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  • Pat Robinson

TanyaL's Discussions

Pat, I was thinking of this as a reference....
5 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Pat Robinson Jun 29, 2009.

tongue tie and speech issues

Started Jun 28, 2009


TanyaL's Page

Latest Activity

TanyaL replied to Rachel Ernst's discussion Cookbooks for fermented foods?
"Lacto-fermentation means that lactic-acid producing bacteria are involved. They were first found in dairy, thus the lacto, it was only later that it was realized that the bacteria that ferment veggies also make lactic acid. So a dairy-less sour dill…"
Feb 22, 2010
TanyaL replied to Yvonne LV's discussion Yvonnemlv's
"You are so funny! Willing to down gallons of kefir but not a few bites of happy cabbage. :-D We've been off dairy so long that I'm not sure any of us will be able to find kefir palatable--that tart flavor, in my mind, is so connected to…"
Feb 16, 2010
TanyaL replied to Yvonne LV's discussion Yvonnemlv's
"Okay, now I went back and read the whole thread. Sandor Katz's Wild Fermentation is a great book for getting a good feel for how fermentation works, it's much more flexible than I first envisioned (sorry Pat :-P ). He has a website that…"
Feb 15, 2010
TanyaL replied to Yvonne LV's discussion Yvonnemlv's
"You don't need to ferment veggies in the dark, I just do it on the kitchen counter. I probably wouldn't do it in direct sunlight, it may get too warm and ferment quite quickly, but even that would be safe, I'd think, but it may cause…"
Feb 15, 2010
TanyaL replied to Megan L's discussion NAC and OCD
"http://livingnetwork.co.za/chelationnetwork/food/high-sulfur-sulphur-food-list/ This page talks about detoxification and mercury and sulfur-foods and cysteine (NAC donates cysteine). Some people would do well with extra cysteine, I'd guess…"
Dec 31, 2009
TanyaL replied to Cheryl E's discussion my health history
"I admit I get confused by overmethylation, I'm not sure I can describe my understanding of it, or even whether it's right. I _think_ someone can be an overmethylator and still have a backlog of metals and junk to methylate, I think…"
Dec 31, 2009
TanyaL replied to Cheryl E's discussion my health history
"If you're getting to bowel tolerance with 400mg of magnesium, maybe you need some more calcium as well? I guess that just seems a bit low to me and I've read that it can signify a need for more calcium but I haven't tried that yet. My…"
Dec 31, 2009
TanyaL replied to Pat Robinson's discussion Nutrient Dense Foods
"Where are the oysters? I think calorie-for-calorie, they're the best source around. Has that induced me to try them? no, I'm a wimp."
Dec 31, 2009

Profile Information

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
What does "holistic" mean to you?
This is a hard one, because my understanding of holistic is still changing, and fairly rapidly, even 2 years after taking the plunge and turning to the alternative side.
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
about 2 years
a little about me
I can't think of anything! 2 kids, 1 husband, and me, pieceing together our puzzle
Professional or business affiliations?

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At 9:34am on June 23, 2021, Kristalina Georgieva said…

Good day,

I picked interest in you after going through your short profile and demanding it be necessary to write to you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site. Could you please get back to me on (ph8304899@gmail.com) for details.

Have a nice day,

Paul Harry.

At 11:27pm on February 11, 2009, Pat Robinson said…
Yeah on the house contract!

We are just here, whenever it suits you. No worries.

And I switched it so that new members must be approved to post; just ignore if you get notices, unless you want to approve. Everyone is welcome to post.


At 10:36pm on February 11, 2009, Pat Robinson said…
I started an Administration group for discussion. http://heal-thyself.ning.com/group/admin

At 1:17pm on February 11, 2009, Pat Robinson said…
Hey, I changed your membership to admin, so that you can take a look around at the "Manage" tools. Additional text boxes can be added to the main page, with links to other pages. Also, threads can be "Featured" in each forum. I have a thread for links at the top of each forum also. I haven't sat down to add links yet. I keep lurking (and posting) at MDC, and of course real life happens too!

I'd just like to have a centralized place to have links which are useful in this nutritional holistic paradigm regarding the immune system, gut health, and "illness" symptomology.

I use the search on MDC a lot. But, I don't have just one place to file my favorites. And I wanted them accessible for anyone to just read.

Let me know what you think.

At 9:28pm on February 5, 2009, Pat Robinson said…
Hope you feel better quickly. Want to try the "Master Tonic"? Cured my ear ache in 2 days. :-) Wicked stuff. But, you will feel alive again. ( of course, it might just be the strong spices which invigorate your system! )

I haven't actually added any links here yet. I keep reading the ones you all have been posting lately and that leads me to read something else and something else. I need to sit down and create the site still!

At 10:35pm on February 3, 2009, Pat Robinson said…
Welcome! I'm open to suggestions. (Of course, there are no links posted yet...

Yes, I'll add some. LOL)



Adrenal Fatigue?

New eCourse: You can feel better. You will feel better!



Start Here...

                Master Tonic 101

          14 Steps for Healthy Guts

   The Beet Test (stomach acid)

                Healthy Poop 101

Overwhelmed? Where To Start?

                      Candida 101

Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

        Nettle Leaf Infusion 101

            10pm Bedtime Club 14-Day Green Smoothie Challenge

        Sharing Starter Cultures

               Probiotic Selection

       Water Kefir vs. Kombucha         Natural Remedies for Flu

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This list shares personal experience and information only and should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and information shared are the views of the individual member.

Everyone must use her own discretion and judgment to determine whether you are comfortable or need to seek professional assistance. We are not your doctor.

The information contained in these pages is not intended to take the place of your health professional's advice. It is derived from our personal experience and research, and may shed light on your health complaints. In case of serious ailments which may not respond favorably, please seek the counsel of a qualified health professional.

"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti

Heal Thyself!

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

Blog Posts

Homemade Beauty Tips to Enhance Beauty Naturally

Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm

Cancer Vaccines Are Profitable Business

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 5, 2015 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Vaccine Safety and the CDC

Posted by Pat Robinson on March 29, 2015 at 7:30pm

I certainly don't fear the measles.

Posted by Pat Robinson on January 23, 2015 at 10:59am — 3 Comments

Gluten-Free Snacks

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 26, 2014 at 8:30pm

Cholesterol 101

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 20, 2014 at 8:00pm

Safe Detox Protocol

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 4, 2014 at 9:00pm

Ella’s Story

Posted by Pat Robinson on April 19, 2014 at 12:00pm

Naturally Sweetened Treats

Posted by Pat Robinson on February 25, 2014 at 7:30pm

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