Where do I begin...?

I've found that many people are overwhelmed with which healing "diet" to choose and where to start. And the diets often have 'rules' for sequencing food introductions and HUGE food elimination requirements, and can contradict each other. Additionally, there are many detoxification and nutrient deficiencies overlooked in some of them, in my opinion. Plus many rely heavily on (very expensive) supplements.

I believe we can nourish and heal our body with whole foods. However, if someone has such a messed up gut that they need intensive nutrient support, Dr. Amy Yasko's site is an amazing resource, as is Andy Cutler and "Amalgam Illness" regarding chelating mercury (a common gut imbalance variable).

As a result of the above, I coined a short version of the highlights, 14 Steps for Healthy Guts.

These are nutrient-dense, healing foods which we can easily include in our normal diets for optimizing our health and strengthening our immune system. And they are the most cost effective alternatives because they are whole food nutrients.

Whole foods work in synergy to provide nutrients which science hasn't even isolated and defined yet. And they are in bio-available forms in combination so that our body can safely support our detoxification system at the same time.

Most cost effective alternatives are whole food nutrients.

Nutrient dense foods:

  • homemade bone broth every. single. day. 1 cup (MANY nutrients needed for detox, plus minerals)
  • homemade milk kefir every. single. day. 1 cup (gradually work up) (B vits, enzymes, most probiotics in proper ph)
  • homemade kombucha every. single. day. 1 cup (start with an ounce, increase by 1 ounce a week.) (displaces and replaces candida albicans in the gut, only if no mercury/amalgam fillings/toxicity issues, nor nursing)
  • green smoothie every. single. day. day 2 cups (any frozen fruit plus any dark leafy greens, rotate produce)
  • liver one ounce, only three times a week. (B-vits essential for detox)
  • Coconut Oil 1 Tbls every. single. day. (medium chain fatty acids, kills candida in the large intestine)
  • fermented CLO, every. single day. (most expensive item) (vit A, D, K, EFAs)
  • Bubbies sauerkraut 1 Tbls. every. single. day. (or other raw, fermented food) (probiotics)
  • Brazil nuts, 1 ONLY, every. single. day. (selenium)
  • Celtic Sea Salt, a pinch in every glass of water, broth. (microminerals)
  • Lemon juice, fresh squeezed, 1 tsp. in every glass of water or smoothie. (alkalizing to body ph,paradoxically)
  • Raw local honey, 1 Tbls at bedtime. (helps bifidum bacteria to grow in the gut)
  • Egg yolk, 1 per day. (nutrients help to detox)
  • Nettles infusion, 1 or 2 cups per day. (many vitamins and minerals and phytonutrients)


  • Additionally, avoiding wheat/gluten, pasteurized dairy, GMO-corn and GMO-soy are huge for healing an inflamed or "leaky gut".

  • None of this has to be done perfectly, in any special order, nor started all at once. These foods can be gradually added to a regular diet to enhance our health naturally and nutritionally.
  • Epsom salt baths, 1 cup in a tub of water 3x/week for 20 minutes.

Total cost about $4 per day.

The other four ingredients to avoid as much as possible are artificial colors, preservatives, HFCS and MSG.

And avoid anti-microbial products in the home.

Those simple ideas could help more people than all those other diets put together, in my opinion, because they are practical.

For more information about healing naturally, keep updated on Facebook  Heal Thyself! 

Welcome, we hope you will join us!

Pat RobinsonWellness Educator


P.S. Favorite Posts:

     •  14 Steps For Healthy Guts

     •  The Beet Test (stomach acid?) 

     •  Candida 101 

     •  Green Smoothie Challenge

     •  Healthy Poop 101

     •  Master Tonic 101 

     •  Nettle Leaf herbal infusions 101.

     •  Overwhelmed? Where to Start?!

