EXTREME digital "Health Library" bundle available for 10 days only!

I have hand-selected 53 digital products, including dozens of information packed ebooks + video and audio products:

53 digital products:  Retail Value $835.32 - bundle package is priced at $39.97.

The Art of Healing Library Sale
Your Hosts:

After 17 years as a critical care nurse, Pat Robinson left her license behind and began to help people avoid critical care by connecting them to quality wellness resources. With a prevention perspective, Pat manages the Heal Thyself website, a community designed to foster wellness knowledge. Pat developed an Adrenal Fatigue Solutions – 90 Day Plan to Improve Adrenal Function eCourse. You can find Pat in her active community on Facebook.
Amanda Rose, Ph.D., is a social scientist by training and works both as a nutrition and real foods advocate as well as with health and education agencies in California’s central valley. She is author of the book Rebuild From Depression: A Nutrient Guide. Her current project includes building the Traditional Foods website from her home in the Sequoia National Forest.


Featured Contributors and Their Work:


Kris Bordessa offers her book Off The Shelf to give you the tools to replace store-bought condiments, toppings, and snacks with healthier homemade alternatives. Complementing our products on giving up processed foods, these simple and beautiful recipes will allow you to say goodbye to food additives forever. This Hawaii-based author writes about food, culture, and the islands. Her interest in healthy food and local living led to the creation of Attainable Sustainable: Reviving the Lost Art of Self-Sufficiency.


Todd Caldecott, Dip. Cl.H., RH(AHG) offers Holistic Approaches in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, a comprehensive review of the causes and treatments of diabetes mellitus from a holistic perspective, incorporating elements of modern clinical medicine, clinical nutrition, and botanical medicine. Todd is a medical herbalist, practitioner of Ayurveda, and a registered professional member of the American Herbalists Guild. He is author of Ayurveda: The Divine Science of Life, and Food As Medicine: The Theory and Practice of Food, and editor of Ayurveda In Nepal. In 2012 Todd established the Dogwood School of Botanical Medicine, offering distant learning and seminars in Ayurveda, herbal medicine, and nutrition. Todd can be contacted at his website, www.toddcaldecott.com, for clinical consultations and Ayurvedic education.

Miranda Castro, professional homeopath, shares Homeopathy for Childhood Illnesses. This introductory guide to homeopathy addresses fevers, chicken pox, mumps, measles, roseola, scarlet fever, and whooping cough. Miranda describes the indications and use of 25 homeopathic remedies for childhood illnesses, including dosing, homeopathic kits and recommended reading. Castro is a British homeopath and a Fellow of the Society of Homeopaths (UK) who has been practicing homeopathy since 1983 and teaching and speaking both sides of the Atlantic for twenty years. She is author of the best-selling book The Complete Homeopathy Handbook, the much loved Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby’s First Years, and A Homeopathic Guide to Stress. Visit her website at www.mirandacastro.com.

Millie Copper offers in-depth support in feeding a family of five on $172 per week, from a Weston A. Price Foundation dietary perspective in her book Thrifty Food Plan Experience. She provides 67 pages of thoughts, tips, and ideas plus a 2 week menu plan, over 40 recipes (and links to many more) to help you succeed. From her website “Real Food for Less Money,” Millie provides weekly menus highlighting the healthy food choices she makes for her Wyoming family.

Wise woman herbalist and educator, Kimberly Cedar Cat, shares Listen to the Ancient Mother Wisdom – Universal Healthcare Brought To You By … The Universe! Learn the language of plants, healing with the “Green Elixir Sisters”, and advice for cold & flu prevention. At her website, “Ancient Mother Wisdom“, Kimberly Crail is devoted to empowering you to reclaim your health – the health inherent in each of us. Healing the Wise Woman Way – You CAN heal yourself!

Michelle Czolba writes Wildly Natural Skin Care Oils for those of you interested in using high-quality oils in your skin care regimen. She guides you through the best oils she has used in her skin care business. Along with profiles of a dozen oils and their uses, you will learn Michelle’s experience with these oils and get access to some of her recipes. As an herbalist, Michelle specializes in natural herbal-based skin care solutions and has experience formulating and manufacturing natural skin care products. She manages the website Wildly Natural Skin Care.

