~ Food Has Power ~
Hi all,
I am considering juice fasting to jump start weight loss. I'm looking into juicing for about 60 days. The plan is to only drink fresh veggie juice daily with no solid foods. Has anyone juice fast before?
I'm hoping to get some clarification about juicing. I'm researching juicing and have run into contradictory answers. Some of what I read online says that it is safe to juice daily some are saying that it is not safe to juice daily because the juice is too powerful. Each idea seems to have reasons to support why daily juicing is safe and why it isn't.
I will not be under the supervision of a medical doctor as my health insurance only covers conventional doctors and I can not afford a naturopath. I want to do this as safely as possible.
Any help will be appreciated.
I have watched it as well, both the DVD from the library, and also on Netflix streaming. Very good! Went out and bought a Breville juicer, and have been juicing just about daily since mid-July. I did a strict-juice for about 2 1/2 week, and was really pleased with the results. I lost about 15 #. Now that I have added solid food back in complementing my juices, the weight is not coming off as fast as before, but I guess that is to be expected. I'm still losing about 2-3 pounds a week however. I love the way the juices make me feel so much more "clear-headed" and give me energy. I am 57 y/o and babysit my 4 yr old grandson M-F. I was having a hard time keeping up with him until I started juicing, but now.........it's great!
Pam Genant said:
Have you watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead? It is a documentary of a man's journey with juice fasting. I watched it on netflix, instant watch. It is a really good documentary. That is the only experience I have with juice fasting, LOL.
Pat: i whole-heartedly agree with you! Yes the total juice fast gets one detoxing, and energized, but I don't think it should be done for the 60-90 days that some have done. I feel that the 2 week fast was quite long enough to get the toxins out of my systems, the need for sugar out of my system, and really got me into SERIOUSLY thinking about MY HEALTH, rather than the way I LOOKED. Yes, I do look a lot better, and have had many nice comments from friends and family members, but what I am enjoying even more, is the way that I feel. It's amazing.
Pat Robinson said:
Do you have/had any mercury (silver amalgam) fillings in your teeth? Heavy metal issues complicate detox, especially when juicing, if you do not have adequate nutrients to open detox pathways. Magnesium, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, B-vitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids are all huge.
I prefer that we don't have to do huge elimination diets and can ADD whole food nutrients to optimize our health.
I've been researching the topic of juicing and a good friend recommended Cherie Calbom's books. She is known as The Juice Lady, a trademarked name. She has quite a few books on the subject. I read all of them, although not thoroughly page by page as some were very dry, looking for answers to my questions about juicing. I am in no way affiliated with Cherie Calbom. I'm just writing about her as a resource for others who may be looking for a resouce.
What she writes made a lot of sense to me. She doesn't recommend strictly juicing only for extended periods, 30, 60, 90 days. But juicing can be done safely and daily in combination with solid foods. She recommends veggies as the solid foods but does not denounce meat-eating.
I've personally have been using her books as a guide line to juicing. I am about 5 weeks into my juicing and I feel absolutely great! I have more energy and it is apparent because my house is actually clean (I have kids!) and I have been able to maintain it. My original goal was to use juicing to lose excess weight but it has really changed my outlook on eating. I can see myself adding juicing as a part of my life, not just a weight loss regime but a life style change. And I have lost weight as a side effect!
Juicing works for me. I can't vouch for others. So please do your own research and come to your own conclusions. You'll find people on both sides of the fence for strict juicing and those that aren't too crazy about juicing.
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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