     •  Probiotic Selection

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Views: 74775

Comment by Danielle wardle on July 24, 2011 at 7:58pm
Hi Pat. I feel fine when I drink it. I am not pregnant or nursing (dont know what ttc is), no Candida flare ups or allergy responses. I have not noticed my gut, stools or anything else being better or worse.
I will keep going with it and listen to my body a bit closer
thank you!
Comment by Pat Robinson on July 24, 2011 at 8:46pm
Comment by Pat Robinson on December 26, 2012 at 10:19pm

I believe there are many more issues involved than food sensitivities. Opening detoxification pathways requires addressing nutrient deficiencies first. Food eliminations could create or exacerbate nutrient deficiencies leading to increased food intolerances.

Heavy metal issues, such as mercury, are highly associated with candida overgrowth. Do you have/had any mercury (silver amalgam) fillings in your teeth? Did your mother? I'd be cautious about any type of "cleanse" which dumps MORE toxins into blood circulation, especially while nutrients are limited.

Addressing inadequate stomach acid can be done holistically to improve nutrient bioavailability. Optimizing nutrients can be done through rotation diets with whole foods rather than isolated supplements for vitamins and minerals. I believe we can rebalance gut microbials with whole food nutrients, without attacking them as "pathological".


Comment by jennifer larson on June 1, 2013 at 7:13pm
About three years ago I had my third child. It was around his 1st birthday that I had this horrible breakout. At the time my family and I had discovered a whole foods diet and about the book Nourishing Traditions. We had started doing water kefir, milk kefir, and kombucha. We had dabbled a bit with raw food and started soaking flour. The outbreak occurred after a few months of changing out diet. I went to the dr after trying some home remedies that didn't seem to help. I had the outbreaks under my breast and under my arms. The doctor said that what was on my chest was candida but didn't know what was under my arms. I was given diflucan for the yeast and a cream for the arms. My chest cleared up but my s dramas didn't. I had this red, itchy, burning rash that oozed all the time. After three different fungal creams and I had one the worked and cleared my underarms up. Dring this whole time I had silver fillings that I knew needed to come out. I found a dentist NP dentist who did mercury removal and he took my fillings out. Since that time I have moved to a different state, our diet has fluctuated greatly because of cost and availability, and I have had more outbreaks then I can handle. I have been on diflucan at least 4 times and have used more fungal or steroid cream than I ever have. I have had outbreaks around my bellybutton that tested positive for staph, i had an outbreak on my neck that my dr thought was herpes but was sme kind of fungsl thing, i ave multiple outbreaks on my arms that ere fungal. Even as I type this I have rashes on my arms and neck. I have consistent outbreaks on my chest. I was told I just more staph then most people and that because for dry skin, I get more outbreaks. We just started back with water kefir. We have no source for good milk, so no dairy kefir, we have no source for affordable organic meat or bones for broth, and I'm at my end as to what to do. I've done a parasite cleanse from humaworm. I tried their candida cleanse but I don't think it helped. I don't know where to start for me or my family. I am overweight and I know that I need to lose weight. As important ask know soaking my grains are I just don't have the time or energy to make my own soaked pasta and bread on a regular basis. I have three children and we homeschool. We've tried going gluten free and my family had the hardest time. They had such stomach pain and difficulty having bowel movements that we stopped. We do dairy and it is not grassed or organic. The price tag for those things is more than we can handle right now. We d have a green powder made of herbs that we blended ourselves. It has nettles, wheat grass, barley grass, fennel powder, beet powder, rose hip powder, kelp powder, spurllina powder and some other things. We blend this with almond milk, frozen fruit and water.

I guess I shared all this is the hopes that someone fight be able to help me figure out my way through this all. I can't handle this anymore and I hate to take pharmeceuticals. I'm just not sure what to do or what's even wrong with me. So yeah, if anyone has any thing to share I would be so appreciative.


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                Master Tonic 101

          14 Steps for Healthy Guts

   The Beet Test (stomach acid)

                Healthy Poop 101

Overwhelmed? Where To Start?

                      Candida 101

Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

        Nettle Leaf Infusion 101

            10pm Bedtime Club 14-Day Green Smoothie Challenge

        Sharing Starter Cultures

               Probiotic Selection

       Water Kefir vs. Kombucha         Natural Remedies for Flu

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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

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