The Heal Thyself! website has collected over 300 of our favorite traditional food and natural healing videos (please visit their websites too!) in our Video Library, including:





A1 or A2 milk

Basic kombucha

Basic liver detox

Beet kvass

Beginning and feeding a gluten-free sourdough starter

Bottom teeth and tongue-tie

Building a self-watering container

Buteyko breathing through the nose

Chicken liver pate

Comfrey herb

Create your own edible flower garden

Dangers of mercury amalgam fillings


Easy castor oil pack



Easy herbal medicine making, making elderberry tincture

Eat the weeds, mustard greens

Eat the weeds, peppergrass

Eat the weeds, sassafras and mulberry

Eat the weeds, violets

Fermentation FAQ: Can I get botulism from fermented veggies?

Fermented lemonade

Fermenting vegetables with Sandor Katz

Frugal tip, homemade furniture polish

Garlic ginger cough syrup recipe

Gayatri mantra meditation

Gluten causes hormone imbalances

Got Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Green smoothie, original

Herbal compress, poultice

Home remedies for sinus relief

Home remedy secrets, toothache

Home remedy secrets, ear ache

Homemade dog food

Homemade kefir soda

Homemade lacto-fermented salsa


Hot pink breakfast smoothie

How and why to soak nuts & seeds

How to cook collard greens

How to flavor kombucha tea

How to flavor water kefir

How to make a green smoothie

How to make a green smoothie tasty every time

How to make a hoop house or garden house for cheap

How to make bath salts

How to make beef bone broth

How to make body cream

How to make buttermilk

How to make cheese at home in under 5 minutes

How to make cramp tincture

How to make dairy-free yogurt

How to make dark chocolate

How to make elderberry syrup

How to make ghee (butter oil)

How to make herbal infused oil

How to make herbal salves

How to make herbal tinctures

How to make herbal tooth powder

How to make homemade sauerkraut

How to make kimchi

How to make Korean kimchi

How to make kombucha tea

How to make liver pate

How to make lotion, calendula

How to make milk kefir

How to make nut burgers

How to make perfect gravy


How to make probiotic sauerkraut

How to make raw organic unpasteurized sauerkraut

How to make shrimp ceviche

How to make sourdough bread

How to make sun tea and essence water with fresh herbs from your garden

How to make water kefir

How to render fat, part 1

How to soak oats & quinoa


Hypothyroidism, the gut-thyroid connection

Importance of sleep to good health

Lacto fermented ketchup

Magnesium deficiency, signs and symptoms

Making herbal Master Tonic

Making raw ice cream

Methyl detox overview

Milk kefir, flavoring


Natural herbal remedies for the flu season

Nettle infusion, herbal nutrition

Nettle soup recipe

Pain medications cause joint pain and joint damage


Plantain, sting remedy

Planting garlic in containers

Preparing lentils

Run from the cure

Signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency


Soaking grains to reduce phytic acid?

Sustainable urban agriculture

TED Talks, Robyn O’Brien

The best raw granola in the universe

Toxicity levels of root canals

Victoria Boutenko on oxidation, green smoothies

Wet warming socks

What is gluten sensitivity?

Whey crème cheese

You can’t eat grass, an edible yard

Your protein bar may be killing you

Zucchini spaghetti

Come check them out! (bookmark this link)

For more information about healing naturally, keep updated on Facebook  Heal Thyself!

Overwhelmed? Where to start?     ~Become your own Gut Guru!


Welcome, we hope you will join us!


Pat RobinsonWellness Educator



P.S. Favorite Posts:

     •  14 Steps For Healthy Guts

     •  The Beet Test (stomach acid?) 

     •  Candida 101 

     •  Green Smoothie Challenge

     •  Healthy Poop 101

     •  Master Tonic 101 

     •  Nettle Leaf herbal infusions 101.

     •  Overwhelmed? Where to Start?!

     •  Probiotic Selection

P.P.S.  •  Favorite Topics        •  Extensive Video Library     •  Join in the discussions! 




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Adrenal Fatigue?

New eCourse: You can feel better. You will feel better!



Start Here...

                Master Tonic 101

          14 Steps for Healthy Guts

   The Beet Test (stomach acid)

                Healthy Poop 101

Overwhelmed? Where To Start?

                      Candida 101

Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

        Nettle Leaf Infusion 101

            10pm Bedtime Club 14-Day Green Smoothie Challenge

        Sharing Starter Cultures

               Probiotic Selection

       Water Kefir vs. Kombucha         Natural Remedies for Flu

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Wellness is an active process of personal accountability.

This list shares personal experience and information only and should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and information shared are the views of the individual member.

Everyone must use her own discretion and judgment to determine whether you are comfortable or need to seek professional assistance. We are not your doctor.

The information contained in these pages is not intended to take the place of your health professional's advice. It is derived from our personal experience and research, and may shed light on your health complaints. In case of serious ailments which may not respond favorably, please seek the counsel of a qualified health professional.

"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti

Heal Thyself!

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

Blog Posts

Homemade Beauty Tips to Enhance Beauty Naturally

Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm

Cancer Vaccines Are Profitable Business

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 5, 2015 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Vaccine Safety and the CDC

Posted by Pat Robinson on March 29, 2015 at 7:30pm

I certainly don't fear the measles.

Posted by Pat Robinson on January 23, 2015 at 10:59am — 3 Comments

Gluten-Free Snacks

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 26, 2014 at 8:30pm

Cholesterol 101

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 20, 2014 at 8:00pm

Safe Detox Protocol

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 4, 2014 at 9:00pm

Ella’s Story

Posted by Pat Robinson on April 19, 2014 at 12:00pm

Naturally Sweetened Treats

Posted by Pat Robinson on February 25, 2014 at 7:30pm

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