Question Vaccination, part 1.
Question Vaccination, part 2.
Question Vaccination, part 4.

  • Actually, infectious diseases declined steadily for decades prior to vaccinations.


  • U.S. doctors report thousands of serious vaccine reactions each year including hundreds of deaths and permanent disabilities.


  • Fully vaccinated populations have experienced epidemics. The medical literature has a surprising number of studies documenting vaccine failure. Measles, mumps, small pox, polio and Hib outbreaks have all occurred in vaccinated populations. [11, 12, 13, 14 ,15]

In 1989 the CDC reported: "Among school-aged children, [measles] outbreaks have occurred in schools with vaccination levels of greater than 98 percent.[16] [They] have occurred in all parts of the country, including areas that had not reported measles for years."[17] The CDC even reported a measles outbreak in a documented 100 percent vaccinated population. [18]


  • And researchers attribute dozens of chronic immunological and neurological conditions to mass immunization programs.



  • Actually, the MILLIONS of children vaccinated with live viruses are the ones shedding and exposing the others with compromised immune systems, such as cancer patients, transplant patients, and young children.


I fully trust each parent to make her own decision for her own family based upon the information she trusts.


An article in the March 10, 2006 issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons shows that since mercury was removed from childhood vaccines, the alarming increase in reported rates of autism and other neurological disorders (NDs) in children not only stopped, but actually dropped sharply - by as much as 35%.

Using the government's own databases, independent researchers analyzed reports of childhood NDs, including autism, before and after removal of mercury-based preservatives. Authors David A. Geier, B.A. and Mark R. Geier, M.D., Ph.D. analyze data from the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and the California Department of Developmental Services (CDDS) in "Early Downward Trends in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Following Removal of Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines."

I certainly don't fear measles. 


  • The risk of death is due to a complication secondary to measles, usually in children under age 15 months. Children are not given an initial MMR until age 12-15 months anyway. It doesn't work earlier, incompletely immunizes, therefore multiple doses given.
  • According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Death, predominantly resulting from respiratory and neurologic complications, occurs in 1 to 3 of every 1000 cases reported in the United States."

  • According to the CDC, "during 2001--2008, a median of 56 (range: 37--140) measles cases were reported to CDC annually."

  • With fewer than 100 cases in the US population, most over the age of 15 months, the risk of death is infinitesimal.

The possibility that anyone in the US could even acquire measles is basically, 1 CASE per 3 million people!

In the US, there are approximately 5 million children, age 15 months and younger. The risk for a child under age 15 months to acquire measles is 1.5 CASES in 5 million children.

Of those 1.5 CASES in children under age 15 months, 0.1% would die each year (1 to 3 of every 1000 cases).

(to check the numbers: there are approximately 300,000,000 people in the US, 1.66% of them are under age 15 months.)

Back when we were evaluating vaccination, we did these calculations for each disease and vaccination.


You can check the CDC site. But, here are the hard numbers for 2006. This is for the last week of the year..... this is the total number of cases reported to the CDC for 2006.....(copied from another source)

Total reported cases to the CDC:

Disease Cases:

  • Diptheria 0
  • Measles 51
  • Mumps 6,439
  • Rubella 8
  • Congenital rubella 1
  • Tetanus 32
  • Hib (under 5)
  • Sero b-9
  • Non sero b-94
  • Unknown b-230

Out of a population of 295 million people in the United States!!

  • Check how likely it is that you'll ever get any of these diseases, for any year you prefer to examine.

Educate before you vaccinate.

Trust your body.

  • There is an increased risk of complications for most childhood disease if susceptible as an adult.
  • However, with measles it is very clear that supplementation with Vit A will help your body deal with a measles infection. If there is measles near me - I'd get a bottle of Cod liver Oil, preferably without synthetic vit A (palmitate), and start taking a dose each day - and definitely continue if I did happen to catch measles.

Here is US National Library of Medicine research showing Vit A as beneficial to avoid complications of measles.

Here are a few links about the potential complications of measles and the likelihood of each:

(BUT, you have to actually ACQUIRE measles to have risks of complications. ) Basically, much less likely than getting hit by lightening, I'd extrapolate.

Additionally, there are many holistic alternatives to address measles. And Vit A, as a alternative, is easily available to many more people. It is a conventional treatment: Measles has historically been an ubiquitous childhood disease. The huge MAJORITY had no problems with measles, even years ago, when health care interventions were more primitive, less available.

Not to mention the vaccine is a LIVE virus.

"FIVE vaccines (measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and varicella) are LIVE virus vaccines. Live virus vaccines can sometimes infect the recipient and can even sometimes infect those in close contact with the recipient. These vaccines are given to young children, and vaccine immunity sometimes wears off for adults. This can put a pregnant mother or immunocompromised adult at risk by being around a recently vaccinated child with live virus vaccines."

CDC Vaccine Price List
Prices last reviewed/updated: January 24, 2012

Again, I encourage everyone to USE THE CDC'S WEBSITE AND STATISTICS.

Educate before you vaccinate.

Question everything.  Make an informed choice.  I was shocked too!

Question Vaccination, part 1.
Question Vaccination, part 2.
Question Vaccination, part 4.


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