Heal Thyself! was created as a resource for members to support, to share and to empower families to use the wisdom of traditional foods and natural healing.

In less than a year we have grown to nearly 1100 members. We want the site to benefit families seeking information to Heal Thyself!  Your participation adds more perspectives to the discussion.  Posting to the group provides a learning opportunity for all of us, since we each bring different experiences and research to the discussion.


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Pat Robinson


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Hi Pat.

For me it is just a matter of time.  Trying to figure out where to spend my time.  I will admit I haven't had a lot of time to search around the site.  But I do use the ning.  That is what I have been doing for the past couple of month and that is one of my goals (ongoing) for the next couple of months, to simplify and figure out what is important to me, where I *want* to spend my time.  Slow process cleaning out, but I am getting there.  So my hope is to have more time in the near future to devote to the things I enjoy, and will be here more. 



I'd love to hear your voice here more!


Time flies by faster when I am multitasking.  I read that "multitasking is the opposite of mindfulness".  It is a reminder to me to simplify, as you said!




I love the site and the content.  But if I did not get the daily new postings, I would not be able to find my way around the site.  I find no index that I can relate to - sorry.  Love the postings.

Certainly I have enjoyed the content.  However, I have spent much time trying to piece the disparate pieces together on my own.  For example, when it comes to opening the liver detox pathways, I'd really like to see it outlined how to do this: with which supplements support which pathways.  What sorts of problems are manifested in certain blocked pathways, and what is needed to unblock them.  Yes, Shannon's video is really great, but I still feel like I'm missing the complete picture.


Further, I have asked questions to replies I have posted, with no response.

I don't feel supported in a journey here, as I might on Mothering, for example.

I'd like to hear more voices on what they use on their detox/health journey.

There are a few 'expert' voices here, with  a large a body of readers still trying to figure everything out.  I get the feeling that many folks feel overwhelmed.

I think the site is great.  I really can't think of anything I'd change.  When I come here, I dont expect 'expert' advice (ie; someoen identifying as a professional or some kind of Dr.) Even natural Dr's who may or may not be trying to squeeze people of their money are busy and have limited time to offer for free advice.  I have found other medically un-profesional people here posting links and their experiences, tips and methods very helpful.  Pat does a good job of being thorough and to the point (thanks Pat !).  I thought reading some of the feedback posts might fuel my thinktank for a suggestion for change.  

Possibly old forum threads that are for a person's dated problem/question that didn't really follow up on results could be 'cleaned out'?   

Or maybe in comment thread posts that just say 'Thanks !' or 'Wow, that's a great idea !'  Could be marked to 'expire' after some time (to give the person being thanked time to receive their thanks?), to shorten the threads to contain only info?  Might take more effort than it's worth.  I think the site is great.

Hi, Pat.


My name is Lisa, and I'm a new member.


I like and appreciate the information that is here, but I do find it all overwhelming.  Not sure where to start or how to wade through it all.


Also, a minor formatting issue.  I find the border around your page distracting and disconcerting.  I thought I was in the wrong place the first time I came here.  (the border that looks like black-and-white word chunks that are repeated, and that outlines the entire page)  Maybe it's necessary, I don't know.  I've just never seen a Web site like that, and I find it a bit unnerving.


I am the frazzled and tired mom of a very allergic, high-needs and leaking-gut toddler.  I desperately need more information, but have very little time to search for it.


Thanks for seeking my input!  I hope it was helpful :)



I just joined the site a couple of months ago and I am really anxious to look more through it and participate more.  Time is hard right now.  Lots going on with the holidays.  I hope to be able to participate more after the holidays.  I'm looking forward to everyone's experiences and wisdom!!



I think I'm just too unfamiliar w/ the webpage format to get the best use and communication.  Also, I have had many times when I could open the links from my email.  But I really like the videos, and as much as they are beyond me, lol, especially the one with Shannon(?) flagging the little things for the detox pathways, I still appreciate being able to watch and re-watch.

Right now I have a border on both the L and R sides of "photobucket - this image or video has been removed or deleted..."  I might just have come while you're reformatting - not sure. 

