Hoping this is the proper place to post. I tried to be brief, but it ended up pretty long.

I'm 38, partnered and have one child (ds almost 5).

Childhood: Born preterm (35 wks) by forceps, separated immediately from mother and placed in incubator for 6 wks. After I hadn't gained a pound, my parents convinced hospital to let me go home. While in hosp, I was fed Bmilk from all the mothers' who had babies in intensive care. At home, miraculously learned to BRF and also was given goat milk. 2 very small amalgam fillings age 8. Was always <5% height weight until puberty. Developed severe menstrual cramps at puberty (later diagnosed endometriosis). Childhood diet mix of homecooked dinners and sugary/processed foods/candy other times.

Early 20s severe chronic congestion, cut out many foods, tried many natural approaches w/ naturopaths and acupuncture without improvement, culminating in severe case of mono and move out of state for family help. After move, I improve, congestion resolved. Moved back to Oregon: sick again: realized mold allergy, moved to dryer climate.

Most of 20s: vegetarian, some vegan, on and off sugar (which I am very sensitive/addicted to).

Late 20's: whole grains, veggies, few fruits, lots of soy, later adding fish. Supplements and herbs to try to control endo symptoms. Avoided gluten (except oats), dairy, sugar and chemical additives etc. Had also tried BCPs twice, with worsening of symptoms and decreased libido/feeling flat, so stopped. Told moderate mercury levels based on urine after EDTA challenge.

Two laparscopies to remove endo: age 29 and 31

Age 33 after 6 years TTC, IVF: birthed full-term boy (although bedrest from 24 wks for pre-term symptoms I think due to very stressful job).

DP diagnosed w/ bladder cancer 2 days before delivery (BTW, he survived, had one recurrence recently and prognosis is likely will recur but not likely to ever metastasize): very difficult postpartum. I was VERY sick w/ high fever for 5 days and lingering extreme fatigue/extreme congestion (worse even than when in Oregon). I could tolerate being out of bed for extended periods 3 months postpartum. Also 10 days postpartum, ds admitted for jaundice. I battled w/ low Bmilk supply (had donated milk), but did fully BRF. DS still nurses briefly some mornings now (although I don't think much comes out anymore).

I had restarted gluten, some goat milk, and occasional sugar in middle of preg and removed them again along w/ soy and corn at 7 mos PP: my son's mild excema immediately went away when I made these diet changes. I added all meat at that time. When I made these changes, I saw immediate improvement in gas and bloating that later led me to realize I don't tolerate eggs or legumes, so I removed them too. When I made these diet changes, I remember saying to everybody repeatedly that I'd never felt so good.

DS 9 mos had lead level 8: we moved out, did lead abatement in house, lead cleaning, replaced soil in yard, his level dropped immediately and hasn't gone back up.

10 mos ago had my very small amalgams removed (had to remove because one was cracked) - had dental dams, suction, although not oxygen . Right after had IV vitamin C for one dose only b/c planned to return to BRF after one week. Broke out in aweful rash over whole body lasting 5days.

Diet now: veggies, some raw fermented (Hawthrone vally carrot/ginger, ? brand fermented salad dressings), small amount fruit, meat (chick, fish, beef, sometimes as sausages, almost always grassfed), small amount of non-gluten whole grains (and not every day), sometimes raw honey, dark chocolate. Nuts, coconut, coconut oil, olive oil, occasional raw sesame oil. Drink water, kombucha, herbal teas. Oh and love bone broth!

I make my own herbal tinctures, mostly from my garden and common plants (weeds) I've gathered.

I don't generally like supplements (in past spent lots of money without a lot of result). I take homemade bitter tinctures before meals, often drink nettles/oatstaw infusion, with others added as desired.

I recently successfully added eggs and some other sulfur foods (garlic, small amt fermented cabbage) back in!

Have been feeling a bit better w/ digestion, but battling tiredness past 8 mos (which I attribute to staying up late for "me-time" and stressful part-time job - much better non-work days). Have also had severe rectal itching since pregnant (think that's when it started). No more endo symptoms! (although very small endometriomas visible on sonogram). Recently had failed frozen embro transfer.

I was hoping to try another embryo transfer right away, but just found out I have a parasite: Dientamoeba fragilis, which is an unflagellated flagellated protozoa (no that's not a typo), so not a worm(helminth) or a bacteria. There's a thought it might be transmitted by pinworm eggs. My son had pinworms twice, age 3.5 and 4 and our whole family was treated.

I was shocked w/ the diagnosis (although it might explain the rectal itching) because I've actually been feeling like my gut is healing (able to digest eggs, tolerate some occasional sweets, and the alcohol in my tinctures - used to have painful flushing feeling throughout muscles with even drops of alcohol).

So, I'm thinking it's time to really figure this out, heal my gut, maybe do mercury detox? My son't not really nursing (only tries every few days, often for 10 seconds, and doesn't seem to get milk).

I haven't seen any postings on parasites: anyone have resources, especially for natural approaches and for whether there's association w/ heavy metals, food intolerance, methylation problems, etc (of course, there's association, but what?).

Also, I did the taste tests: salt tasted ok but after one glass didn't taste as good. Epsom salts tasted really good last night and today until afternoon when turned bitter (think had about 1/4 total last night and this morning/early afternoon). I like lemon water.

Should I take the Epsom salts daily up to the point where they taste bad?

My holistic gyn wants me to take either a triple antibiotic or a 90-day cleanse called ejuva for the parasite (this thing is notoriously hard to eradicate). I don't really want to do either (Abx for obvious reasons, cleanse because I've always felt cleanses were draining on the body and that when properly nourished, we can rid ourselves of that which we don't need). The ejuva company states their cleanse is not depleting. It's also pretty expensive.

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I was just curious if the OP had any progress.  Did your retest after treating for the parasite?

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