~ Food Has Power ~
I have been struggling with adrenal fatigue since the birth of my second child 3+ years ago. I was working with a chiropractor who had me on an adrenal supplement last year, which seemed to help a bit. Then we packed up our family and moved cross-country and the stress of the move completely knocked me off kilter. I've been working with various practitioners at my new locale and I just can't seem to make any progress.
My symptoms include brain fog, irritability, chronic fatigue (sleeping 9-10 hours at night and still needing a nap during the day), anxiety, low libido, and a general feeling of unhappiness.
I have been eating a traditional diet for a couple years, and we started the GAPS diet in August. As a side note, we started GAPS not only because of my symptoms, but because my 3 year old son has had eczema since birth and he started exhibiting really aggressive behavior. My holistic MD recommended a stool analysis for him and it was found that he had candida overgrowth, a parasite, and has the markers for gluten intolerance. We started him on Nystatin a couple months back and continue the GAPS protocol. His behavior is night & day different, and his eczema has almost completely cleared.
The doctor went ahead and put me on Nystatin as well since we assumed the yeast overgrowth in my son was his inheritance from me. I've maintained a GAPS/Paleo diet since Aug. and have been on Nystatin for a couple months. I, however, have only gotten worse. I don't know if the diet is too low carb and that is affecting my adrenal fatigue.....but I've gone from bad to worse. Now I don't know how to proceed. I'm not sure if perhaps I'm eating a lot of a food that I'm sensitive to, or if I need to add grains back in. Or if I'm reacting to the detox?? Hopefully you have some thoughts on this.
I'm currently taking the following supplements: an adrenal essentials supplement (that includes cordyceps, rhodiola & ginseng), B-complex, licorice root, and ashwagandha. For the yeast I'm taking Nystatin, colloidal silver, digestive enzymes, and a probiotic. I also take FCLO and make my own kombucha, saurkraut, and lacto-fermented veggies. I've been spotty with adding in magnesium, but I do take Calm and take Epsom salt baths on occasion. Homemade bone broth as well.
Also of interest, I just went to the dentist and have 3 new cavities that have shown in the last year. I'm generally feeling unwell and very frustrated that despite all of these efforts at healthy eating, I'm not better off than I am.
Sorry for the novel, but I'm really glad to have a found your site. I really like the whole foods approach to healing, and I welcome any direction you can pass along. : )
Sounds very familiar to me, sorry to say! I have the exact symptoms you talk about, as well as a positive diagnosis for candida. I've not felt good since the birth of my daughter 2 1/2 years ago...I had a food allergy test to see what sensitivities I might have and came back with quite a few, obscure things that I would never have thought but ate occasionally. I think you should see what you are sensitive to, perhaps via elimination diet and see if that helps?
I've been exploring different ways of eating, from vegan to paleo and haven't noticed much difference as of yet. It's so very frustrating isn't it?! Makes caring for the kids hard! All the best to you...
You have been researching and doing a lot to heal. I'm sorry you are not feeling more progress. Zinc and stomach acid are key variables to nutrient absorption. I agree, it sounds like detoxification symptoms: brain fog, irritability, fatigue.
I'm not a fan of Nystatin and "attacking" candida. Candida is a helper - it sequesters toxins out of blood circulation to protect us. Candida is opportunistic and a "cue" that our gut microbials are imbalanced. I'm curious if you have/had any mercury fillings ever, or did your mother? Have you lost weight rapidly? Also curious about any mid-line issues in your family, such as tongue-tie, sacral dimple, valve or uterus anomalies. The things your are describing sound like impaired detoxification issues, but that is my filter/bias.
Large quantities of glutathione in bone broths or large quantities of homemade probiotics can increase detoxification, sometimes too much too fast. MAGNESIUM is critical as is selenium and iodine food sources (Brazil nut and sea veggies). Food folate and molybdenum from beans and legumes are important for detoxification, but often limited on restricted diets. Other sources of folate are greens and liver.
Healthy fats are important to hormone balance. I like to consume 7 tablespoons of fat per day, at least 1/2 of it visible (butter, olive oil) and 1/2 in food (ground beef, avocados, nuts).
You are consuming nourishing foods, have you tried Nettle infusions? They are a simple source of complex b-vitamins (for energy), magnesium (for calm and sleep) and are an adaptogen for hormone balance and support.
Some of us with detox issues do not tolerate licorice as well. Oatstraw infusions can be helpful for hormones and calming too, ime. I'm curious if the adrenal supplement is capsules or tincture? I like this herbal adrenal support.
Are you getting adequate vitamin D from sunshine? Walking just 14 minutes a day can improve many hormone issues, ime.
How long have you been taking the fCLO? Are you eating liver? Greens? Beans/legumes? Soaking them? Nuts? Soaking them?
Also, Sole has helped me with adrenals too. Hydration and protein help a lot, but mostly the nettles are my most nourishing tool!
P.S. Are you consuming dairy? Raw, grass-fed? What about pasture-raised eggs and meat and fats?
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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