
I haven't been around in a while.  Lots of major changes in my life, which are wonderful, but I guess maybe a little stressful for my body!  Just had some bloodwork done and the counts look pretty weird.  I am in to see an oncologist this afternoon and I will know more.  However, I know that the primary treatment is chemo and maybe radiation, and I want to hit the ground running with another approach.  Can anyone talk about their experiences and point me in some good directions?



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Sarah, that sounds scary. Do you want to share your specific labs, maybe we could help trouble shoot alternative issues to consider.

GreenMedInfo is my go to for medical research about natural alternatives. Here are about 300 well-researched, published medical articles with natural alternatives related to leukemia: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/search/node/Leukemia

If you could write down an exact 'diagnosis' or any potential diagnosis being considered, those can individually be researched on PubMed or GreenMedInfo for related studies and progressive research alternatives.

There is PLENTY OF TIME. Do not get caught up in the medical urgency paradigm. Nothing is different than some lab test. ALWAYS insist on consulting a second opinion from another specialist outside of their own practice.

Breathe, it will work out and you are safe. There are many alternatives and the one which you feel most comfortable about will come to your awareness.

Trust your body. There is a reason, a cause and a way to address this.

Thanks. I can post the bloodwork when I get a chance, but I just had the marrow biopsy so I'll know more next week. I don't want to wean, and I don't want chemo, and I want to know that I don't have to do either! I know I have to be pro-active; I'm hoping to find someone local that I can trust, too.

Pat Robinson said:
Sarah, that sounds scary. Do you want to share your specific labs, maybe we could help trouble shoot alternative issues to consider.

GreenMedInfo is my go to for medical research about natural alternatives. Here are about 300 well-researched, published medical articles with natural alternatives related to leukemia: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/search/node/Leukemia

If you could write down an exact 'diagnosis' or any potential diagnosis being considered, those can individually be researched on PubMed or GreenMedInfo for related studies and progressive research alternatives.

There is PLENTY OF TIME. Do not get caught up in the medical urgency paradigm. Nothing is different than some lab test. ALWAYS insist on consulting a second opinion from another specialist outside of their own practice.

Breathe, it will work out and you are safe. There are many alternatives and the one which you feel most comfortable about will come to your awareness.

Trust your body. There is a reason, a cause and a way to address this.

Wow. Did you take Arnica after the biopsy? {{{hugs}}}

I didn't, but I will right now. My head is in such a whirl. When I put up the first post, I had just gotten the phone call. Then I had a really high-pressure doc visit and a second, better, one with the oncologist, and the biopsy. Feeling sore and stiff, and in disbelief. Cancer? Me? But I'm the one who doesn't eat microwaved food, fluoridated/chlorinated water, lots of raw smoothies, eggs and fish for breakfast, light on the sugar and flour, etc. Me? I am working on those thoughts.

Someone I respect has recommended a fungal cleanse. I am not sure, because I have 5 fillings. I know the cleanse is safe during nursing, but I don't want to mobilize the mercury.

I think this is good news, it is just hard to interpret. Now is my chance to put my money where my mouth is, to beat this thing without chemo, to trust that my body wants to be well, and that I shouldn't insult it by assaulting it with toxic chemicals in just the moment it is under stress.

I just really want to figure out why I have this disease, so I can get to the root. And I need to get on a serious diet now, and I don't quite know what it is. So overwhelmed, and managing a household with a 4 1/2 year old and an 8 month old! But I can do it.

Breathe in Peace.

Breathe out Resistance.

Sit mindfully and watch your thoughts. The calm will help more than anything. Don't judge your fears or your resistance or anger or desperation or feelings of betrayal by your body. Just BE with your thoughts. Observe them. Find a place of centered-ness, of feeling grounded. Go outside and sit on the Earth. Look at the leaves and the grass and hear the birds. Breathe in. Breath out.

Focus on the breath.

Do that as often as needed.

Pause and BE in this moment. You are amazing. You are alive. You are strong. You are present for your children. You are in this moment. Focus on your breath.

And take some Rescue Remedy. Put it in water and sip all day. You will be ok. You are a strong and powerful healer. Your body is amazing and wants the best for you. You are healthy and confused. But, you are healing by focusing on the breath.