In Car Seats: The Deadliest Parenting Decision, Guggie Daly presents a cautionary article about proper car seat usage as a health concern. When quizzed, parents might list their fear over a variety of parenting and health topics – important in their own right – but fail to feel concern about the risks of car seats. Going to the numbers, though, shows that injuries from vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death for children. Guggie addresses car seat safety as a health priority and how to ensure your children are restrained in vehicles as safely as possible. Guggie Daly researches and writes from an evidence-based perspective for today’s parents on a variety of early-childhood topics at her website, The Guggie Daily.

Deborah Donndelinger offers an introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Emotional Freedom Techniques is a universal healing tool, based on the body’s meridian system. It is easy to learn and the basic protocol takes only minutes to apply. EFT is also a serious healing modality. EFT addresses emotions at the core – the body’s energy system. Whispers from The Universe is a compilation of inspirational tapping ideas about self-trust and finding peace. Deborah has an inspirational website where you can explore EFT and other healing tools, learn about her new book, Family Energetics, or schedule a private consultation.

Rosalee de la Forêt offers Herbal Remedies for Children During the Cold and Flu Season, a work designed to provide you with expert advice on using herbal remedies to get through the cold and flu season. It includes information on fevers, coughs, sore throats, congestion, teething, and more. When do you use elderberry? What about elderflower? How much do you give your children? You will be walked through options for children of all ages (and even adults) in this 88 page book. Rosalee is a clinical herbalist and herbal educator who lives on the edge of the wilderness in the Northeastern Cascades of Washington State. As a clinical herbalist Rosalee helps people transform their chronic illness into a life of vibrant health at HerbalRemediesAdvice.org.

KerryAnn Foster brings Family-Friendly Allergen-Free, a 4-week menu plan for those on a diet free of gluten, dairy, eggs, and soy with a weekly shopping list for your convenience. Do you need to eliminate just one of these foods? Read KerryAnn’s section on eliminating each ingredient to help you down your own path. KerryAnn, mother of two, runs the Cooking Traditional Foods website from her North Carolina home. She offers traditional foods menu mailers (including budget- and allergy-free varieties) and well as video-based courses on her website.

Darcey Blue French offers Introduction to Tree Medicines, a perfect complement to any wellness or foraging toolkit. If you are surrounded by pines, cherry, alder, walnut and other trees you will learn a great deal about harvesting leaves, needles, bark, and resins to use to improve respiratory health, digestion, stress and anxiety, and heal wounds. Darcey describes how to harvest and prepare oils, balms, teas and elixirs to integrate into your health regimen. With the perspective that the Earth is a sacred and living being, this 38-page book is a great introduction to trees as medicine. Darcey was trained as a Clinical Herbalist & Nutritionist at the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism under Paul Bergner and studied under Rosemary Gladstar and Charlie Kane. She resides in Tucson, Arizona where she works with clients individually and offers workshops in plant medicine. Find her at www.blueturtlebotanicals.com

Cindy Gaddis shares Understanding The Right-Brained Child, a potential tool for your ADHD child. Many right-brained children struggle in school and are diagnosed with ADHD — and medicated. Behind practically every learning disability label (ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabled, dysgraphia, twice exceptional, dyscalculia, etc.) is a right-brained learner. This realization could help to prevent thousands (millions?!) of children from being medicated for their “learning disabilities”. Cindy is the mother of seven children, all of whom are right-brained learners. Cindy’s newest book, “The Right Side of Normal”, is available, along with much more research, on her website of the same name.

Anthony Gucciardi of Natural Society is an accomplished investigative journalist whose articles have appeared on top news sites and have been read by millions worldwide. A health activist and researcher, Anthony’s goal is centered around informing the public as to how they can use natural methods to revolutionize their health, as well as exploring the behind the scenes activity of the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA.

