CLEANSES - The issue with cleanses is related to opening detoxification pathways in order not to just mobilize toxins (including mercury which binds with candida to sequester it) and releasing the toxins into the bloodstream to redeposit into your or your child's brain, organs, gut (or fetus and breastmilk as is the case for pregnant, and nursing women).

Here is a basic explanation of detoxification issues:

And a liver detox tutorial:

And a more in depth discussion:

This is precisely the information which we discuss at length on the Heal Thyself! forum. For anyone concerned about their toxin issues, but especially women who are ttc, pregnant or nursing, their nutrient deficiencies, microbial imbalance and toxin exposures both internally and externally are vital to understand BEFORE embarking on a "detox" or "cleanse", especially for thrush, "yeast" or candida.


I want to caution people about "die-off" which is often due to mercury recirculating in the blood stream. Candida binds with mercury to sequester it out of circulation. When we kill off candida faster than the body can effectively excrete the excess circulating mercury, it redeposits into brain, organs, gut, fetus and breastmilk. (headaches, insomnia, irritability, nausea, malaise, weakness, dizziness are symptoms of excess circulating toxins)

Detox shouldn't hurt.

It is necessary to have adequate nutrients to effectively excrete toxins from the body. I strongly recommend against a coconut oil only diet or "cleanse" as magnesium, zinc, folate, vit c, selenium, B3, B6, B12, molybdenum, sulfate are all necessary to open the detoxification pathways. These are all available in whole foods: bone broths, nettle
infusions, beans, greens, legumes, liver, Brazil nuts, green smoothies, etc. And Epsom salt baths help with detox reactions.

I believe we can embrace safe, natural, whole food ways to address these issues in adults and children. However, unless one provides the nutrients necessary to effectively excrete the toxins, the candida just returns, in addition to dumping the toxins into the bloodstream to
redeposit into your and your infant's brain, organs and gut. It is possible to make the candida obsolete safely, by providing the nutrients and probiotics with whole foods.

"Yeast" issues.

Here is more about Whole Foods Heal:

For more information about healing naturally, keep updated on Facebook  Heal Thyself! 

Overwhelmed? Where to start?     ~Become your own Gut Guru!


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Pat RobinsonWellness Educator



P.S. Favorite Posts:

     •  14 Steps For Healthy Guts

     •  The Beet Test (stomach acid?) 

     •  Candida 101 

     •  Green Smoothie Challenge

     •  Healthy Poop 101

     •  Master Tonic 101 

     •  Nettle Leaf herbal infusions 101.

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     •  Probiotic Selection

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Views: 8635

Comment by Arthur Scarr on December 10, 2010 at 7:14pm

love to read your info  :)

Comment by Sally Bishop on January 18, 2011 at 11:43pm

I have not ever done a "cleanse" mainly because I'm a wimp, and don't want to feel awful!  I've changed my attitude about "cleansing" the past year as I've studied "wise woman" type herbalism, via Susun Weed's and Kiva Rose's websites.  Our bodies can take care of what they need to if we nourish them, even big work.  "Detox shouldn't hurt" sums it up for me, too.


It would help if I made chocolate chip cookies (which I am enjoying just this minute) a little less often, ha ha. 


I'm also intrigued by the idea of using herbs that nourish, rather than herbs that "fight" or "kill" or do other drug-like actions.  It's a completely different paradigm.  Thanks for all you do here at Heal Thyself!

Comment by ian on October 21, 2011 at 8:57pm

So I posted on heal thyself facebook page about a cool cleanse I found from a nutritionist who was trained I believe by David Jubb the raw foodist. It is a liver cleanse that goes like this. 

Day 1 and 2,

no breakfast, only tea, water, or a smoothie of apple and cucumber

lunch is a smoothie, pretty much as much as you want, i did fruits, veggies, and a few prunes, 5-10 soaked overnight in water

Dinner is a raw salad, with olive oil, no dressing, 

Day 3 was the same breakfast and lunch, but dinner was only another smoothie, and a flush before bed composed of the juice of two organic lemons in one cup, and a half a cup to one cup of organic olive oil in a seperate cup, brush and go right to bed, laying on right side, legs curled up 

no cooked foods, no animal products, no dairy, no cheese, no bread, no starches, carrot, beat, potato, cashews

homemade nut milks are recommended, like soaking brazil nuts in water overnight, blend nuts in the morning with fresh water, and drain out liquid to drink. 

The goal is to eat light, let the digestion and liver rebuild and relax. The olive oil and lemon act to open bile ducts around the liver and flush gall stones from the liver. 50% of the time I did this flush I saw little green stones, many of them, in the toilet the next morning.  An enema or colonic is recommended daily and the day after your flush to get all the stones out of your intestines. It is recommended to do this once every few months until you no longer see stones. my brother who eats organic vegitarian and super healthy had stones flush out, so if he has em everyone has some clogging the liver and inhibiting its functioning. 

Comment by Jennifer Redwine on December 16, 2013 at 5:26pm

What about Gerson therapy?


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                      Candida 101

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        Nettle Leaf Infusion 101

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