Do this first. There is plenty of time. There are millions and millions of moments and breaths. Be present with your breath.

All is well. Find that center. Be grounded in the present moment. You are ok, Right Now. The rest is chatter, speculation and supposition about tomorrow.

We are here. You are not alone. You are safe in this moment. Be present in this moment.

Sending peace and healing energy,

just saw this and even though I don't kow you I am sending healing thoughts and big hugs your way!!!
like pat said, you are not alone :)
Here are my numbers:
procedure range results
white blood cell count 4.8-10.8 5.3
hemoglobin 12.0-16.0 8.8
hematocrit 36.0-47.0 25.7
platelet 150-400 78
mature neutrophils 45-85 2
lymphocytes 25-45 37
blasts 0 61
nucleated RBC 0 1
neutrophils absolute 1.9-7.8 0.11
lymphocytes absolute 1.0-4.5 1.96
red blood cell count 4.2-5.4 2.74
mean corpuscular volume 80-100 93.8
mean corpuscular hemoglobin 28-34 32.1
mean corp. HGB conc 32-36 34.2
red cell distribution SD 35-47 46.6
red cell distribution CV 11.5-13.5 13.8
mean platelet volume 8.5-12.0 10.8
anisocytosis mild
poikilocytosis mild
Here is a bunch of info about neutropenia. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=14247951&...

Which "diagnoses" did they discuss?

That won't happen until Tuesday when we get the marrow biopsy results, I think. Dollar Bill's Discount Auto MD salesman talked really fast and loud about how it was either leukemia or lymphoma based on the blood test, but either way I would be in chemo by the end of this week and maybe overnight in the hospital. After the appointment I asked Wallace if he understood what the man had said and he said "no, he was too loud." I trust Wallace and my husband and myself, and we all felt really pressured in that meeting. We talked a lot about overnight in the hospital and I agreed with Wallace that that did not work for us!
I have been feeling some feverish symptoms in the evening. I am wondering if it is safe to take oreganol to combat any latent infection.

I am planning a fungal cleanse with probiotics. I think there are too many things that point to possible fungal problems and I need to try it. I know there is a risk involving metals in the gut, but I am getting comfortable with that risk based on the alternatives. I am concerned about the nursing, too, whether it is safe and whether the hormones that I am producing are causing a problem.

Honestly, if I had to stop nursing to treat this, I would look at ways to manage it until my son was at least a year, maybe 2. I mean really manage it, ND/DO/Homeopath and maybe oncologist. I don't mean ignore it and feel bad. But I can't fathom the stress of shock-weaning my son, and I think it would affect my recovery.

I am sort of following the Kelley diet until I have further info. I have noticed improvement already, I think. Particularly in my gums, which don't seem as sore and sensitive. I am taking SA to tolerance throughout the day. I drank a mushroom tea this morning, and I am wondering if it safe to take mushrooms medicinally if I am doing a cleanse? There is a wonderful source for them here; I spoke with her yesterday. Can I do fermented foods, like miso and tamari? I am wondering about ginger and garlic, too.

Lots of research to do!
Do you think it would be all right if I used master tonic? I can start some this weekend.

I am sort of in a panic about nursing. It seems like I might not be able to nurse on the therapies, even naturopathic, and I can't imagine not nursing. My son is 8 months old! I feel like someone is telling me to vax or circumcise! I need to find some support for this. The stress of not nursing him, and of rearranging my lifestyle (especially nights) to not nurse could offset any benefits of therapy.
There are many options, milk share, milk bank, homemade infant formula, pump and save. I weaned our son at 2 and after the milk was gone, I still let him "nurse" when he asked. That is more challenging with a baby.

Weaning is a whole other challenge. My friend's baby in NICU for months was unable to nurse. But she was still able to attachment parent and 'nurse' her with all of the comfort associated with that. There are milk delivery systems which allow you to offer the breast with supplemental milk, for instance.

Breathe, there are many options.

The "No Cry Sleep Solution" was helpful in ADDing sleep associations.

Rescue Remedy helps. Homeopathy is another alternative for emotional support.

I believe the quote of Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. So, Master Tonic is fine. But, follow with live probiotics. I wouldn't take MT every day, just include it as needed and increase the spices and healing foods and herbs organically.

Pat, running out the door, will come back.

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