While researching for my mom who had pancreatic cancer, I learned about Nigella sativa. If you don't know of it, it is an old traditional middle eastern medicinal food called black cumin seed. Here is a bunch more of the research I found about the health benefits related to pancreatic cancer.
(etc: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed)

It is a whole food and very inexpensive. Now western medicine is doing a lot of research trying to isolate and patent some component of it. But, you can buy a months worth locally for about $7. I ended up doing a whole website about Healing Thyself with whole foods after learning about the MTHFR gene polymorphism and its relation to pancreatic cancer and many other cancers. Food folate (rather than synthetic folic acid) is huge for effective detoxification pathways.

I don't sell any health products. I post freely. I am a former critical care nurse and am passionate about helping people to learn about whole foods for healing.

Nigella sativa: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/nigella-sativa-black-seed

Cancer and nutrition: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/cancer-and-nutrition

Probiotics and cancer: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/probiotics-and-cancer

Medicinal mushrooms: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/medicinal-mushrooms-101

All of these foods are safe in conjunction with conventional treatments.


Views: 521

Comment by Yvonne LV on September 19, 2010 at 3:15am
Love you and your dedication, Pat!
Comment by Yvonne Robinson on December 23, 2010 at 7:07pm

Hello Pat from a current critical care nurse :)

Boy was I thrown for a loop when I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy and Congestive heart Failure from uncontrolled High Blood pressure. I was dignosed in 6/2010 and the meds they gave me was worse than the disease. I decided right then to look for answers. I do believe in the bodys inate ability to heal.

This is my fourth day having a green smoothie in the morning and I have cut out all processed food. I think I am going through detox :( Anyway glad to be on Board.



Comment by Pat Robinson on December 23, 2010 at 9:28pm



Be sure you are getting sulfate and molybdenum along with some magnesium and selenium food sources to help open detox pathways.  Do you have mercury fillings in your mouth? Are you getting enough minerals from Nettles or bone broths? I assume you are on a restricted sodium diet. However, I would consider Concentrace or Redmans/Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt as a Sole.


Here is more about natural alternatives for high blood pressure.

Here are 50+ medical studies about natural alternatives for cardiomyopathy.

Here are 30+ medical studies about natural alternatives for CHF.



I would also *definitely* see a Classical Homeopath as CHF can be address with homeopathic remedies.


I assume you've seen the 14 Steps for Healthy Guts. I'd focus on Omega 3 Fatty Acids and consider some Nigella Sativa.


Vit C, selenium, Epsom salt baths help ameliorate too fast detox symptoms. It should not hurt or feel bad to detox. I would cut back on the green smoothies and increase minerals to support the body's natural detoxification pathways.


Sorry you are here under these circumstances.





Comment by Yvonne Robinson on December 23, 2010 at 10:12pm


Thanks Pat,

ALong with my meds my supplements are coenzyme q10, magnesium, garlic, vitamin c, I am getting ready to start omega 3's,

Sulfate and molybdenum- are these supplements? I have not been getting a whole lot of selenium based foods. I dont have any mercury fillings. I also started taking Coconut oil today. By the way, i think I have bad candida. I made bone broth today-maybe that is why I feel so bad.(I am detoxing?)

I eat absolutely no salt.

I will definitely be a participant on this site.



Comment by Pat Robinson on December 23, 2010 at 10:36pm

Whole foods are more bioavailable in the proper balance of nutrients than supplements. See Worlds Healthiest Foods for many food sources of essential nutrients. Sulfate is in Epsom salt baths.


Have you ever had any mercury fillings? Did your mother have mercury fillings? I assume you are a fully vaccinated adult with their many toxins, including mercury exposures (unfortunately). 


Add new food at a time and see which is causing you issues. Coconut oil kills off candida which releases toxins (and mercury) into the blood circulation which means one more thing the body must excrete. Basically, the bandwidth must be able to handle the toxin load to effectively excrete, otherwise you are just mobilizing toxins into circulation. Then they redeposit into brain and organs. See"Cleanses".


Garlic also attacks candida.:-(  The goal is to make candida obsolete by rebalancing the gut microbials and supporting the detox pathways with nutrients.


Bone broth has glutathione, which is the master detoxifier.


The issue with high blood pressure is mineral deficiencies, in the presence of excessive sodium chloride. It is not the NaCl.




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