~ Food Has Power ~
Hello! I'm a SAHM to my daughter, 4.5, in the Pacific Northwest (I'm in my low 30's). She's still breastfeeding (at night before falling asleep and in the morning). She's self-weaned down to one side and is less and less interested in BF but I could see her continuing for another year easily. I have 4 main health concerns that I'm working to address, presently: excess weight, amalgam fillings concerns (with weight loss while breastfeeding), dishydrotic eczema (and possibly some mysterious low-level collagen vascular disease??), some flares of aggression/anger. I'll limit this post to be about the weight loss/amalgam issues correlated with nutrition.
About 8 years ago my weight started creeping up…5-10 lb a year at first, had my baby 4.5 years ago (had horrendous nausea/vomiting while pregnant through week 22 and lost 10 lb in first trimester, gained that back and then another 25). Lost 15-20 lb almost immediately but then started feeding my postpartum anxiety with lots of carbs and sugar. Added about 11 lb a year for 4 years.
For years I tried, but was pretty much befuddled about 'how' to eat in an organic, local manner and felt like a deer caught in the headlights wondering what products were 'good' combined with all my historical mis-education about not eating too much fat, etc. Last May I read the intro nutrition section of Nourishing Traditions and it was like I could see the light! Of course, I'm still figuring it all out, hence coming here! Would love any feedback!
Last year dropped about 20 lb (water weight, presumably) after cutting out first homogenized milk, then gluten, then dairy entirely. So now one of my major concerns is shedding about 30 lb before TTC again in ?a year or so.
I have 3 amalgam fillings--one pretty small, 2 pretty big (in fact, when I met with a dentist who would remove with all proper precautions, he wants to replace one of the fillings with a gold crown). Just had a heavy metal test (urine) through an ND and found that I'm not excreting any appreciable levels of mercury. I wouldn't say I have any symptoms of Candida, but I must be colonized, right? If I eat too much sugar, I get a painful (thrushy?) feeling in my mouth but my husband always says it doesn't look like thrush (from his pov as an ENT). I can't remember the last time that happened, I really try to lay off the sugar!! I learned about how I might be poisoning myself with these fillings recently and almost had them removed but thankfully found the wonderful info on MDC (provided by you, Pat, I believe--thank you!!!!!!!) and chickened out because was worried I'd mobilize mercury and expose my BF child. But I really want to lose weight now without mobilizing mercury. I don't want to be this weight TTC. My perception is that my child isn't BF that much, of course, I don't want to jeopardize her health at all. But I don't feel that I can wait for her to finish BF to lose weight prior to TTC in a year or two. Is there a way to test for yeast?
Had a IgG test for ?96 foods and the dairy was very high, gluten was pretty high (had a separate panel for ?2 of the celiac-specific antibodies but that was negative). ND thought gluten may be a corollary with my dishydrotic eczema and very sensitive skin issues already so I cut that out. Once I cut out dairy (just in January) I noticed dramatic reduction in facial/decollete redness/inflammation and lost some weight quickly. I miss butter terribly.
What I'm currently doing:
Have been taking 2 capsules daily of FCLO and BO (just found out that's not nearly enough so got my bottle of FCLO today and will up both of those to 1 tsp/day). Just had a Vitamin D test and found my level to be low (20 ng/ml). Hopefully increasing the FCLO will help that. When should I retest?
We've good sources for pasture eggs, pork, chicken, beef and eat plenty of bacon (and bacon grease-yum!) which I was hoping would also help with the Vit. D but…guess not enough! I eat eggs every day.
Since cutting out my homemade yogurt have been struggling with whole food probiotics. Cannot find raw milk probiotic around here and trying to stay off the dairy completely. Don't care for the coconut milk yogurt in the store, haven't gotten around to making my own. Try to eat some Bubbie's sauerkraut or pickles or homemade LF ginger carrots daily (but worried they don't have much probiotic benefit?) Recently started to drink small amount of 'Good Belly' probiotic juice daily. Eat some natural salami's etc. that say they have lactic acid starter culture but not sure if that imparts any probiotic benefit to end product.
Cooking with organic coconut oil or bacon grease mostly. Just ordered organic pasture ghee. Worried about die off with coconut oil so not going crazy with it.
I don't seem to have any other allergies--maybe a slight sensitivity to almonds but I'm more inclined to think that's just because they're the most common nut in my repertoire and I'm not ready to eliminate them.
I'm thinking if I aim for very high good fat (nuts, pasture animals, coconut oil, avocado) without overly emphasizing coconut, perhaps that will help with additional weight loss? What is a realistic expectation for weight loss via diet modification in this way?
Aiming to get more Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Vitamin C, Calcium via:
Try to make bone broth once a week (usually chicken) and use it for big vat of soup, but probably only eat that 2-3 times a week.
Just started eating 2 brazil nuts/day.
Recently added more oysters to our diet (perhaps every other week, maybe a little more frequently).
Using celtic sea salt or pink himalayan salt for food and also taking pink himalayan salt bath soak occasionally (how much?)
Eating more leafy greens (mostly cooked). I'm not big on smoothies but plan to increase them and slip in more greens that way.
Should I be taking desiccated liver tablets? Can't stand liver otherwise yet.
Want to take Acerola--what's a good online source for this (only have found a bottle of tablets at Whole Foods but was really surprised/scared away by all the other ingredients).
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm
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Posted by Pat Robinson on March 29, 2015 at 7:30pm
Posted by Pat Robinson on January 23, 2015 at 10:59am — 3 Comments
Posted by Pat Robinson on May 26, 2014 at 8:30pm
Posted by Pat Robinson on May 20, 2014 at 8:00pm
Posted by Pat Robinson on May 4, 2014 at 9:00pm
Posted by Pat Robinson on April 19, 2014 at 12:00pm
Posted by Pat Robinson on February 25, 2014 at 7:30pm
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