Have questions about making water kefir? Feel free to post here for assistance.

Water Kefir

Ingredients / Utensils

  • 6 to 8 cup glass jar. I use a Mason jar.
  • Plastic sieve or colander.

  • few tablespoons or more water kefir grains
  • 2-3 unsulphured dates (or other dried fruit: prunes, apricots, raisins) (optional)
  • 1/2 organic lemon (or peeled if not organic)
  • 1/3-1/2 cup sugar- brown, raw, white or Rapadura etc.
  • 1 tsp of unsulfured black strap molasses (for minerals) (optional)
  • fill jar 2/3 with fresh water, preferably spring water or well water. ***MUST be non-chlorinated water!! No tap water.

  1. Store covered in the cupboard at room temperature for 24-72 hours.
  2. Strain the grains from the liquid kefir, and repeat above.
  3. Store the liquid kefir in the refrigerator until use. Use within a week or so.
  4. Start consuming only small quantities of 1 tablespoon of kefir, gradually increasing (or decreasing) depending upon tolerance

The water kefir grains will reproduce rapidly! Share the extra with friends and neighbors for improved health.

Water Kefir photos and instructions: http://www.weim.net/homeovet/Docs/water%20kefir.pdf

Instructions: http://nourishedkitchen.com/water-kefir/

Making Water Kefir (video):


Ordering more culture starters: http://www.culturesforhealth.com/splash.php

The King of Kefir: http://users.chariot.net.au/~dna/Makekefir.html#Kefir-d-acqua

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Views: 21345

Replies to This Discussion

Can I use sucanat instead of white sugar in water kefir?

I neglected my grains for a VERY long time.  I don't remember when I last used them, but I think it was over a year ago.  I've moved several times and each time I've shuffled my 3/4 C. of grains in their little container to a new refrigerator, only to forget about them. 


Now I want to revive them.  I wouldn't think this would be possible  because I literally NEVER fed them or anything, but I would have thought they'd disintergrate or dissolve or something if they totally died, but they're still there and they smell vinegar-ie. 


Am I totally nuts to think they might be reviveable?  If I'm not, how should I go about it.  I tried them in just some sugar water (turbinado), but that didn't seem to do much.  Now they're in with some rapadura.  I can't seem to get my hands on any unsulphered dried fruits, but I do have an organic lemon and some frozen organic bananas and blueberries. 


Is there water kifer CPR?

I have just started brewing water kefir. I am using raw coconut sugar (which might be my problem??) but I am getting a weird film on the top during the ferment. a white film with bubbles is this ok to consume? Should I not use coconut sugar?  The 3rd batch doesn't have it yet but I don't know know whether I should drink 2nd batch or toss it... HELP!  ~Melanie

I think I answered my own question this am from this website : http://www.yemoos.com/faqwaupkeepcontam.html

(I had way too many grains in that batch....)

Although this is not desirable, it is not dangerous. This is simply a Mycodermia - basically a fungi  skin (created by yeast and bacteria within the kefir). This is typically found on the surface of wine 
that has been exposed to too much warmth and air, and is referred to as 'Flowers of Wine'. 
Because of this, many people now refer to the same phenomenon in kefir as 'Flowers of Kefir'. 
This film is non-pathogenic and regarded as generally safe. Technically speaking it is yeast 
forming certain pseudo-mycelium which mimics the look of fuzzy mold (but it's not mold). It usually 
happens as a result of one or a combination of the following: higher temperatures or tropical 
climates, too many grains in too little water (which will increase the activity of the yeast), lack of 
regular water changes and/or letting the kefir constantly over-ferment before changing it to new 
water. Sometimes it will form on ripening kefir. In this case, you can help discourage the 
mycodermia from forming by putting an airlock on the lid since the mycodermia thrives on oxygen. 
If you are up to it, some people even skim this film off their kefir to use as a leavener in breads, 
since it is safe and edible and provides a great active riser for a sourdough-like bread.

Pat Robinson said:

Ian, it is fine.  Kefir can ferment up to a week. But, it'll be very alcoholy at that point. The foam is normal.



This might be an old thread, but it answered my reason for coming back online. Pat's answer concerning the length of time neglected water kefir brew is still good has saved my most recent batch. Also, going to have a small bowl of grains with cinnamon and unsulphered black strap molasses tonight.

Can you drink more than a TBSP a day? I love it and want to drink more...



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