~ Food Has Power ~
Hello all, I would like to find some more foods I can add into my diet to make it complete. (Complete protein ect) I have been thinking of this lately and I would really appreciate anyone who has a thought to share. I am currently eating strictly veggies and herbs for vitamins & nutrients but I am also open to a whole food supplement.
With so much misinformation out there I would really like to hear the voice of those here.
I am currently eating the seasonal veggies at the local farmers market and a few from the grocery.
Some of my favorites are nettle, oatstraw, alfalfa infusions. Black seed (nigella sativa). What about nuts, legumes, beans??
Thanks for the reply (:
I do make nettle infusions and use a lot of black seed in cooking.
I sprout lentils and eat pumpkin seeds with one brazil nut a day. I would love to add more options though. But aren't beans poorly digested? Or is it true they "Rot in the gut"? I have been avoiding all but lentils.
What is the difference between a legume and a bean?
I need to add more seeds and fruit to my diet.
I really appreciate any comments on what to eat for nutrition in general.
Also vitamin B12, is there no way to get it without eating eggs or supplements?
If you are on a strict vegetarian diet for more than 3 years you will need to supplement vit B12.
Wow, I didn't know that.
Why three years??
I eat eggs so I get a little bit through my diet but have been feeling great both when I use supplements and when I do not. (raw b12 capsule)
So maybe if what you're saying is true that could explain why I don't seem to notice right away when this vitamin is missing.
From what I've read it takes that long to fully deplete your stores if on a strict vegan diet (no animal products of any kind).
If you are a poor methylator, you may run out of B12 sooner. I have MTHFR, and have to take methyl B12.
If you are a poor methylator, you may run out of B12 sooner. I have MTHFR, and have to take methyl B12.
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm
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