Wardeh Harmon contributes Lacto-Fermentation, a 155-page, 23-lesson digital book with detailed instruction on fermenting fruits, vegetables, beans, meats, dairy, and grains. The book will expose you to a variety of fermentation methods — using salt, whey, or other starter cultures. Recipes go beyond fermentation methodology and include spices and seasonings to improve the flavor of the final product. Wardee writes at GNOWFGLINS from her 5-acre Oregon homestead. Wardee offers an extensive line of real food books and courses online and Lacto-Fermentation may be one may be her very best.

Kimi Harris’ offers her Traditional Soup Workshop, a video-based soup class which covers a basic and adaptable beef stew as well as three ethnic soups you will want to add to your repertoire. Kimi Harris, mom of 3, has authored two books “Ladeled: Nourishing Soups for All Seasons” and “Fresh: Nourishing Salads for All Seasons.” Find Kimi and her recipes at The Nourishing Gourmet.

Amy Hendrickson offers Introduction to Flower Essences with the claim that each flower has a unique energetic vibration that can shift the energy in your body. Flower essences support shifts in emotional health and well-being. They can help you release negative emotions that can cause poor sleep, crankiness, overwhelm, back pain, etc. Combination or pre-made blends of flower essences are easy for beginners. They are safe, gentle and effective for families, children and pets. Amy is an energy healer whose passion is sharing the power of flower essences to support your healing. Amy can be contacted through her website, Grateful Heart Healing Energy, regarding flower essences, cell salts, homeopathy, reiki, and private consultations.

Sayer Ji is the founder and director of GreenMedInfo.com and co-author of the book The Cancer Killers: The Cause Is The Cure. His writings and research have been published in the Wellbeing Journal, the Journal of Gluten Sensitivity, and have been featured on Mercola.com, NaturalNews.com, Reuters.com, GaryNull.com, and Care2.com.

Katie Kimball brings The Everything Beans Book, with thirty recipes using cost-saving dry beans you can buy in bulk — wraps, soups, sauces, sides, and even a bean-based brownie (!). If your grocery budget is struggling and you’re looking for inexpensive whole foods options, adding more beans to your diet is an excellent option.
Katie, mom of 3, is the blogger behind Kitchen Stewardship, a Michigan-based food and lifestyle website helping parents make healthy choices for their families. Each week she features a different challenge to make small health-nurturing changes.

Henriette Kress contributes Practical Herbs to help you grow herbs in your own garden, harvest them from the wild, and store them after harvest. You will learn the process for brewing herbal teas, vinegars, syrups, and tinctures and using them to relieve common ailments. Learn how to create a uniformly consistent herbal tincture in your own kitchen and how to use “flopped” herbal vinegars to clean a tough spot in your kitchen or bath. Henriette Kress writes from her home in Helsinki where she offers consultations to clients and maintains her extensive herbal website Henriette’s Herbal. She is a member of the American Herbalists Guild.

Patricia Lacoss-Arnold in Broth: Elixir of Life will describe how to make and use bone broth in your every day cooking. If you have ever wonder how to make broth from beef, chicken, fish or even rabbit bones, you will soon learn about the flavors of these different options. Patricia specializes in the gut-healthy GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet and provides recipes and health information on her website Loving Our Guts.

Cynthia Lair in Eat More Leafy Greens provides you with an excellent orientation for getting started with greens. How do you choose, chop, and cook your greens? What greens are best in a raw salad? If you are new to greens. How do you know if a particular green is best eat cooked or raw? Check the list of greens in this 20-page guide or use one simple tip that Cynthia will teach you. Cynthia is an Assistant Professor and Culinary Curriculum Director at Bastyr University’s School of Nutrition & Exercise Science and is host of the online cooking show Cookus Interruptus.

Lisa Leake brings the 100 Days of Real Food Challenge. In 2010 Lisa led her family with 2 young children in a 100 Days of Real Food pledge. They didn’t eat a single ounce of processed food or refined ingredients for 100 days in the hopes that they would inspire people to follow suit. If you are new to a diet of unprocessed food, prepare to be inspired. Lisa Leake and the team at 100 Days of Real Food offer you meal plans, recipes, and tips to help you in your journey. They provide a quick guide to real food shopping as a bonus in this offer and have extensive free resources on their website for you to explore — 100 Days of Real Food

Tracy Liebmann is an Intuitive Personal Development Coach and Energy Medicine Practitioner. Energy Medicine is a way to become more balanced and stay healthy in our modern world. Tracy created Introduction to Energy Healing to provide a template for people who are interested in healing their energy fields with self-help tools. The awareness of the chakras and the emotions associated with them can be an empowering perspective to identify areas of distress and potential for healing. Tracy offers support for people new to exploring energy medicine at her website Mind Body Spirit U.

