
I haven't been around in a while.  Lots of major changes in my life, which are wonderful, but I guess maybe a little stressful for my body!  Just had some bloodwork done and the counts look pretty weird.  I am in to see an oncologist this afternoon and I will know more.  However, I know that the primary treatment is chemo and maybe radiation, and I want to hit the ground running with another approach.  Can anyone talk about their experiences and point me in some good directions?



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Do you have links to good home-made formulas for a baby this age?
Hi Sarah,
Look for a book by Ty Bollinger about Cancer and Stepping Outside the Box. I hear it's really good, and it's about not having chemo and healing naturally.
Good Luck, Francie
Alternative Medicine Magazine's Definitive Guide to Cancer: An Integrated Approach to Prevention, Treatment, and Healing
I would find a classical homeopath asap. I can recommend ours locally, she is very gifted. Let me know if you'd like her contact info. It is $300 for the initial consult, she has agreed to do phone consults. However, I believe an initial consultation is most effective when done in person. There are many emotional and body language variables which are lost when not face to face. I believe that our emotional energy is interconnected to our disease manifestations.

Or consider consulting "Panserbjorne" from MDC, she has been helping her mother with leukemia or lymphoma (?). She is a (founding) member here: Elisabeth Taylor. She does classical homeopathy also. Here is her website: http://taylorhomeopathy.com/ I trust her also.

She can help with drainage/detox homeopathy safely. Personally, I would not do a fungal cleanse while nursing. I might do it with a cancer diagnosis. But, without optimizing and opening your detox pathways you are just mobilizing and circulating toxins, not effectively excreting them. The nutrients necessary to effective *remove* toxins from the body must be present. Whole food sources of vit A, B3, B6, B12, biotin, food folate, vit C, vit D, Omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, molybdenum, zinc, selenium. Here are food sources by nutrient: http://www.whfoods.com/nutrientstoc.php

Here are the infant formula recipes and FAQs from WAPF: http://www.westonaprice.org/childrens-health/319-recipes-for-homema...

There are dairy-free and dairy based versions.

glutathione is huge: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/glutathione-101

Did you see this post about cancer and nutrition: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/cancer-and-nutrition

This about Probiotics and Cancer: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/probiotics-and-cancer

And these foods which are known to limit cancer growth (personally, I do believe cancer originates from a fungal source in many people). The body ph/alkalizing foods are critical. http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/cancer-is-dead

Here is the short version: Grapes, both red and white, including wine
Olives and olive oil
Tea, especially Green Tea
Mushrooms (many varieties with benefits)
Soybeans, especially fermented soy
and "vegetables, fruits and especially berries" are listed repeatedly.

repeatedly mentioned as retarding cancer are the chemical components of the following foods:
acai berries
Brussels sprouts
citrus (including peel)

With leukemia, the common recommendation is to avoid raw fruits and vegetables (while on chemo). http://leukemia.about.com/b/2008/11/26/avoiding-raw-fruits-and-vege...

From the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: EAT fruits and veggies, especially cruciferous veggies. http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/all_page.adp?item_id=482694

Here are some alternative perspectives about leukemia and raw foods:

I assume you've found Max Gerson?

The American Cancer Society's view: http://www.cancer.org/Treatment/TreatmentsandSideEffects/Complement...

Personally, I'd probably do cooked liver for the preformed vit A, which is critical to viral suppression. And focus on the list of foods listed above and do a lot of raw green juices and bone broths and whole food probiotics.

Here is more about safe detox while NOT nursing: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=14365708&...

Here are natural antifungals, antibacterials, antiparasitic, antimicrobials foods and spices in our diet. CAUTION: not all are safe while nursing! http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showpost.php?p=12680219&po...

Linus Pauling Institute is a reliable resource: http://search.oregonstate.edu/web/?query=leukemia&btnG.x=16&...

As are the following online medical resources: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=13788411&...

The conventional plan of care is referenced in the Merck Manual: http://www.unboundmedicine.com/merckmanual/ub?


I'd do some classical homeopathy for all of the benefits. I trust homeopathy to help.

AML. Pretty scared. Still not doing chemo, for now. Doc's worried.

Cooked, rather than raw, liver? The liver is definitely helping.
Honey, that sounds very scary.

Start here:

And 30 additional studies about natural alternatives to include: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/search/node/aml

I'll get more progressive medical studies for you to consider. Breathe.

There is plenty of time. Second opinion. You can breathe out. Get in the shower and cry your eyes out and then come and read. There are many alternatives to help you to thrive and survive this horrifically frightening experience.

I will find more information for you. Kiss that baby, he is bringing you love.

Thanks Pat. I am strong. I am healthy, but I am out of balance. I can get my balance back. I can be there for my family. I do not have to take toxic medications.
I trust you to make the best decisions for you and your family. We each are given only what we can bear and learn from. Then we share that wisdom on.

Do you have a mantra? I'll share mine, "All is well. Everything is working toward my highest Self. Out of this situation, only Joy and Awareness will unfold. We are safe." I have it posted around and carry it in my purse and on the dash of my car. Post positive affirmations on the windows and mirrors where you spend your time at home.

Do you meditate? Make a list of things for which you are grateful that have flowed from this event. There are so many. Focus on your inner peace and trust your strength.

Sending healing energy to your family.

I am working on a mantra. In the meantime, it is critical that I keep infection at bay. If I start to run any infection, which is a real risk with the neutrophil count, they will try to put me on antibiotics and the dominoes may start to fall fast. I know you don't like oreganol, Pat, but for the moment I am taking it. Raw garlic, too. What else?
This is my 'best of' list: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/notes/14_Steps_for_Healthy_Guts

And the anti-cancer foods listed above. And the natural antimicrobials listed above and the whole food probiotics.

And foods to help Phase I and Phase II detox pathways.

And Epsom salt baths to help lower toxin load. I'd consider Bentonite clay also.

Thanks. I need to get bone broths going, but I wasn't sure if I should do that since I am on a raw diet. Your recommendations are less liver and C than I am taking, but I am going to trust myself because of the acute nature of the situation. Can't do kombucha, will get some fermented foods. Does fermented CLO increase my risk of hemorrhage at all? Because that's pretty high on the risk list, along with infection.
There are other sources of minerals and glutathione, the main benefits of bone broth: Food Sources That Boost Glutathione Naturally: Milk thistle, asparagus, whey protein, Indian curry spice, curcumin (turmeric), Brazil nuts, acorn squash, asparagus, avocado, broccoli, cantaloupe, grapefruit, okra, oranges, peach, potato, spinach, strawberry, watermelon, zucchini, apples, carrots, cauliflower, walnuts, garlic, and raw tomatoes.

Nettle Leaf infusions are huge for vitamins and minerals. You can use the organic, dried herb and add cold water to a jar and place in the sun. I don't know if would "count" as raw, as the sun heats the water. But, it is not boiling.

I'd do a lot more liver and natural sources of vit C than on that list. (3 ounces three times a week, probably max; can get too much preformed vit A, vit A is critical to retard viral issues.)Rose hips are a great source of natural vit C. Large doses of vit C can be associated with increased bleeding though.

Fermented CLO has vit K2 which helps with clotting. Here are other food sources of vit K.

Nettle Leaf is also a source of vit K.


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