~ Food Has Power ~
I've been battling candida for about 7 years now. I've tried a number of different supplements and protocols. I have had a hard time sticking with the diet completely. The longest I've been really strict on it is for about 6 weeks. I have a number of immune system issues, one of which is autoimmune pancreatitis. I know if I could get this yeast under control, it would help my overall health immensely.
There are so many different opinions on the candida diet and different protocols or supplements to use. I'd like to get some advice or opinions from any of you on what to eat or not eat on the candida diet and what supplements or herbs, or protocols are really helpful.
I'm using water and milk kefir right now and am not sure if I should be or not. Some candida diets say no fermented things and I also eat fermented veggies, mostly cabbage.
I eat meat, organic beef and chicken, salmon. I do eat cheese, not sure if I should be or not. I eat Granny Smith apples and some berries, lots of raw and cooked veggies, and sometimes a red baked potato if I start to feel weak.
Any advice would be helpful. I also got my amalgam fillings out in Feb. of this year and am still doing some detox for that.
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Are you doing Epsom salt baths, lentils, liver? Milk thistle, selenium, magnesium, zinc? How much dairy and wheat?
Hi. I am battling it too. I STAY FAR AWAY FROM FERMENTED ANYTHING! Totally flares me. I eat mostly veggies and plant based oils, nuts and seeds, loads of water, veggie juice and some animal protein (organic). I just started using Laucidin which is a monolaurin supplement derived from Coconut Oil. It is amazing so far. I am totally detoxing. I feel great. I am also taking a probiotic, and alternating tincture between Pau d'arco and Black Walnut. I just took bentonite clay today so I can't say how it is working. I am taking salt baths and using sauna. Rest is vital. I really think I am onto something now. Of course we are all different. You need to mix and match your therapies. I do no fruits, potatoes, rice or any kind of simple carb. I also only use veggies as my carbs. No quinoa or buckwheat. I may try to add them back in a few more weeks.
Good luck!
Whole Foods Heal REAL kefir grains vs. kefir starter
Need some advice on detox after filling removal.
Amalgam Removal Risks and Protocols.
Healing Leaky Gut with Food??Two years after the post I am reading this and I have questions for Pat (i hope she is reading this). Since the original post was for help with eliminating excess candida, are these food ADDITIONS what you recommend for this problem?
I think these are much easier than other things I have read such as, you cant have this, and you cant have that, and you must only eat this for 6 months...dang. Um I like to eat delicious fruit and lots of variety of foods that came from the ground. Elimination of these things for months or years at a time wont work for me.
Pat Robinson said:
Basically, candida exists to protect us from mercury toxin overload (among other reasons-antibiotic damage to microbials, etc.). As you can improve your detox pathways and escort mercury out with chelating, the candida is expected to become "obsolete". It is present because it is serving the purpose to keep you from heavy metal toxicity, per my understanding. I'm no expert on chelating, I believe Tanya posted with more information previously. http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/need-some-advice-on-detox?page=1&commentId=2814160%3AComment%3A2411&x=1#2814160Comment2411
The EASIEST most nutrient dense food to ADD for gut healing is homemade fresh green juice/smoothies a couple of times a day. This site, "Got Greens?" has easy recipes. http://gotgreensrevolution.com/ Basically, you add any fruit and a handful of fresh greens to the blender and some water. Drink up. Do this daily and in two weeks, you'll feel amazing!!
I understand the concern about sugars in fruits, but I believe in ADDing nutrients to support the body, rather than elimination diets, in general. The nutrients are necessary for many cellular, neurophysiological, digestion, absorption, detox benefits, in addition to keeping us from a sense of deprivation and "cheating" with nutrient-empty sugars. However, I believe that pasteurized dairy is not meant for human consumption, in any form.
Another quick and nutrient dense food is raw nuts and seeds, and dried berries.
