~ Food Has Power ~
Sometimes changes takes years. I can see I've been circling the healing diet for several years, waiting for something to help make it easier to abstain from certain foods. I've used my role as mom (chef), finances, life stress, etc to avoid change: "Nobody will eat this, I'll eat alone all the time, I'll have to cook two meals (mine and theirs), I don't have money for all the veg I'd go through, I can't handle this right now!" Or my husband will come home with chocolate cake or boba tea.
All have a grain of legitimacy. It will take time to master tricks to make the change flow better. Time of feeling disgruntled before feeling better, and time to get used to it.
I've been feeling cruddy since the birth of my second daughter. Sometimes fine, sometimes plagued with a what I'd call a heaviness in my chest, and more fatigue than usual. I have a whole list of complaints, but nothing serious and obvious for the regular doctor to even problem solve. It is frustrating. Finally I went back to the Functional Medicine Doctor in town, and yes, thank god there is one in town, and my insurance covers it. He takes things seriously, has asked a lot of questions, had ideas, ordered a lot of labs. The first time I saw him he did ask me to go on an anti-inflammatory diet. I balked. I did start Vitamin D, since my levels were low, and that has helped tremendously. Now it is similar...Please fix your gut first! Do an allergy elimination diet, detox, and then let's see what is still going on, or what has gotten better. I also did a bunch of lab work for him. My thyroid is fine. I have low iron, and D still. The most unusual, but awesome lab he ordered was the MTHFR test. I am heterozygous for the A-something-something. (my brain is a sieve). This really made sense to me and seems like it is a major piece of the puzzle. It is nice to know something concrete that one can work on as well. So I will be ordering methylated Bs and Folate. Doing a detox as the office prescribed, and doing an allergy elimination diet. I am not looking forward to the cost of more supplements, since I am a SAHM and my husband is in school still, but we will budget for it, and it will take a month to get things lined up. Meanwhile I guess I could start an AE diet, or stop coffee and sugars.... I might wait until after we move this month. Might be easier to start after the stress, and kitchen disorder and packing/unpacking is done. That will prevent a major opportunity to fail.
I am making saurkraut. It turns out my daughter loves it too. I do need probiotics, but since I'll be doin g an AE diet, and previous food allergy testing showed a response to fermented dairy (WTH?), probiotic saurkraut seems an excellent source. The only thing is the salt. The unpasturized probiotic kraut from the co-op is NOT salty. I like that. Going to have to read up on that. Meanwhile, one salty batch is on my counter. I also have a kombucha tea going, which I am tinkering with as far as quantity goes--a gallon is too much. Been making my own GT knockoffs of Grape with Chia. : )
That is about all for now. My intention is renewed to heal my gut and regain my health and energy.
Welcome! Thanks for sharing your journey.
I'm not a supplements gal. I believe that whole food nutrients are most bio-available, most balanced, complex and nourishing. I focus on ADDing nutrients: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/notes/14_Steps_for_Healthy_Guts
With the MTHFR and sugar issues, I'd be concerned with implementing an active "detox" due to probably candida. It is necessary to address nutrient deficiencies BEFORE dumping toxins into blood circulation. Here is more about the dangers of "cleanses" and about "detox".
Do you have or have you had any mercury (silver amalgam) fillings in your teeth/removed? If so, I'd be especially careful about starting kombucha without addressing nutrient deficiencies first.
During the move, I'd focus on eating as many vegetables as possible. Green smoothies and bone broth are simple and quick. Nettles give ENERGY, are calming, and are nutrient-dense. I'd just focus on one of those each day: smoothie, broth or nettles and Epsom salt baths, as often as possible.
Thank you for your advice. You are right, amping up my nutrition will help with my move and all the stress.
I do not have any more amalgam fillings, I had one, but it was replaced last year with porcelain.
I will read your links now. My only concern about not supplementing with vitamins, is that if I can't process B and folate well, can methylated version be found in food? Got to do some homework!
Yes, food folate is in beans, greens, liver and legumes.
I probably just have to follow my gut instinct and start eating a good dose of greens every day (not just lettuce).
Here is more info: http://mthfrmd.com/?p=148
And here: http://mthfrmd.com/?p=168
Excellent links on MTHFR and excellent detox and cleansing info!!!! Thanks a bundle. Even minimal change will bring a lot of good! Going to up the legumes and dark greens right away.
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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