(I am copying Jessica's organization. why reinvent the wheel??)
1) I am almost perfect on the beet test, when adding fermented foods, I seem to be fine. yeah!
2) It has not been unusual for me to experience digestion problems in the past, including diahhrea. It is improved, but not great.
1) I have a leaky gut, and am taking action for that. I also have struggled with thrush in my breasts for a long time, almost 100% gone. I haven't had discomfort in my breasts for months, after experiencing it for 3 years. Yeah!!! I haven't done a super sugar test to see if it is still there. Is it correct that I will not be able to remove it all? will candida always be with me?
1) Glucuronidation - I used to get a high when drinking water kefir or kombucha. It is almost all the way gone. I will continue with probiotic food, and leave it at that. Keep up the good work little bugs. Yeah!
2) Amino acid conjugation - this doesn't seem to be a concern.
3) Acetylation - I'm not sure. any suggestions?
4) Methylation pathways - (not sure if all of this belongs in methylation)
I'm sure my vit D is poor. My cholesterol tested at 119.
Dopamine - I have a family history of anxiety and depression, my mother struggles with paranoia. I'm the only one in my family that doesn't take anxiety/depression meds. I struggle with anxiety and depression that includes fear of reaching outside of my family when depressed (precursor to paranoia?) - high dopamine
My father has been an alcoholic since his early twenties, and I believe still going strong forty years later.
dopamine inhibits prolactin - i have always struggled with milk supply. I think there are multiple reasons, but wonder if this is one of them.
homocysteine - both my boys and I have midline issues. Other members in my family have midline issues. I thought it was normal for tongues to look like my family's (posterior tongue tie)
I was on birth control pills for ten years. I got pregnant one month after stopping. I am assuming my folate was really low. So, it might not be the mthfr gene, maybe just results of birth control, and SAD diet.
Methyl cycle - need to get the MTFR test done.
Transulfuration - I have a sensitivity to sulfites added to foods. It first started with dried fruits. An extreme reaction to another food caused me to carry around an epipen for years. I used to bruise easily, not so much recently. I am still reacting to added sulfites (problem with a dried peach a couple of months ago). I become flush with wines. I struggled with asthma for years - hasn't been a problem since embarking on increased health this fall.
But does a sensitivity to sulfites and possibly high homocysteine levels contradict each other?
Sulfation - what should I be looking for? Is this the transulfuration?
Glutathione - I am very sensitive to caffeine, early morning coffee bothers me and my nursling in the night time. Turns out my 15 year struggle with insomnia seems to be an extreme caffeine problem. (but that's a phase 1 detox issue, I think)
so maybe i'm ok with glutatione
I have adrenal issues and suspect hypothyroid
For the past few weeks my depression has increased significantly. It was partially due to major friendship issues that have been heartbreaking to me. At the same time I was ill with a stomach flu, so my eating was really low. Last week I had some corn exposure, so I became even worse. I noticed that I felt ok in the morning and by late afternoon absolutely awful. I have added fresh juices on the afternoon (already doing it in the morning), and having epsom salt/baking soda baths in the evening. I am starting to get better. Do you think the soaks and vit/min from juices helped me?
so I will add what I should be doing at a later time. I just needed to get this down, so I could stop worrying about losing the info.