Hi, I'm new to this site. Wondering if anyone would have some advice for me.

I've been on a healing journey for the last 6 yrs. It started with a bout of Mono, (the third time I've had it) which affected my pancreas and gave me chronic pancreatitis. It also affected my liver. After a couple of years of going to regular MD's and getting much worse through tons of antibiotics and numerous harmful tests, they told me there was nothing more they could do for me. So, by the grace of God, I've been slowly healing through natural means ever since. I recently had all my mercury fillings removed and then did some detox for about 5 weeks. I did, Chlorella, Pectasol Chelation Complex, Maca, ACS, ACZ, nano spray, Mega Vit. C with D- Ribose, Greens+ and Liver Guard by Source Naturals. It was hard to afford all those supplements and I was wondering if anyone has any advice on what else I could use, and for how long? Or if I should try to stick to this protocol for a longer period of time. I'm also dealing with candida. Wanting to really destroy it, and looking for any info there also.

Sorry this is so long. Thanks for any advice.
Julie <>/body>

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I'm taking chlorella too. I understand having the mercury and the candida... :(

I don't think there would be a problem with the Vit. C flush while breast feeding. Your baby would get some extra Vit. C. I would just watch the baby's stool in case they got real loose. It might actually do the baby good. That's my opinion.

I'm not sure about getting your fillings removed. Maybe Pat will chime in or someone else with more knowledge in that area.

My HCP recommended them while I was nursing, and she is pretty conservative on what she thinks is safe while breastfeeding. I wonder if nursing while doing the flush (more at the end than the beginning) may be an issue, but I'm thinking that's maybe a 1-hour window to avoid, and afterward, your circulating toxic load will be lower, so immediately after kiddo gets more C and less toxins every day afterward.

I don't think the risk of getting fillings replaced while nursing is worth it, even for an older child--they don't need extra mercury anymore than any other person.

Jane Bertone said:
Do you think the C flush is safe to do while breastfeeding? I'm nursing Sam now who is two and a half. (Selena, almost 5, has pretty much weaned)

Also, would you have considered having your fillings removed if you were nursing an older child? Does anyone know if it's safer when they're older or if it's just a wait til they're totally done kind of thing?

I want mine OUT! But not at her expense, of course. I'm reading about chlorella right now and will be starting to take that as fighting my candida is giving me serious Hg toxicity symptoms. The rock on my right keeps shoving me up against a hard place on my left!
Thanks Tanya, that is incredibly helpful. I'm relieved to hear your HCP rec'd it while you were nursing. If you don't mind my asking, what type of practitioner is she?
Oh, the other thing I wanted to vet is opinions on the effects of vit C on a young pregnancy. I'm not looking to get pregnant but I thought it worth mentioning that in Susun Weed's book _Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year_, vit C is mentioned as an abortive. Has anyone else heard about that?
Can you tell me more about the chlorella you take? capsule, tablet, liquid, brand, taste, timing...
I take Sun Chlorella. I get it from Vitamin Shoppe, but I know you can get it on-line. After I had my fillings out I was taking 10 tablets 3 times a day. It's been about 6 weeks and now I'm taking 6 tablets, twice a day. It's a tablet, so I just swallow it, no taste. Immediately after I had my fillings out I did chew some up and spit it out to get any mercury out of my mouth. Yuck!
She's an acupuncturist, but she's done extensive study on mercury and how to get it out safely separate from her formal study of TCM. If you're in or near Iowa, and want someone to work with, I'll give you contact info.

Jane Bertone said:
Thanks Tanya, that is incredibly helpful. I'm relieved to hear your HCP rec'd it while you were nursing. If you don't mind my asking, what type of practitioner is she?
I've heard of that, but I haven't looked into it myself. To me, it seems like we have a higher need for vitamin C than we usually get from foods, and although I've read anecdotal stuff from people who have taken fairly high amounts during pregnancy without issue, I haven't had to really deal with it myself, since my 2nd child was already born before I realized what was going on, and we're not at the point of contemplating a third. I have taken very high doses while nursing, it was significant in helping my son get through all his illnesses, and I'm personally comfortable with that, taking vitC as high as bowel tolerance allows (and even then my son needed to be supplemented separately).

Jane Bertone said:
Oh, the other thing I wanted to vet is opinions on the effects of vit C on a young pregnancy. I'm not looking to get pregnant but I thought it worth mentioning that in Susun Weed's book _Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year_, vit C is mentioned as an abortive. Has anyone else heard about that?


I believe we can excrete the toxins safely and gradually by supporting our natural detoxification pathways with whole food nutrients and rebalancing the gut microbials. Avoiding toxins and immune assaults helps to make candida obsolete naturally so it doesn't keep returning again and again and again...

~for topical relief, consider coconut oil, kefir, yogurt, ACV, baking soda, Epsom salt baths, lavender essential oil. (each separately)

These are not curative, just suppressive of the symptoms (manifestation of gut imbalance).

Add bone broths, vit A, Vit D, vit C; stop any "cleanses" currently. Increase Omega 3, decrease Omega 6 fatty acids significantly. Avoid alcohol. Decrease stress.


"Yeast" Intolerance

Water Kefir vs. Kombucha

Whole Foods Heal REAL kefir grains vs. kefir starter 

"Cleanses" - Heal Thyself!

Whole Food Probiotics 101


Where do I begin..?

14 Steps for Healthy Guts


Candida 101

Amalgam Removal Risks and Protocols.

Basic Liver Detox

Healing Leaky Gut with Food??

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