I am hoping someone can give me some insight on this. I started supplementing iodine (Lugol's) about 2 months ago, and at the same time increased my vitamin D intake (which wasn't bad to begin with (54), but now I take 8000iu/day), and went gluten-free. I also started taking the fermented CLO for the first time. I have taken the regular CLO (blue ice) for several years now. In the past month or so, I've started having trouble with what looks like eczema. I have never had eczema in my life, and neither have my kids. What's going on here? Is the iodine being a catalyst for something? Or am I reacting to the fermented CLO? I have autoimmune thyroid disease (for 10 years) and take a thyroid hormone supplement. I'm wondering if the iodine has somehow improved my immune system, and now I am getting eczema...?

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Iodine displaces mercury from the thyroid. Do you have mercury issues? Old mercury fillings or had them removed?

The skin is a detox pathway. So, excess toxins are excreted through the skin and in breastmilk. Are you nursing? I'd increase vit C and selenium and consider clay and kelp (organic, heavy metal tested) to help sop up excess heavy metals.

Depending upon how old the bottle is and if it has been refrigerated, the probiotics may not be viable. If not, you must detox the dead bacteria after consuming them. Also, supplemental enzymes are not generally consumed at the same time as probiotics.

I don't see a listing of the vitamins and minerals supplied, compared to the RDA. A bite of a bunch of vegetables is better than none, but not the same as eating a serving of each. Otherwise, the ingredients look excellent, just not sure of the actual quantity of any vitamins and minerals provided.

I believe that Vitamin C Powder - Acerola Cherries is an ideal supplement source.

To start, I'd focus on folate sources and probiotics and essential fatty acids and magnesium.

Green smoothie, bone broth and kefir and cod liver oil are the easiest. Then I'd add some coconut oil topically.

The key nutrients are Magnesium, B6, B12, molybdenum, folate. Vit A, Bs, Cs, D, zinc. Are you getting iodine in salt/kelp/seafood?

Have you tried melatonin to break the insomnia cycle? Homeopathy? No caffeine after 2pm? Basically, it sounds like your adrenals are shot. From what I've read, you can't fix the thyroid issues until you address the adrenals, which are stress, reactivity, sugar high/lows. Nuts as a protein source provide quick, portable protein and fats. I'll eat nutbutter off a spoon on the go. And I keep a bag of mixed nuts to carry with me, whenever I leave the house. Oh, you need selenium also to help T4/T3 conversion. 1-2 Brazil nuts (max) provide the RDA of selenium.

If you are craving chocolate, Natural Calm magnesium could help. Does for me.

The antidepressants can lower folate, not certain about Zoloft specifically. Folate helps anxiety and depression. http://healthlibrary.epnet.com/GetContent.aspx?token=e0498803-7f62-...

Curious about any tongue-tie, butt dimple, midline issues in any family members?

Kombucha (if not nursing) and Milk thistle help liver function. Ginger tea will help stomach acid and to curb the sweet tooth.

Here is an informative thread: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/help-for-my-husbands-health?commentId=2814160%3AComment%3A3688

What are your thoughts?

Topical coconut oil helps for eczema. You can consume it also. I don't believe that Himalayan salt has significant iodine. Seafood and kelp are great sources. Must be organic, heavy metal tested kelp.

With melatonin, less is better. The liquid version can be dosed in smaller increments. There is a product called "Deep Sleep" which is an herbal extract to help maintain sleep. Many people find that the melatonin wears off after about 4-5 hours. Taken together, Deep Sleep and Melatonin can help provide a crutch to get some sleep. Getting sunlight and exercise as early in the day as possible is key to resetting the biorhythms. Going to bed by 10pm, before that 'second wind' of cortisol kicks in is important too.

Basically, it sounds like adrenal issues and reducing stress and increasing exercise are helpful. I'd try adding zinc and magnesium to your diet, both help with ruminating symptoms. Folate helps with anxiety/depression.

Also consider some Bach flower remedies. White Chestnut is for "when thoughts go round and round in your head". Aspen for vague fears and a sense of peace. Honeysuckle for homesickness, nostalgia.

Check these Bach Flower remedy finder links to help you select which ones most speak to you/her. There are specific ones for social anxiety, fears, ruminating thoughts, paranoia, grief, self-doubt, overwhelm, etc.



I get them from Vitacost.com most inexpensively. Like $9 each, vs. locally $16.

Also, classical homeopathy can help with emotional lability, depression or anxiety also.

Epsom salt baths help too.


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