As we develop the Traditional Foods Buyer's Co-op, if you love a product or resource, please consider suggesting it for the Buyer's Co-op. If you have contact information or product suggestions, please share HERE~!


Just as an FYI, I receive no compensation for promoting any products, services or businesses.

I only post product which I myself would be delighted to purchase for my family. My opinion is subject to change with you sharing more information, or identifying a preferable resource. I'm learning along with everyone here. If someone knows of a higher quality source of whole food, info or service, please let me know!

We are developing a membership based co-op to provide the highest quality whole food products at significant discounts direct-to-the-buyer, without "affiliate" compensation. These will be direct buy relationships with the supplier, not bulk-buy cooperatives. The discounts will be coordinated for our members.


The FDA is getting upset about sharing the power of whole foods to heal the body and I want to continue to be able to encourage whole foods for health benefits. Therefore, I accept no payment, nor influence for product endorsements.

I am passionate about healing with whole foods.




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I thank you for all your time, education, and caring, Pat!  I look forward to the whole foods co-op and will post some of my favorite products soon.

Thank you!

Angie Wert

FL and LA

Awesome idea, Pat!

I am, at the moment, wondering about freeze-dried fruit.

Brother's All Natural has some that are really quite wonderful. But I wonder how much nutrition/enzymes/anti-oxidants are retained. Any ideas? Recently a neighbor was also feeding this to her grand-baby and I wonder about pesticide concentration in the non-organic ones. Dang, I hope it's good because they sure are yummy.

Green Pasture for fermented CLO and Butter Oil

Dr. Ron's Ultra Pure for organ supplements

Swanson for Magnesium Oil

Tropical Traditions for Coconut Cream Concentrate, chocolate, lip balm...etc...


Those are the ones that I can think of off hand that I buy from! :)

I've been looking for something like this!  I'm looking forward to the co-ops.

I like Soaper's Choice for all different types of oils  (OG EVCO, OG EVOO, Red Palm Oil.... plus anything and everything else you could want for culinary or cosmetic purposes.)  I like to co-op with others when I order in order to share the shipping cost.  It helps for the co-op people to live in the same area b/c the savings on shipping sort of maxes out at a certain threshold.  (Not totally sure at what point... around 2 cases or 12 bottles... something like that.)


I also like to co-op with others for Green Pastures and any place that makes you pay shipping, pretty much.  GP of course also gives price breaks at 6 and 12 units.  Somtimes random opportunities/sales come up and I look for others to co-op with.


I buy some food products from Something Better Natural Foods, although this requires someone to hold an account and orders need to be at least $450.  There is a 10% delivery fee and sales tax added to orders, but it has great prices on things like dry beans, whole grains, seeds, nuts.... especially when you buy in bulk.


Frontier Wholesale is another good one to co-op on.  This also requires someone to hold an account (I think it is a one time cost of $10 to open an account with them) and orders need to be $250 to get free shipping.  They have monthly sales where you can get good savings. They sell spices, herbs, and lots of brands of natural body and healthcare products plus other miscellaneous things,  which are a considerable savings over the store. 


I've looked at the UNFI catalog a couple of times, and I personally did not find it to be less expensive than my other food sources.   My impression is that if you are looking for whole foods ingredients, it's not the best source, but maybe if you like certain brands of organic natural foods, and maybe in particular (what I consider esoteric) items like vegan cheese, it might save you money.


I am very interested in trying to find a good source for sprouted flour that I can co-op with others on.  I've never bought any yet b/c it is so darn expensive, but I think if you buy a 50lb bag or so, you can get a better price.  I think Dutch Valley Foods (IIRC) might be a good source for this, price wise... although I suppose there can be other considerations in the way the sprouted flour is produced, and I don't know the details there. 


That's all I can think of for now!

Thank you for the suggestions, experience and feedback. Your input is very helpful!



I'm seeking at least a 10% discount direct-to-buyer for resources we host. We aren't doing "bulk buys" as a group. These will be individual direct-buy relationships with the supplier. The discounts will be coordinated for our members. I'm trying to create a resource so that one doesn't have to hunt for a "best buy" price for quality traditional foods products and resources.

There are local co-ops which are options too. But, I haven't found an easy way to make that w ork for me. You have to order at a certain date and pick up at a certain time and order more than you might need due to volume. But, you can get great prices that way, too!

I'm thinking a "TF Costco™" type thing, with best quality at great prices.
I want to support and promote the traditional food stuff that the FDA is upset about "health claims", primarily. More and more, one can not make "health claims" about food healing and sell it. As a co-op, the buye r is making the judgment, separate from the seller.


This will be an online resource, not a physical co-op. I'd just be negotiating and coordinating the discounts for the co-op. Not handling any monies or product. I would not be an "affiliate" to the supplier as I am not being paid a commission for any sales.



That is a wonderful idea, Pat.  Something I would surely like to have access to... but what would be the incentive to the seller for offering a discount?  I'm sure you've thought about this too... but bulk buying saves money b/c bulk selling saves money.  And with the example of Costco, not only is it a bulk warehouse, but there is also an annual membership fee...


There are challenges to bulk buying - everything you mentioned, but I don't know how you get around it.


Or since you don't want to become an affiliate and get commissions, maybe they would offer the discount in lieu of the commission they would otherwise give to the affiliate?


Many online businesses offer an affiliate fee of 10-50% to advertisers.  I want the discount to go directly to the buyer.  There will be a membership fee for new members on Heal Thyself after January 15, 2011.  The membership fee will include membership to the Buyer's Co-op.  Current members will be grand-fathered in. (so invite your friends!)


Busineses like to have "targeted audiences" who value their products.  We have about 1500 members passionate about traditional foods.  A 10-20% discount is cheap compared to advertising costs. It is win-win.


Yes, the discount to you is instead of commission to me.  And it shifts the business relationship in the eyes of the FDA, per my best understanding.



Making a list.   :-) 

Keep the suggestions coming!!!

Karen S.

I wish i had some good suggestions, but I mostly shop at Earthfare.  I would be very interested in buying healthy foods at a discount.




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