Dairy intolerance is the number one cause of fluid build up in ears.

"In one study an astonishing 86% of the children tested became free of ear problems once they came off dairy food."

"New research is suggesting that 80% of uncomplicated ear infections will resolve within 4 to 7 days without antibiotics. "


Did they culture drainage from the ear to prescribe the appropriate antibiotic or give a broad-spectrum antibiotic? If the later, then it kills off all the good bacteria and imbalances the gut toward more pathological bacteria developing. Antibiotics weaken the immune system.

Here are a bunch of to do instead alternatives:

Here are some more ideas:
Garlic is a natural antibiotic.
Collodial silver is a natural antibiotic.
Vit C-large doses (natural fever reducer, iirc)
Cod liver oil- essential fatty acids help the immune system (We use Nordic Naturals -strawberry and our son loves it!)
Chamommilla is good for restlessness, discomfort, insomnia, unbearable pain; fever; child is impatient and angry.
Zinc to help the immune system
Echinecea- We use Sambucol for Kids
Probiotics- for immune support, digestive system is 70% of immune system. Many of the serious side effects of cp are associated with a damaged gut, secondary to antibiotic use. Avoid antibiotics with cp and other viral illnesses.


14 steps for healthy guts: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/notes/14_Steps_for_Healthy_Guts

Personally, I would not give an unnecessary antibiotic. They just lead to repeated ear infections, allergies and asthma as the immune system is assaulted. I would do homeopathics.

A landmark study published in Pediatrics has shown that treating ear infections with antibiotics has no benefit when compared to doing nothing (McCormick 2005). In this study 223 children were divided into two groups. One group received antibiotics, the other group received only medicines for symptom relief. The study sought to evaluate several outcomes including (1) parent satisfaction with their child's care, (2) resolution of symptoms, and (3) failure and recurrence rate. The study was limited to nonsevere ear infections. The severity was determined by parents' perception of the severity and by examination of the eardrum.

Results of the study were dramatic. Parent satisfaction was equal in the two groups at both 12 days and 30 days after treatment. No difference was observed between the two groups in days of work or school missed, visits to doctors' offices or emergency rooms, or number of phone calls. There was no difference in the recurrence rate by day 30, and no difference in the clinical examination of the children's eardrums at day 30.


My recommendation is classical homeopathy. A friend's daughter had six rounds of antibiotics for ear infections and was scheduled for tube insertion. She saw the homeopath and gave her daughter the proscribed remedy. On return to the physician prior to the surgery, her ears were no longer infected. And she has had no ear infections since.

Our classical homeopathist first learned about homeopathy for her son with ear infections. Then she became schooled about homeopathy. I am a complete believer. Although, I still do not understand how it works. We are all on constitutional remedies and are rarely ever sick.

"Ear drainage – if you see blood or pus draining out of the ear, then it is probably an infection with a ruptured eardrum. DON'T WORRY! These almost always heal just fine, and once the eardrum ruptures the pain subsides." ~ Dr. Sears

"New research is suggesting that 80% of uncomplicated ear infections will resolve within 4 to 7 days without antibiotics. Parents who choose not to use antibiotics can treat the pain and fever with Auralgan anesthetic ear drops and ibuprofen or acetominophen. " ~ Dr. Sears


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Pat RobinsonWellness Educator



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     •  Healthy Poop 101

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Views: 22506

Comment by Jezanna Gruber on March 27, 2011 at 12:56pm
What worked for my son was taking him to the chiropractor.  Find someone who is trained to work with children. There's a list  here.  We spent several months when he was 1 dealing with recurring ear infections, and we tried several things including, reluctantly, antibiotics.  When I finally, based on a friend's suggestion, took him to the chiro, he had a fever (again) and was miserable.  She actually adjusted him while he was nursing!  Within 24 hours, the fever was gone and the ear infections have never returned. (He's almost 7)  We did see her regularly for awhile (which helped my back!) but that one visit did the trick on the ear infections.   I recommend you try it, as it's pretty much painless to the body and the pocketbook.
Comment by Pat Robinson on April 7, 2012 at 4:34pm
Comment by Kelly B on April 7, 2012 at 8:33pm

I just cured my 3 yr old's ear infection naturally, a few weeks ago! I made a concoction by steaming organic onion and garlic in pan. Then pressed out the oils when they were soft, added the oils to some extra virgin olive oil (also organic) along with a few drops of tea tree oil and colloidal silver. I warmed the concoction up to body temp (by placing it close to my body for about 20 minutes), and dropped it in his ears twice a day for a week. He showed signs of improvement within 1 day, but since it was my first time trying this, I wanted to make well sure the infection was gone.  I also took him for a chiropractor adjustment.

So easy, and no need to administer antibiotics. 

Comment by Pat Robinson on April 7, 2012 at 8:47pm



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