Bone broth is wonderful for healing colds and flus!

Bone broth is easy. Roast a chicken, put the carcass in a pot of water, simmer for 1-2 days. Strain, use as soup, or for cooking rice, pasta, gravy or drink it straight. We have a cup of broth for the minerals each morning. Use only organic or pastured chickens or 100% grass-fed beef bones. You can just add the whole chicken to a large pot, simmer a couple of hours, the meat will fall off the bone, then leave the bones to simmer for 1-2 days.

Broth has HUGE healing benefits for guts.

I roast a whole chicken on Saturdays. Costco has the cheapest whole organic chicken that I've found.

Glutathione and glycine are beneficial to inflammatory mucosa. "To summarize, glycine (broth) can be considered for use in the following conditions: anemia, fatigue, detoxification, blood sugar dysregulation, muscle wasting, wound healing, pregnancy, infant and
childhood growth, asthma, hypochlorhydria, jaundice and liver support."

Pat RobinsonWellness Educator

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Views: 14935

Comment by Tracy Liebmann on October 6, 2010 at 5:45pm
Making my first batch today :-D
Comment by Shekinah Lawrence on October 13, 2010 at 10:51pm
Question about the broth....I used a whole chicken and added garlic, onions, carrots, celery and organic apple cider vinegar with water salt and pepper. It cooked for two and a half days. I strained off all the liquid. So i guess want to know if a. even though I added extra stuff is it still just as healthy? B. Should it be oily? I tried to strain off as much fat as I could but I just wasn't sure what it should look like or taste like. Any thoughts?
Comment by Karen Bounds on October 24, 2010 at 12:06pm
If you used pastured chicken, the fat is good for you. I always add the extras like you did and have always had good luck with it. Very tasty!
Comment by Aischa Ibnouzahir on December 18, 2010 at 8:57pm
Two and a half days! Are you using a crockpot? What do you do at night?
Lastly, I am assuming you keep adding water to keep it from going dry?
Comment by Anna on December 19, 2010 at 1:38pm

I don't use a crock pot, though I know some who do.  I have a gas stove and I just keep it on low for 2 days.   I haven't needed to add water, it's not boiling away and it has a top on it.


It's really easy and so nourishing!  I know it's helped me fight off a couple of things this fall.



Comment by Anna on December 19, 2010 at 1:41pm

I just saw your questions Shekinah.  I too add extra but I don't strain the fat.  I'm using organic chicken.


I don't like it plain but I love it in soups and to cook rice or quinoa.


Mine looks oily, fat on top.



Comment by Shekinah Lawrence on December 19, 2010 at 5:30pm
I use a crock pot on low heat and let it cook for about a day and a half. Since October I have made it often and use different herbs and seasonings in it. I have had it straight and I use it to cook red, black and kidney beans in. It has become a staple because it make everything cooked in it taste good. PLUS, I know exactly what's in it. I even have my sister making her own. We call it liquid gold!
Comment by Anna on December 19, 2010 at 7:33pm


We call it liquid gold!>>>>


Love that!  It's so true!!  ~Anna

Comment by Meem Noon on December 20, 2011 at 11:06am

Do you separate the meat from the bones?  If not, does the meat get dried during the cooking process? 

Comment by Pat Robinson on December 20, 2011 at 4:19pm

If you simmer a whole chicken, the meat starts to fall off the bone around an hour or two (three, depends upon size and heat ---SIMMER Low).

Pull that meat out of the pot, it is very moist. Then continue to simmer the carcass for the longer duration.


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