Dawn Lorenz educates families in her book, Detoxifying Your Home – Inside and Out, Where to Start to Make Your Home a Healthier Place to Live. In today’s world it’s hard to avoid toxins. It’s not just that these toxins seem to be everywhere — they are everywhere! This 25 page resource for busy families addresses what to do in simple, manageable steps to eliminate toxins from your home. Find Dawn at Raising Natural Kids where she focuses providing resources to raise children in a healthy, organic, and natural lifestyle so that they can grow up to make healthy choices for themselves.

Amy Love, NTP, CGP, CILC offers Essential Elements of Whole Health, a detailed lifestyle blueprint, along with specific tools to select healthy food, food free of MSG, and food free of plastics. Amy is a certified nutritional therapy practitioner, a natural fertility support specialist, and a certified GAPS practitioner. Amy and her husband live on an organic farm and homestead in New Hampshire along with a flock of heritage breed chickens, ducks, rabbits, and LaMancha dairy goats. Find Amy at Real Food Whole Health.

Ben Lynch, N.D. brings the video Introduction to MTHFR, on the common enzyme deficiency that may be affecting your health right now. He is a graduate of Bastyr University, the nation’s leading naturopathic medical school with a private practice in Bellingham, WA. A father of three children, he lives by naturopathic principles, even foregoing a cell phone, microwave, and wireless phones. Find him and his work at www.seekinghealth.com/.

Lisa Mase shares The Five Flavors of Food: Combining Ingredients Into Harmonious Meals. To satisfy the whole being, Traditional Chinese Medicine encourages including five flavors in each meal: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, and bitter. The five flavors correspond to the five elements: Earth, Wood, Water, Metal and Fire. Planning menus that incorporate these elements and flavors, we can start to recognize which foods help us harmonize with our environment and the seasons. Lisa practices kitchen medicine, seasonal traditional cooking, and mindful eating. She is a whole foods cooking educator, food writer, translator, and herbalist living between Italy, Vermont, and New Mexico. Follow her adventures and seasonal healing recipes at her website Harmonized Cookery.

Tracy McCullough offers Ultimate Secrets to Acne Freedom for you or a loved one with struggles with acne. Tracy’s own success is a striking testimony to the link between processed foods and acne but she also outlines many other lifestyle factors that can aggravate acne. She offers wisdom in treating your skin itself — using a special kind of honey or jojoba oil in cleansing regimens (and more) and, rather radically, details the benefits of using nothing whatsoever on your face. From Canada’s west coast, Tracy McCullough operates the website “The Love Vitamin,” a site devoted to “clear skin and happiness.” Tracy has authored a number of digital books centered on improving your complexion.

France Morissette brings The Whole Food Revelation to this sale — a cookbook and menu plan in one. France is a seasoned cook with a knack for meal planning or organizing kitchen tasks efficiently and it shows in this book. You will find weekly menus with weekend tasks to reduce your kitchen time during busy week days. Use each of the four weeks of menus or pick and choose your favorites. Prepare to become a better and more efficient whole foods cook. France writes from her home in the Comox Valley of Canada’s Vancouver Island where she offers cooking courses in person and through her online video-based cooking course “The Whole Food Jump Start”. You can learn more and connect with her at BeyondThePeel.net.

Melissa Naasko offers Simply Sourdough, a booklet on capturing wild yeasts in your own house to leaven your bread using — nature’s fermentation technique for grains. Adapt your favorite recipes to sourdough techniques using the wisdom in this book. Melissa operates the healthy living Dyno-mom website and homeschools ten children (with another on the way) from her Colorado home.

