So, ds is almost 14 months and just had his iron tested and is slightly low at 11.4 and 35.7 and  then mcv 71 and rdw 80. sooo of course dr. recommends iron drops (fer in sol ) for one month and recheck.

I have a few concerns and wonder if any of you wise mamas have some suggestions???

firstly it does not seem so low to me to be so concerned about,  more like a  check and see in a month if it goes down or stays the same kinda thing. He, otherwise is doing great, healthwise and developmentally and has plenty of energy.
Secondly ds just started eating more solids, real food in the last month or so. up until 1st year he was mostly breastfed while starting to learn about foods. he is now able to eat, swallow , enjoys the different textures tastes etc; so I think maybe it is possible that I am low in iron ( although I was never low during pregnancy) I might have become so in the last 6 months or so and therefore he was not getting enough from my milk....just a possibility here...
thirdly, I have read  at  that supplementing iron in kids/babies with down syndrome is generally not a good thing. I get that. But what about when the iron is low? and how low is o.k.?  too low and we can start seeing developmenatal problems etc;
and howabout supplementing with foods high in iron like molasses ? or Homeopathic ferrum phos( which I have just started giving him)? and if he really needs a real supplement then I have read that ferrous bisglycinate is well  absorbed  and does not cause constipation etc; does that mean it will not be free floating and causing trouble and is then safe to give??
I know  I have lots of questions here , just trying to find my way. Any, suggestions, info, links etc; will be greatly appreciated.

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I agree with the article linked, and your preference for food sources. Add just a bit of pureed liver to anything with sauce or gravy and you'll boost that iron naturally and organically.

Lentils and spinach are other sources of iron. These can be included in hummus or smoothies easily and very bio-available. Fermented soybeans are another possibility, perhaps a bit of organic soy yogurt daily would be plenty for a toddler. Here are some 50 food sources for iron:

Consuming just a small amount of vit C alongside an iron-dense food doubles absorption of the iron.

thanks Pat :), I thought you would agree with the article, it's nice to have someone else agree with that.
About the liver, does it need to be raw or can it be cooked...we eat only cooked liver here.
going to soak some lentils for tomorrow :)
Cooked liver is a great source of nutrients. There are different enzymes (and nutrients) in raw liver. I don't do raw liver (yet).


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