was sent home with oral antibiotics, oral steroid taper, roxicet liquid, and tylenol.  I am a 48 year old who is 5' 10" and weighs 257 lbs.   I have never been sick like this.  I am now experiencing the exact same symptoms and do not want to go to the ED.  I am trying colloidal silver, garlic, kombucha, various berry based smoothies, gargling with wheat grass, raw coconut butter in the smoothies, raw honey in the smoothies (It's hard to swallow.  I've been having a hard time swallowing fluids, let alone anything else)  I'm sleeping a lot, just kind of going with the flow and falling asleep when my body falls asleep.  I don't feel I am yet at the point where I need to be hydrated.  I would love to know what you all think, do you have any suggestions?  I usually do have Fire Cider aka Master Tonic in the house, but don't at the moment, so as soon as I feel up to standing in the kitchen to cut and slice I will make some more to sit and get all good!




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Start Here...

                Master Tonic 101

          14 Steps for Healthy Guts

   The Beet Test (stomach acid)

                Healthy Poop 101

Overwhelmed? Where To Start?

                      Candida 101

Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

        Nettle Leaf Infusion 101

            10pm Bedtime Club 14-Day Green Smoothie Challenge

        Sharing Starter Cultures

               Probiotic Selection

       Water Kefir vs. Kombucha         Natural Remedies for Flu

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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti

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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

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