Laurie Neverman brings Common Sense Health: Detox, Diet and Physical Activities, a personal health blueprint that includes a no-nonsense, practical guide to healthy living. Complete with recipes for natural pest control, personal care, and cleaning products, Laurie also offers an introduction to simple therapies that may surprise you — oil pulling, skin brushing, and barefoot therapy. Mother of 2, Laurie Neverman blogs from her Wisconsin homestead with a background in renewable energy. If you are interested in natural health, gardening, food preservation, preparedness, green home building, and other homesteading issues, find Laurie’s wisdom at http://www.commonsensehome.com/.

Dr. Peter Osborne offers 7 Habits of a Gluten-Free Warrior for those with gluten intolerance. Gluten intolerance can cause hundreds of diseases, symptoms and syndromes. Unfortunately, the medical community is not properly trained to deal with this. This means that a lot of people are on their own, left to navigate the complexities of the gluten free diet and lifestyle without guidance or supervision. If you have gone gluten-free and have not gotten better or got better at first and then began to feel sick again, this video series will be insightful. Osborne is both a doctor of chiropractic and a Board Certified doctor of clinical nutrition. His Texas-based practice focuses on both chiropractic care and natural integrative holistic care (Functional Medicine) employing natural methods of treatment. Find him at www.glutenfreesociety.org

Wendy Polisi offers Quinoa Fit, a gluten-free book of for the calorie-conscious crowd. If you are on a food plan that requires counting carbs, calories, or even Weight Watchers point, no problem. Wendy includes them with each recipe. Not on a diet? Enjoy this quinoa collection anyway with recipes for breakfasts, salads, burgers, patties, desserts, and a collection of main dishes and sides. Enjoy nine healthy gluten-free dressing recipes to finish all of these great quinoa dishes. Mother of 2 (with a third on the way), Wendy offers inspirational gluten-free quinoa recipes on her site Cooking Quinoa.

Christy Pooschke brings a 3-part video series Eating Outside The Box, a story of her recovery from symptoms of fibromyalgia. At 25 years old, Christy lived with extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, and so much pain that she could not be physically touched. She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Conventional medical treatment offered no hope but changing her diet changed her life. Christy is on a mission to help consumers eat a diet of nourishing food free of harmful food additives. From her home in Omaha, Christy maintains the website Completely Nourished including an extensive membership site based on eating whole, additive-free foods.

Kiva Rose, Folk Herbalist offers Of Thorn and Petal: The Remedy in the Rose. The anti-inflammatory benefits of wild rose have been forgotten by our Western minds. However, traditional herbalists know that wild rose can soothe burns, infections, and pain quickly. Kiva is a practicing herbalist and co-editor of Plant Healer Magazine. Kiva teaches online mentorships and courses as well as on-site classes and workshops in herbal medicine, ethnobotany, botany, foraging, edible wild plants, traditional lifeways, and primal nutrition through the Animá Lifeways & Herbal School, in addition to serving in the capacity of co-director of the Herbal Resurgence Rendezvous conference. She lives in a canyon botanical sanctuary within the Gila Wilderness of New Mexico where she maintains an herbal blog, The Medicine Woman’s Roots, where she can be reached for herbal consultations and nutritional healing.

Jennifer Saleem offers Salves Made Simple. Learn step-by-step how to create salves to address your own needs — to alleviate bug bites and poison oak itch or simply to help open up your air ways. Sleep better, relieve a tooth ache, and treat your cracking skin, all with regular kitchen tools, oil, herbs, and bee’s wax. Jennifer, also author of “Cooking with Coconut Oil” and “Coconut Oil for Your Skin” is a lifestyle blogger who writes about parenting, natural living, holistic health, and real food at Hybrid Rasta Mama.


Raine Saunders brings The Savvy Shopper’s Guide to Sustainable Food, a guide for sourcing health foods from sustainable avenues, whether it is from local farms and farmer’s markets in your area, online merchants, delivery services, local grocery, or health food stores. Raine started her blog, Agriculture Society, in 2006 after a major health crisis. As an advocate for the sustainable food movement, Agricultural Society is the result of seven years of research about farmers, food growers, fellow food activists, bloggers, authors, practitioners, and companies Raine trusts. Raine provides health coaching to individuals and groups, in addition to teaching workshops and leading classes in her local community.

