I just found this wonderful site while dealing with my son's eczema and our leaky gut issues. Anyways, my question I have right now is dealing with mercury fillings. I have to have a cracked amalgam filling removed (my appointment is in two days). I am very concerned about the mercury exposure for myself and of course for my son who is 11 months old and exclusivley breastfed. I am especially concerned because of his eczema issues. I had these fillings put in when he was about 4 months old, it never occured to me for some reason that it would affect him and I was caught off guard when I got the dentists office, not expecting them to use amalgams.

Anyways, I have to have this replaced, the tooth is hurting, and I fear there may be an increased mercury exposure from the cracked filling. I can't afford to go to a dentist that specializes in the removal of them, it's just not an option right now. I started taking lots of vitamin c. and chlorella, I've read you can take activated charcoal afterwards. I guess I'm looking for any ideas on what I can take to help remove the mercury as well as things I can do to keep the exposure to a minimal (both myself and things I can ask the dentist to do). Thanks so much in advance.

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Ok, just seeing this today. If you have other mercury fillings intact, you don't want to be taking chlorella. I'll send a note to Tanya our resident mercury removal resource.

I wouldn't have mercury removed while nursing, I'd pull a tooth first.

Read this thread: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=14109667&...

Here are some homeopathic and pain management alternatives for tooth issues. I'd wean before dumping mercury into my nursling. And we nursed for years. So, I don't say that lightly. Ds has all kinds of ASD symptoms due to my mercury dumping while nursing (and in utero exposure) with fillings intact.

foods which help to heal cavities.

Do you know about the "Curing Cavities with Nutrition" thread?

Check about clove oil for any abscess. There are homeopathics for teeth
abscesses also. Let me find that link. Here are some links about alternative
tooth treatments which you might try:





Homeopathic treatment of acute dental conditions:

I'd postpone the appointment until you feel that you trust the choice you are making is best for you and baby.

Even the FDA says that people are exposed to a spike of mercury when amalgams are placed or removed. With such a young baby who ALREADY got a load of extra mercury from an amalgam placement AND who has eczema, he is at high risk.

As far as I know, a cracked filling does not release any more mercury than any other filling sitting in your mouth. The pain issue is real, an infection setting in would be very bad, but especially with a dentist who doesn't use a good protocol, you both are at real risk of bad outcomes. To be blunt (because I admit I am a bit worn out right now, so I am not as tactful as I could be), if your son starts banging his head on the wall or spinning and not making good eye contact, or loses communication skills, are you going to be okay with that? Those are risks.

You can cancel this appointment and try to find ways to keep the tooth healthy without the amalgam being removed. If that doesn't work, you can wean your son and have the amalgam removed, though for your own health, and for future children, you really should try to find someone who will protect you. I agree with Pat that chlorella right now is a bad idea. Worst case, you could get the work done and not nurse for at least 3 days, take lots and lots and lots of vitamin C (until you get diarrhea) and a good multivitamin at higher-than-recommended dosages. Not a great choice, definitely still some risk, but I think less. But nursing him the day you get an amalgam out is bad news.

I'm sorry to be blunt, but there are real risks. It sucks that they're not more publicized than they are. But seriously, you don't want to be learning about oral chelation and sensory integration disorders, it will throw your life into turmoil for years.
Thanks so much for responding. I guess my fear is that because the filling is cracked more mercury is being released than if it wasn't. There is no decay or abscess in this tooth, it's becoming a little painful but by no means unbearable, I have not problem letting this go for awhile. I by no means want to wean anytime soon, I'm still nursing my 4 year old daughter as well and plan to nurse him for a long time. So as long as a cracked filling is ok, I'm happy to wait it out.

Another question, I have a composite filling that has to be replaced because of decay underneath it, again it's not hurting, but it's a pretty big filling, I don't think there's much tooth left. Will this dental work be dangerous as well because it is release mercury from the other fillings, I would be happy to wait and would probably end up pulling this tooth (it's in the very back of my mouth).

Of course when I called the dentist office they said there's no harm to me at all since they used the high power suction equipment and the water. Of course they also said there's no harm in silver fillings or else they wouldn't be on the market, but they still listened when I insisted I didn't want silver fillings in my 4 year old daughters mouth. Thanks so much,
There are non-BPA composite fillings available. They cost more than amalgam.

Tooth decay is associated with gut imbalance and ph imbalance. I'd focus on healing the gut. Have you read at alternative kids teeth, or very young kids teeth? Both promote non-invasive nutritional alternatives to heal cavities effectively.


But, the "Curing Cavities with Nutrition" thread has tons of info.


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