The most important nuts are TWO Brazil nuts a day (for Selenium-critical for many chemical reactions in the body), Pumpkin seeds, Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans, Sunflower seeds (in that order of importance, essentially). I purchase them at Costco (or Earth Fare, Home Economist) and mix up about 10 pounds and put it big ziplock bags (lasts for a month or two). Then I just take them along when we leave the house. I never have to eat out suddenly when I'm hungry; and the essential fatty acids, and microminerals and nutrients are very important to replenishing your cellular and neurochemical functions. I buy dried goji berries, mulberries, gooseberries (at Home Economist) and dried blueberries for their significant vit C and antioxidant benefits. (They are very high in nutrient density.) Also, cranberries (Costco), coconut flakes (EF), and Giradelli 60% chocolate chips (Harris Teeter) for the mix too. The chocolate is probably my only daily indulgence. :-)
Another addition is squeeze some fresh lemon juice in your water all day long, or whenever you think about it. The short version is, this helps correct acid-base balance of the body.
And consume either Beets, Broccoli, Brown Rice, Carrots, Eggs, Garlic, Spinach, Tomatoes, Wheatgerm, Melons, Peppers, Cabbage, Onions, Papaya, Avocado, Mushrooms, Asparagus every day for the liver detox benefits. An alternative to include is Milk Thistle 'tea' infusions- made from whole leaves/roots.
Foods to improve dopamine/serotonin/mood: chicken, turkey, fish, peanuts, almonds, avocados, bananas, yogurt, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, shellfish, eggs, chocolate, wheat germ, nutritional yeast, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, lentils, dates, papaya, strawberries, cherries, hemp seed. Include as possible.
Choose mineral water, green tea, and yogurt with "Live Active Cultures" when you can. Flax seed and kelp are other things we could add too. I've been reading a lot about kelp/iodine as an essential nutrient to actively include in our diets, especially those of us with detox issues.
Are you making homemade chicken broth and simmering for 48+ hours? Broth has tons of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acids for gut healing. Drink 1 cup every day, more if you can!
*I* suggest including raw, local honey, 1 Tablespoon a day for the benefit of increasing bifidum bacteria growth in the large intestine, which helps to rebalance the gut microbials. I know about "excess sugar feeding candida". My understanding is that honey is different. I'll try to find the research to link it.
Eggs- especially yolks, sea salt, coconut oil (1 tablespoon raw, virgin), liver (1 ounce, grass-fed), Cod liver oil (1/4 teaspoon fermented), salmon (3 ounces wild Alaskan-Costco) are other things to include frequently (daily!). These are critical for gut healing, but I wouldn't advise using coconut oil more than 1/4 cup a day-max., as it kills candida and thus releases bound mercury into blood circulation to redeposit into our other organs. Same with kombucha. I drink a couple of ounces maybe each week, just for the detox benefits. But, no more than that.
*****Also, Epsom salt baths are the most healing thing you could do, if you do NOTHING else. An Epsom salt bath daily would be the number one thing to consider. The Magnesium Sulfate helps digestion, absorption, detox pathways, neurotransmitters, sleep, immune system, all through skin absorption!! *****
The other nutrients to evaluate are B12 and zinc, they are essential for stomach acid, thus nutrient absorption.
Are you eating any wheat or other grains? I wouldn't recommend them, unless they are fermented overnight/soaked in an acid medium. I can post more info if you'd like.
If you want the LONGER version...
Start here about detox pathways: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/detox-obstacle-course
And here are a few informal videos about detox pathways: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/video/video
and here about evaluating digestion and stomach acid (beet "pink pee" test"): http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/the-beet-test
This thread about Healing the Gut with Food: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/healing-leaky-gut-with-food
Nutrient Dense Foods: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/nutrient-dense-foods
Foods to Help Phase I and Phase II Detoxification:
check out www.eatingcultures.com to try and guess on some of your detox pathways, and figure out which nutrients will be important for you all. And www.detoxpuzzle.com to identify some of your detox pathways, nutrient deficiencies/needs.
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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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