Marcia Schaefer, D.C. offers Cancer Isn’t a Death Sentence – It’s a Life Changing Opportunity. This book is written for those of you who have prayed for relief for yourself, your loved ones, or friends. Her journey shares her hope, excitement, empowerment, and determination to seek life-saving alternatives when diagnosed with thyroid cancer with extensive lymph node and lung involvement, plus malignant melanoma. Follow Marcia’s detailed journey to healing with Gerson Therapy, while juggling 14 juices a day alongside coffee enemas, working, and mothering her 3 month old son. Our bodies want to be nourished, and when we give the body the nutrients it so desires, healing can’t help but happen! Find her at http://springcreekfamilychiro.com/

Donna Schwenk offers a video tutorial on a fermented soda pop replacement. Sodas are refreshing, satisfying, and often filled with sugar. It is no wonder that as soda consumption has skyrocketed, so too have rates of obesity and poor health. Get your fix for a refreshing fizzy drink instead through a kefir fermentation method Donna Schwenk will teach you in this 9-minute video. From Kansas City, Donna Schwenk brings over a decade of experience in food fermentation to her book Cultured Food Life, in a new and expanded edition forthcoming from Hay House Publishing in the fall of 2013.

Lydia Joy Shatney offers Divine Dinners: Gluten-Free, Nourishing, Family-Friendly Meals complete with 75 recipes to help you create menus full of wonderful, gluten-free dinners. With meat-based entrees and a collection of side dishes, soups, sauces, dips, and spreads, you will spend weeks cooking through this cookbook. Lydia founded the Divine Health website in March of 2010 offers specialized step-by-step health coaching via phone, Skype, or in person.

Genevieve Simperingham offers three MP3 Stress Relief for Parents tracks from the Peaceful Parent Institute, enjoy Genevieve’s soft Irish voice with soothing Celtic harp background, and directed thoughts, exercises and meditations to find emotional balance and peace in parenting. Care for your child and care for yourself at the same time. After using these meditations, you will be seeking more ways to incorporate peaceful parenting wisdom into your family life. Genevieve operates the New Zealand-based Peaceful Parent Institute with her husband Dan where they offer parent coaching in-person and via phone. Genevieve speaks internationally and has twenty years’ experience and hundreds of workshops and courses in parenting, self-healing, meditation and personal development under her belt.

Jennifer Steinbachs, ND offers Spring Cleansing – The Local Way to walk you through a simple and inexpensive spring “cleanse” for your body. You have probably noticed the many commercial products available for some sort of health cleanse. Why not save your money and instead use foods available in the spring time to help support your liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin? Jennifer is a Traditional Naturopath with a Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology. In her Naturopathic practice at the Center for Wholism in Bloomington and the Women’s Resource Center in Nashville, Indiana, her focus is to help patience with health maintenance, prevention, patient education, and focused patient responsibilities. She emphasizes the treatment of the whole person rather than just treating the current complaint using food, herbs, bodywork and homeopathy. Visit her at http://naturopath.pro/.

Starlene Stewart offers Making Baked Goods Using Coconut Flour, a book that is more than a recipe collection — it is an education about baking with coconut flour. If you’ve wondered how a friend’s coconut flour recipe turned out perfectly while yours flopped, you will learn exactly how to trouble-shoot to make sure you never waste another ingredient. This 40-page book spends nearly 16 pages educating the reader about the key tricks to making baking with coconut flour a success, including how to convert your favorite wheat-based recipes. Starlene has been cooking since the age of 10 and her baking experience shows in this book. She has a fluency in the science of baking that allows her to help the rest of us succeed in our gluten-free coconut cooking endeavors. Find her at GapsDietJourney.com/.

