~ Food Has Power ~
Hi Ladies! I'm hoping I can get some ideas here on what can be causing my unusual symproms.
I'll try to keep this as short as possible.
In June I started having these constant intense pressure headaches. This sensation would keep up at night and started becoming very anxious about this. I had a CT and MRI of my head all looked well. Suddenly one night I woke up out of my bed with what I thought was a panick attack. From that night on I started feeling as IF I could not breath, rapid heart rate, palpatations and would seem worse as I tried to fall asleep. My body would wake up as IF it as telling me I can't breath. This progressed into the day. So 24/7 I felt like I could not breath and I had a weight on my chest always. I felt week and going up my stairs was a challenge. This lasted for about 7 weeks. It was ruining me. I was losing weight, couldn't take care of my children, beacame very anxious and depressed. I was up till 4am every night because of these awful sensations. I then developed digestion issues. gnawing, burning stomach and alternating between loose stools and constipation. Some nights i become so nauseas I lay by the toilet for hours and will have loose bowels. Gradually my breathing issues faded but the digestive issues would come and go. I felt decent for about 2 motnhs breathing wise.
About a week ago my stomach issues became very bad. I was having constant gnawing and burning in mys stomach. No appetite and jsut not feeling well. I started to freak myself out that I had stomach cancer. Then on the 4th day of this my breathing issues returned and they are worse than ever! I wake in the middle of the night several times a night feeling like I"m having a heart attack. I do not sleep again because I"m scared to fall asleep and have these sensations. When I lay down I also get this intense pressure sensation up my neck and my head. All day I can feel palpatations in my throat, I can do much without becoming winded, I feel like I can't breath 24/7 I feel weak, and I get adrenaline surges. I'm losing it. It's the worst feeling. Life should not be this way.
Test that have been done
chest CT with contrast-normal
Abdominal CT with contrast-normal
abdominal ultrasound-normal
Thyroid is good
No anemia
I've been to 2 cardiologist who have said it's not my heart.
Been to lung doctor said things look normal
Waitng on bioposy from endoscopy but GI doc did say my stomach was red and irritated in spots
OATS test showed low vit C, low seratonin and candida
Saliva test showed adrenal fatigue but mild I was told. Sex hormones were low normal which I don't understand becuase my periods are so irregular.
Metamatrixstool test showed
-Parasite but didn't know what kind just said not a human parastie
-While i have good numbers of beneficial bacteria they are our of balance.
-Showed I'm not absorbing fats very well at all maybe not producing enough bile
-Showed yest/fungi but not clear what kind
-Lactoferrin is really low
-Anti-gliadin levels were high-gluten sensitive which is intersting I"ve removed gluten for months at a time without feeling a change in anything.
I have MTHFR one copy of each.
I did the whole 30 for 38 days but did not notice a change in anything. I did realize I'm sensitive to dairy. I've been to 3 NDs who basically say they don't know what to do to help me. I'm on my 4th ND who is now sending mi for further stool testing to see If this could be caused my a prarsite. He also checking nuerotransmitters. Waiting on these results.
I"m so sorry it's so long. I would greatly appreciate opinions more than you know!
Jada :)
I've read that book. I really did find it so helpful. So I guess I will read book number two! Thank you
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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