Each day, we are working to incorporate GREEN into our breakfast.  Here are a bunch of possible green breakfast foods to include!

My most simple smoothie recipe is 2 cups of organic, baby spinach + 2 cups of frozen fruit in the blender with water.  Smoothies are the easiest way for us to incorporate many greens, as I can vary the greens and vary the fruit!  You can add a bit of sweetener, honey or pure maple syrup, as needed. Or use 100% juice or fresh juice for the liquid.

Often, I'll use my herbal infusions as the liquid. And I'll freeze any extra smoothie - flat in a gallon-size Ziploc. This provides a quick frozen 'mixed juice' to toss in the blender in the afternoon as a Pick-Me-Up!

Basic smoothie recipe:
2 cups liquid (coconut water, water, juice, kefir, nettles, milks, etc)
2 cups greens (rotate, spinach, kelp, Romaine, spring mix, asparagus, etc - use organic)
1 cup frozen fruit (berries, mango, bananas, peaches, etc - use organic)
1-2 tablespoon of fat (avocado, coconut oil, cream, ghee, nut butte...r, etc.)
1/4 cup protein (pastured egg, nuts, seeds, nut butter, sprouts, liver, etc.)

1/4 teaspoon herbs or spices (cinnamon, cayenne, turmeric, kelp, ginger, etc.)
(optional) sweetener (honey, maple syrup)

1/4 cup of whole food probiotics (kefir, kombucha, yogurt)


Bell peppers
Collard greens
Green beans
Green peas
Mustard greens
Romaine lettuce
Sea vegetables
Turnip greens
green tea
red clover blossoms
violet leaves

Sprouts: Alfalfa, Clover, Arugula, Cress, Radish, Fenugreek, Mizuna and Tatsoi,Garlic, Chives, Onion, Mung, Garbanzos, Peanut, Lentils, Peas, Broccoli,
wheat, barley, rye, oats, amber wave, amarath, buckwheat, corn, Kamut,
millet, quinoa, rice (billion types), Spelt, Triticale

Grasses:Wheat, Rye, Barley, Triticale, Flax and Oats, SpeltBaby sprouted greens:
buckwheat lettuce, mesclun mix, (Mustard, Radish, Mizuna, Tatsoi,
Cabbage, Cress and Arugula), pea shoots, popcorn shoots, sunflower
greens, garlic, leek, onion, red clover, Fenugreek,

Microgreens: alfalfa, clover, broccoli, arugula, cabbage, cress, radish, cabbage, chia, curly cress, flax greens

Sprouted nuts and seeds: almond, hemp, Peanuts, Sunflower Seeds (Hulled), Pumpkins (Hulled or Naked), sesame

The Sprout People: http://www.sproutpeople.com/seeds.html#Anchor-All-6041

Swiss chard
Green Leaf lettuce
Bok Choy
brussel sprouts
wheat grass
beet greens
Green apples
Green grapes
Green pears

What are your favorite smoothie additions and recipes??



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Probiotic Selection


Views: 9836

Replies to This Discussion

Wow! Those are all the different kinds of "greens?"

I like to use coconut milk as the liquid in my green smoothies.

I also bought various greens at the farmer's market when they were in season and froze the leaves whole to add to my smoothies in the subsequent months.
Start with a small amount of spinach for kids. Add some banana which masks the bit of bitterness in raw greens. Baby greens are much sweeter. You can add a bit of honey or maple syrup too. If you use juice (much higher in sugar) instead of water, that will make it very sweet. Avocado helps soften the flavors too, ime.

The green color is tough for some people. Adding just a smidgen of raw beets will make it RED and that feels easier to swallow to a newbie to smoothies, I think. Also, I LOVE a splash of cinnamon (which adds a sweet savory flavor) and a splash of cayenne. Go EASY on the cayenne. But, it adds so much brightness and stimulation without being spicy or hot.

Experiment and ask for feedback. Have the kids suggest alternatives. Figs or dates are another way to sweeten and gives a softening flavor.

Made our first green smoothie today! Used Spinach, Frozen Strawberries, a couple of Dates, a squeeze of Honey, Flax Seed, and Mango and a splash of water!

The consistency was perfect, smooth and thick, but not too much. My daugther and I loved it. I told her what was in it but waited until she tasted it to tell her about the Spinach. She was delightfully surprised!!

Thanks for inspiring me!!
i'd like to start but need more direct recipes. does anyone have favorites they can post or links to easy recipes? are the nuts/seeds to provide some protein? we cannot do dairy or coconut.
Red Monster

1 raw beet peeled and top removed - you can add a few tops if you like but the are quite pungent, but have the added benefit of Chlorophyll
1 or 2 apples (depends on size)
1 or 2 fresh pineapple spears- 1/8 to 1/4 of a whole pineapple
2 or 3 carrots
2 or 3 celery stalks
2 cups water give or take
1 cup ice
1 measure, sometimes i put two, of (KAL) pure stevia

Delicious!!!! and very beneficial!!! helped take away the pain in my liver. It is a blood builder and it probably would benefit the heart as well.

Green Monster Smoothie

2 or 3 large handfuls of spinach leaves
1 Orange peeled with a knife, leaving the outer white skin for extra vitamin C
1 Banana
1 Fresh Pineapple spear
water and ice

Green Apple Smoothie

1 Granny Smith Apple
1 1 or 2 handfuls baby greens mixture
1 fresh pineapple spear
1 banana
1/2 avocado
raw unsweetened coconut to taste
coconut water and ice
Sweeten if needed with Kal pure stevia

My kids love all three of these but start with the red one and leave out the beet tops.

Read more: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/group/introtosmoothies/forum/topics/smoothie-recipe#ixzz179LdFGDE
Hi Pat, I followed your suggestion for the Simple Green Smoothie and I just have to tell you thank you!  I had a few  collard greens leftover from New Year's Day and added it to the mix! It was delicious! Eager to  try different combinations now that I know how easy it is to make and how good I feel after drinking one!! Thanks for ALL your suggestions!
Hmmm...well, it would certainly be healthy way to start the day! I'm IN!



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Start Here...

                Master Tonic 101

          14 Steps for Healthy Guts

   The Beet Test (stomach acid)

                Healthy Poop 101

Overwhelmed? Where To Start?

                      Candida 101

Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

        Nettle Leaf Infusion 101

            10pm Bedtime Club 14-Day Green Smoothie Challenge

        Sharing Starter Cultures

               Probiotic Selection

       Water Kefir vs. Kombucha         Natural Remedies for Flu

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