My husband is having some ongoing health issues and I would appreciate any input as to how to bring healing to his body.

He's almost chronically bloated and gets a lot of gas and pressure in his stomach. He has sores on his scalp that seem to be getting worse; toenail fungus that he's had for at least 10 years. He's had diverticulitis, and kidney stones, joint problems, and chronic sinus problems that he self medicates with yucky, unhealthy nose sprays. He's also having anxiety attacks where he struggles to breath. He was born with a cleft palate and that contributes to the breathing trouble.

I think the sores on his head got much worse after he had some titanium implants put in his mouth. I can't be sure though and don't know how to deal with that. Any advice would be helpful with his health situation.


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The bloating and gas sound like a malabsorption issue - my first thoughts are stomach acid and gluten. Would he be willing to give gluten-free a try? Does he pass the beet test?

Joint problems could easily be a sulfate issue - does he like and/or eat high sulfur foods like eggs and brassicas and onions/garlic?

Cleft palate and anxiety both point to potential MTHFR polymorphisms increasing his need for food folate. Does he eat many folate foods?
I think he would try gluten free. He went to a natural path a while ago who told him to stay away from wheat, which he did for about 2 weeks. I need to really convince him.

He does eat eggs pretty regularly, and onions. I wonder if the joint problems could also be caused by food allergies, or gluten intolerance?

I don't know what MTHFR polymorphisms are. Could you fill me in on that?

Basically, MTHFR polymorphisms mean his genetics may make him need a different form of folate.

The joint issues could easily be due to food sensitivities, but I've been looking at the reasons for having food sensitivities in the first place - and it all boils down to nutrient deficiencies, based on your genetics. My approach is to address the deficiencies because I only made them worse with a year and a half of elimination diets for me and dd.
This sounds like my husband- the MTHFR polymorphisms. This is so interesting. I understand what your saying too about the food sensitivity issue, and the elimination diet. It makes so much more sense to get to the root of the problem.

I've got to talk him into the beet test. I've never done it myself either.

So he needs needs to eat foods rich in folate and not take folic acid. He's been taking b-complex and multis' for quite a while.
Metagenics and Thorne have some stuff that has the active form of folate, 5-MTHF.

Joints (connective tissue) need a lot of sulfate, which comes from the sulfur foods. It's possible (I think I'm seeing this in us) that the sulfate can go to the wrong places due to the way calcium is signaling. Does he also have keratosis pilaris and strong nails by chance?
Thanks for the folate info.

I had to google search keratosis pilaris. I haven't noticed anything like that on my husband. He's sleeping now or I would go take a closer look, but I don't think so. He does have the toenail fungus though on every toe. His toenails are yellowish and thick. He also has these sores on his head for the past few years. They look like an acne breakout on his scalp, but they hurt and his scalp gets swollen. They're almost like welts.
The fungus along with the gas/bloating makes me think yeast overgrowth is pretty likely. Probiotics (kefir?) and biotin might help, but go slow and watch out for die off. It also means you should think about metal toxicity. I'm not an expert there, but there are ways to test and ways to treat.
I was thinking metal toxicity might be involved. He had a lot of mercury fillings removed by a regular dentist years ago with no detox after, and he had 2 titanium implants put in a few years ago. It seems to me that his head started breaking out after the implants were put in. So I'm thinking he might be having a reaction to them also.

I just got some kefir starter from Pat, so I can start giving him that for the candida. The hard thing is getting him to eat healthy. I have started making fermented veggies and he will usually eat those.

In what form do you recommend the biotin?

You are so knowledgeable about health issues. Do you know anything about chronic pancreatitis? I've had it for 7 yrs now since a bout with mono. I'm battling candida myself and going through metal detox after filling removal. I just don't know what else to do to get my pancreas healed. I don't know why I still have this.

I appreciate your help.

Julie :)
I'm doing 5-10mg of biotin capsules. But we don't have candida issues to speak of, so I don't really know about detox. You'd probably want to start a lot lower than that - closer to the RDA.

I don't know anything about chronic pancreatitis, sorry.
Thanks for all your advice. It really helps. My husband read this today so he knows the steps to take.

Thanks Again,
Julie <>/body>
No problem! I'd love to get feedback if anything actually helps (or doesn't help) if you remember to come back and post :)
This is my "Cliffs Notes" version for health guts.

Lemon in water. Bone broth. Epsom salt baths. Then Green juices or broccoli or liver. Then..

Most cost effective alternatives are whole food nutrients.

homemade bone broth every. single. day. 1 cup (MANY nutrients needed for detox, plus minerals)
homemade milk kefir every. single. day. 1 cup (gradually work up, start with an ounce, increase by 1 ounce a week.) (B vits, enzymes, most probiotics in proper ph)
homemade kombucha every. single. day. (start with an ounce, increase by 1 ounce a month, if no mercury fillings.) (displaces and replaces candida albicans in the gut)
green smoothie every. single. day. day 2 cups (any juice plus any dark leafy greens, rotate produce)
liver one ounce, only three times a week. (B-vits essential for detox)

coconut oil 1 Tbls every. single. day. (medium chain fatty acids, kills candida in the large intestine)
fermented CLO, every. single day. (most expensive item) (vit A, D, K, EFAs)
Bubbies sauerkraut 1 Tbls. every. single. day. (or other raw, fermented food) (probiotics)
Brazil nuts 2 ONLY, every. single. day. (selenium)
Epsom salts a pinch in water, all day long. (magnesium sulfate)
Celtic Sea Salt a pinch in every glass of water, broth. (microminerals)
Lemon juice, fresh squeezed, 1 tsp. in every glass of water or smoothie. (alkalizing to body ph, paradoxically)
Raw local honey, 1 Tbls at bedtime. (helps bifidum bacteria to grow in the gut)
Egg yolk, 1 per day. (if not IgE) (nutrients help to detox)
Vit C, 1000mg, two times a day. (helps to detox)

Total cost about $4 per day.


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