Kate Tietje offers an excerpt from Practical Guide to Children’s Health. Kate’s book provides a toolkit for every parent who face common questions: What food is healthy for my child? How do I say “no” to my children when they want supermarket candy? What do I do to relieve seasonal allergies? What about burns and scrapes? Kate Tietje, mother of 4, writes about natural parenting from her Ohio home, including books Against The Grain, Real Foods Basics, and Healthy Pregnancy Superfoods. Find her at her website, Modern Alternative Mama.

Herbalist Natalie Vickery offers Mother’s Little Herbal Helper And Home Remedies, a home herbal toolkit for reducing symptoms of many ailments — cold and flu, headaches, fungal infections, allergies, arthritis, bites, stings, burns, coughs, congestion, and more. How many times have you wished you could just make it through allergy season or an arthritis flare up with far less suffering? This is where herbal remedies shine. Natalie will introduce you to the different ways to prepare herbs and the types of herbs you use to remedy common ailments. Natalie is a Traditional Naturopath/Herbalist with a degree in Natural Health Studies and Naturopathy. Her own mother refers to Natalie as “The Chicken Doctor” because she sometimes barters wild game or honey for her services. Chickens too? Not yet, but feel free to ask her at her website, http://thefamilyherbalist.com/

Katie at WellnessMama.com offers Natural Beauty Recipes: A Wellness Mama Guide to provide you with specific recipes for lotion bars, lotions, deodorant, scrubs, face wash, makeup, shaving cream, shampoo, hair color, diaper cream, baby oil, and baby wipes. The possibilities for improving your beauty regimen while saving money (and enjoying a fun project) are endless. Katie, aka Wellness Mama, is a mother of 5 and a doula with a degree in nutrition. Find her at her natural living site Wellness Mama.

Organizations & Their Work

MTHFR Support is a resource to learn about the MTHFR gene polymorphism. MTHFR stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. It is an enzyme deficiency that can cause many health problems. You can connect with practitioners, research MTHFR pregnancy complications, order tests and supplements, and find explanations for your MTHFR gene variants. MTHFRSupport has an active forum and Facebook page for support.

Nourishing Our Children is a non-profit, educational initiative of the San Francisco Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation established to address the dramatic deterioration in the health of our children. Years of research initiated by nutrition pioneer Dr. Price have linked degenerative diseases to dietary deficiencies, among other causes. Nourishing Our Children educates parents on the serious nutritional risks of today’s standard American diet and helps them restore nutrient-dense foods that are crucial to the child health. nourishingourchildren.org

Numen: The Healing Power of Plants is a documentary which addresses not only the healing magic and mystery of the plant world but the fragile ecosystems. The belief that whole plants are used to treat whole people is the heart of traditional herbal medicine and so the heart of Numen as well. This is a key difference between allopathic medicine and most traditional systems around the world. From the use of plants as medicine to the impact of environmental toxins on human reproduction, Numen is a magnificent depiction of the healing essence of plants. Explore ecological medicine at the Numen Film website.

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53 digital products:  Retail Value $835.32 - bundle package is priced at   $39.97.

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Wellness is an active process of personal accountability.

This list shares personal experience and information only and should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and information shared are the views of the individual member.

Everyone must use her own discretion and judgment to determine whether you are comfortable or need to seek professional assistance. We are not your doctor.

The information contained in these pages is not intended to take the place of your health professional's advice. It is derived from our personal experience and research, and may shed light on your health complaints. In case of serious ailments which may not respond favorably, please seek the counsel of a qualified health professional.

"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti

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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

Blog Posts

Homemade Beauty Tips to Enhance Beauty Naturally

Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm

Cancer Vaccines Are Profitable Business

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 5, 2015 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Vaccine Safety and the CDC

Posted by Pat Robinson on March 29, 2015 at 7:30pm

I certainly don't fear the measles.

Posted by Pat Robinson on January 23, 2015 at 10:59am — 3 Comments

Gluten-Free Snacks

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 26, 2014 at 8:30pm

Cholesterol 101

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 20, 2014 at 8:00pm

Safe Detox Protocol

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 4, 2014 at 9:00pm

Ella’s Story

Posted by Pat Robinson on April 19, 2014 at 12:00pm

Naturally Sweetened Treats

Posted by Pat Robinson on February 25, 2014 at 7:30pm

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