
I haven't been around in a while.  Lots of major changes in my life, which are wonderful, but I guess maybe a little stressful for my body!  Just had some bloodwork done and the counts look pretty weird.  I am in to see an oncologist this afternoon and I will know more.  However, I know that the primary treatment is chemo and maybe radiation, and I want to hit the ground running with another approach.  Can anyone talk about their experiences and point me in some good directions?



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Sarah, you sound strong, like water.

The homeopath will have remedy for the mucosal sensitivity. Be descriptive and s/he can address that.

Coconut oil, Manuka honey are soothing and healing alternatives.

Sending peaceful healing energy.

Sarah. I am sending you love, light and healing energy.


Sarah, I've been thinking of you often. Hope you are home soon.

DNA typing came back good, so we should be out of this treatment in four months. It's going a little rough on my stomach, mostly the antibiotics and the Diflucan I think, but I am trying to keep down some goat yogurt and raw honey for pro-biotics. I am hoping they can put me on a supplement until the mucositis risk abates and I can handle fermenteds again.

One great thing about this is that there won't be any question of what's wrong when I get out, it will be EVERYTHING! I can just start from scratch.

I think my body LOVES being dairy/gluten/sugar/coffee-free, so that will be easy to keep up. I felt the sugar bugs get hungry and mad and then finally go home, although they are back around a bit because of the antibiotics.

Each moment of this is a gift, and there is so much love coming into this room that I can barely absorb it all before I pass it on!
Sarah, I'm pleased to hear you are feeling positive.

Hi Sarah,

I'm just seeing this now as I haven't been on the site in a while. I have a very good friend who was diagnosed with CLL Leukemia. She was told she had 6 years to live and also told to do chemo. She didn't do chemo and it's been over 7 years. She's 67 years old and very strong and healthy. She doesn't know if she even has Leukemia anymore because she never goes to the regular doctors. They always gave her bad news and she didn't want to hear it anymore. She did everything naturally and through prayer and trust in God. I know she did get her amalgam fillings out; she detoxed heavy metals; she's on The Healing Diet right now, which is no grains or sugar, grass fed and no hormones, no antibiotics meats. Good healthy fats, greens kefir, etc.

Let me know if you'd like to contact her. I could give you her email.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I knew what more to offer.
Hi Sarah,

I'm truly sorry you are having to go through this! Please, keep up with your great attitude! Don't ever let those doctor's undermind in your "personal mind" what God and His natural foods and herbs can do for you! Just remember God created the natural foods and herbs for us as our tree of life, literally! Also, don't forget that by the blood of HIS STRIPES, WE ARE HEALED! Don't forget to claim God's word's! Speak though as things are and watch it come to pass! I myself, dealt with the evils of cancer.

Its been over 22 yrs I am cancer free, all thanks to GOD! No, back then in 1988 I hadn't any idea of the natural foods and herbs for healings. However, with that said, I did have the greatest thing! FAITH & JESUS! The doctors only gave me chemo because I was 23 yrs of age. Totally expected me to die! Kept making me and my mother sad everytime I went and had chemo. The doctor was sadder than I was. Reason? Because I knew Jesus and he did not! I kept telling the doctor, you CANNOT TELL ME WHEN I AM GOING TO DIE! He kept telling me I did not understand! I kept telling him, he does not understand! GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, MY LORD UP AND SHOWED TH DOCTORS! I was eat up with stage four Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma T-Cell, in my lympnodes, blood and bones!!! "ONCE IN BONES, YOU DEAD PER THEM" ...Well, my LORD in HEAVEN SHOWED UP AND SHOWED THEM! I was cancer free after 4 months! ALL OF MY DOCTORS WERE IN SHOCK! Never had anyone beat that cancer in that bad of a case per them! Once every four yrs that cancer came around back then! NO KNOWN CURE FOR IT AT ALL BACK THEN! (((With the exception of the natural which was not known back then.))) I had many doctors, due to my situation was so bad. Total kidney failure due to the cancer before I ever started chemo.

My LORD healed my kidney's, the docs said they have never seen kidneys turn back around like that! PRAISE GOD, AMEN! Then in the end of my protocol of chemo, the main one doctor who refused to believe me, when I kept telling him, that he could not tell me when I was going to die, because Jesus knows when it is my time, and when it is, then I will die, otherwise, I am not going anywhere!!! The doc came to me and said I made a believer out of him!!!! That he cannot tell people when they are going to die, because it is only GOD who knows when it's our time, and noone else! PRAISE GOD, AMEN!

Sarah, I share that with you, so you will heed to other blessful information that is prime key in healing and trusting our Lord with your life. With HIM, with the natural, with His foods & herbs, YOU WIN! I have more information in what I have endured in my life, if you are interested, then I'll be glad to email it to you. I have overcome tremendous battles over and over in many different area's in my life, all thanks to GOD! Prayers for you and your family! ~Blessings~
Marrow is clean - more chemo to come. I couldn't find a single no chemo stor6y for this disease. It is a tidal wave, and it is a cancer of the immune system so I couldn't use blood to heal myself. I'm not convinced I need the consolidation, but I am so depleted and I am in their care so I'll do what they say and then come home to the gargantuan task of healing for real. I am working with a homeopath now, and we are doing our best with diet but my family has to bbring in Everything I eat and I need to somehow fatten up while also getting all my nutrient dense but low-calorie foods. It's a challenge; it will be easier once I am home for a while.
Sarah, I don't see my reply from yesterday.

I'm sending love and strength. You sound like you are in the flow of the river.

Sarah, are you familiar with the work of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez? He has a very different approach to treating cancer with nutrition, cleansing and supplementation. With blood cancers he argues that blood-based cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma, only occur in patients that have an overly developed parasympathetic nervous system, and a correspondingly weak sympathetic nervous system. Previous research, such as Dr. Francis Pottenger’s research during the 1920s and 1930s proposed that much if not all disease has autonomic imbalance as at least one of the major causes. Read more here http://www.dr-gonzalez.com/clinical_pearls.htm

He is speaking on holistic cancer therapy at this year's WAPF conference in PA and has also given talks at WAPF conferences in the past. You can order his talks online to hear for yourself. http://www.dr-gonzalez.com/lecture_tapes.htm
Justine, this is fascinating, especially as I've always had a hypersensitive parasympathetic nervous system...

I'm wondering if the MTHFR impaired detoxification system is a variable. Thanks for the link. I'll do some reading.


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