I started my search for my son's allergy solutions with this thread. http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/can-you-start-with-the-gut  For background please check it out.


Fast forward to today:

About 6 weeks ago Abraham (26 months old) contracted Herpes Simplex 1 from my mom (who had kissed him while she had a cold sore).  He was very sick for about 2.5 weeks, the first 7 days of which were a high fever with few other symptoms, followed later by 12 sores around the outside of his mouth and cheek, and twice as many inside.  He was miserable, uncomfortable, and unable to eat much.


As the blisters healed inside his mouth his appetite returned.  The sores on his lips and above also healed, while the ones on his cheek took longer.  This is the very same site where the mysterious red patches that I mentioned in my earlier thread would appear occasionally at mealtime.  No matter what I put on this area I couldn't get it to heal.   He picked at it, it became infected, and I was perscribed and used an antibiotic cream.  Some smaller raised dots started to appear outside of the main patch of irritation, and last week another physician suggested hydracortisone for the spot because although it was improving, it was still very red and inflamed.  The raised dots have slowly (over  10 days or so) spread to his hands and legs.  He has a pretty bad diaper rash as well, which is very unsual for him.  I'm still worried about the red patch on his face, but now I'm getting more concerned about this growing rash all ove his limbs. 


Here are some things we have done differently in the past 10 days - 2 weeks  besides the antibiotic cream and hydracortisone.  Last Saturday (10 days ago) I started his Chamomilla remedy perscribed by a new natropath we're seeing.  Last Monday morning he had Cranio Sacral therapy for the first time in a few months and later that day I trialed egg yolks with him (per the natropath) which he hadn't had in over a year.  On Monday I also allowed him to have beets and other veggies, along with some allergen-free cookies.  The ingredients list looked fine to me, but they were something new so I thought I should mention it. 


Then on Thursday I got his ALCAT results which said cow's dairy was ok, so on Friday I trialed raw organic milk with him.  In the past his reaction had been vomiting, and so far his tummy and digestion have been fine since the milk. 


Soooo, I realize that I've broken many rules as far as caring for your food-allergic child goes by introducing too many new things in one day.  Now I'm stuck scratching my head, and worried about my son.  I suspected the egg yolk for his rash all over, but shouldn't it be subsiding by now if that's what it was?  The rash preceeded the diary, so it couldn't have been the cause, but could it have exascerbated it?   His ALCAT results showed highly intolerant to beets, which I had previously thought were ok, so could it be the beets?  He's had beets in the past 6 months but never with this reaction.  Any thoughts what might be causing the rash?  Any suggestions on what to do now? 



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How often are you doing the Chamomilla and what is the dose and frequency? When was it started? Too frequent of dosing could cause a "proving".

How extensively are you using the hydro-cortisone cream? Often, there is a "rebound reaction" when it is started and stopped.

It might be the beets. I just read that a lot (50%) of sugar beets are GMO now.

Does the rash itch? Worse with heat?

Have you tried homeopathic Apis topical for the rash? Coconut oil? Lavender essential oil? Epsom salt baths? Here are a bunch of topical alternatives: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/eczema-steroid-creme

I'd focus on nutrients to improve immune health and detoxification and stomach acid. Probiotics, magnesium, vit C, B12, vit D, folate, molybdenum, zinc.

Pat Robinson said:
How often are you doing the Chamomilla and what is the dose and frequency? When was it started? Started the Chamomilla on Saturday the 18th. It was 30c and we did 5 pellets every 8 hours, done after the 3rd dose. This does line up better than any of the other new additions to his rash. What's a "proving"?

How extensively are you using the hydro-cortisone cream? Often, there is a "rebound reaction" when it is started and stopped.
We used it 2x/day last Thurs and Fri, then sort of intermittantly on Saturday and Sunday. Nothing today. But that was just on the nasty red patch on his cheek, not on his hands or legs. Would a "rebound" reaction become more general like that?

Have you tried homeopathic Apis topical for the rash? Coconut oil? Lavender essential oil? Epsom salt baths? Here are a bunch of topical alternatives: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/eczema-steroid-creme
Thanks for the ref. Also found out he's highly intolerant to coconut. Ug.

I'd focus on nutrients to improve immune health and detoxification and stomach acid. Probiotics, magnesium, vit C, B12, vit D, folate, molybdenum, zinc.
I really appreciate this last bit. I tend to get so focused on the past (what did I give him or do to make this happen) that I forget to help him heal. Thank you for the perspective!
That Chamomilla dose sounds fine. (Taking that dose every day for weeks could create the symptoms one is trying to resolve= "a proving".) Often, with (the right) homeopathic remedy there is an "aggravation" of symptoms before the healing.

That small of exposure to the hydro-cream, should be fine.

The basic issue is the bucket of allergens/immune assault is "overflowing". Elimination can be allergen avoidance, or detoxing more effectively. The skin is a detox pathway. Thus, if you improve the liver detox and immune tolerance, and bio-availability of nutrients, you lessen the need for the skin as a detox pathway.

I'd hold the dairy and beets and see how things improve over 48 hours. (I wouldn't resume them, just would expect improvement.)


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