~ Food Has Power ~
Question Vaccination, part 1.
Question Vaccination, part 3.
Question Vaccination, part 4.
Here is a copy of an old post of mine about the difficulty we had about this decision. Our findings were that the most dangerous diseases had the shortest vaccine history. And there was no way we could inject new vaccines into our son before his immune system was more fully developed, (after age 2). The "safest" vaccines were for diseases for which there were so few incidents as to not be worried. Another consideration is the exemption laws and your potential schooling choices. I would never subject our son to multiple, multi-dose vaccines all at once to enter school.
The most important thing, imo, if one does choose vaccines is to insist on single disease vaccines and only one disease exposure at a time. (These must be special ordered, generally. And may not be covered by insurance.) And insist on a minimum of 4 weeks after any viral/infections illness before any vaccination; and a minimum of 4 weeks between each vaccine disease exposure.
You aren't going to find THE "Right" answer. There is only what you feel is right for you and your family. People believe in different things in which to trust, or to keep them from fear. The journey to discovering what motivates you and upon what premises you make your decisions is an arduous one in parenting.
Personally, I have 17 years of critical care experience, and I understand how *unscientific* medical practice and medical science is. True medical care is an Art, as much, if not more than a Science. I have seen so, so many "best practice protocols" subsequently disavowed as having some (previously unknown) danger, AFTER patients have utilized (and suffered from) them. We, the medical people, did *to* people, with all good intentions and full faith in the system of Science. However, science really is quite blind in its research; you can only learn what you are seeking to find. The myopia of separating the mind/body/spirit is a huge aspect of the limitations of medicine. Unfortunately, what is *taught* isn't necessarily current with what is known outside of their specialty. There is such a specialization in *parts* of the body that there is no *whole* patient. This isn't a system of *health*, but of illness, disease, and deficit focused care. We calculated the risks, taking into consideration the risk of contracting the disease within the US population of 300 million, and the occurrence in our young son's age range, and then extrapolating the likelihood, by percentage, of developing the most severe complications (encephalitis, meningitis and death). And the risks were so, so minimal that the uncertain, but untrusted risk of the vaccines was outweighed by the facts of the disease's relative "danger". Basically, it was a crap shoot for the odds of vaccination vs. living with an occasional disease exposure. A whole other variable is the assault and unknown damage on the developing immune system by the vaccination program before age 2. Science doesn't quite understand all this grey matter (brain and immune system) yet.
Here is a link for the drug insert for each vaccine. http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/thi-table.htm Click on each vaccine (blue link by brand name) to view the ingredients, side effects, contraindications, etc.
Note the sample size of the "research" studies.
"Post-marketing research" is what they call the collection of information of side-effects on children vaccinated by pediatricians. However, that is dependent upon pediatricians accurately reporting vaccine side-effects. All side-effects including a fever, sustained crying, disturbed sleep, etc. is required by law to be reported. MANY side effects are not reported, however.
...Oh, and btw, the manufacturers have no financial liability to make the vaccines safe, they are legally immune from being sued for the dangers of vaccines.
Instead of an issue of *fear*, I made the decision based upon *Trust*. I trust our amazing bodies to have evolved to address diseases which are acquired naturally, more than I trust our medical system to create a "solution" which is appropriate and safe for every body. I was a critical care nurse for too many years not to be aware of the fallibility of our medical system. I trust our body to be healthy!
What is the saying "Don't try to fool Mother Nature".
I just ran across this vaccination schedule. The sheer quantity of disease exposure was astounding to me. About 28 injections and 42 different disease exposures, most before age 2 when the immune system is immature and developing.
Question everything. Make an informed choice.
Question Vaccination, part 1.
Question Vaccination, part 3.
Question Vaccination, part 4.
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Pat Robinson, Wellness Educator
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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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