I still spend more time at MDC since that format is familiar and easy to understand.  But of course it's not set up to do the same sort of thing. 


Thanks for all your hard work and support :)!



Thank you for the feedback. Yes, I LOVE the "Email Digest". It allows one to keep updated on new discussions, new blog posts, comments, photos all in one daily email! 


Everyone can register for the "Email Digest", see the menu tab at the top of the forum.


Also, I hear that you'd prefer a more organized listing of topics or a single index. Have you seen the "Latest Activity" feed or the "Top Content" index?  Does the listing of "Popular Discussions" on the Main page help? That is a new addition. I'm working to reorganize the information for ease of use. 


Thanks again.






Have you seen Shannon's sites: Detox Puzzle and Eating Cultures?   It is a process of piecing together what relates to your individual situation.  Some people are doing the genetic testing to have more concrete information about their specific genetic makeup. 


However, there are few online resources for dissecting and understanding the results.  Mostly, that is done with professional assistance.  We are working to create such a resource.  None of us are "experts".  We are moms who are researching and observing connections between our nutrient deficiencies/supplementation and our symptoms. 


Heal Thyself is a dynamic resource for discovering what works for your particular health concerns.   There are some basic common variables related to digestion and detoxification and the immune system.  Mostly, we've found huge benefits from addressing nutrient deficiencies with whole foods, without the expensive trial and error of prescribed supplements from a professional practitioner.  However, hiring someone locally to work with you, is another alternative, if you are feeling overwhelmed with the depth of research required to discover your own path.


You might enjoy reading at Tuberose: "Liver Detoxification". Or Dr. Amy Yasko delves deeply into individual genetic variables, supplementation and interventions to "correct" the variances.


The BioChemistry is fascinating, but when overwhelmed, I'd suggest starting HERE.  And listening to YOUR body for messages about what path is best for you.


There is more discussion of supplements and their impact on the body on the Mothering Allergy forum, I agree. I also find it informative when more people share their experiences.


I really appreciate your feedback. 








Thank you for the feedback. I'll watch for posts which just lengthen a thread.


Everyone learns differently. I like to see the process of a discussion, some prefer to just see the 'conclusions'.  It is my experience that there are no experts, even those who claim to be have their opinions refuted or reversed oftentimes. Finding what works for each indivdiual can't be prescribed, in my experieence, it must be discovered.






Start HERE.


The format around the border is repeating orange grapefruits. Your display must appear differently.  Perhaps a different browser would correct it. Or (I'm not computer savvy) maybe clearing history might alter the appearance to one which is more pleasing.  I'd not heard of this issue previously. It may be isolated to your computer display?


Healing Leaky Gut with Food is another helpful thread, as well as Whole Foods Heal.


Check the subtabs under the Tabs also. I added the most popular threads, blogs and info for quick access.


Lisa, thank you for your feedback. I know it is exhausting in your situation with a little one with allergies!




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Wellness is an active process of personal accountability.

This list shares personal experience and information only and should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and information shared are the views of the individual member.

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The information contained in these pages is not intended to take the place of your health professional's advice. It is derived from our personal experience and research, and may shed light on your health complaints. In case of serious ailments which may not respond favorably, please seek the counsel of a qualified health professional.

"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti

Heal Thyself!

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

Blog Posts

Homemade Beauty Tips to Enhance Beauty Naturally

Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm

Cancer Vaccines Are Profitable Business

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 5, 2015 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Vaccine Safety and the CDC

Posted by Pat Robinson on March 29, 2015 at 7:30pm

I certainly don't fear the measles.

Posted by Pat Robinson on January 23, 2015 at 10:59am — 3 Comments

Gluten-Free Snacks

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 26, 2014 at 8:30pm

Cholesterol 101

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 20, 2014 at 8:00pm

Safe Detox Protocol

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 4, 2014 at 9:00pm

Ella’s Story

Posted by Pat Robinson on April 19, 2014 at 12:00pm

Naturally Sweetened Treats

Posted by Pat Robinson on February 25, 2014 at 7:30pm

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