Hi, I'm new to this site. Wondering if anyone would have some advice for me.

I've been on a healing journey for the last 6 yrs. It started with a bout of Mono, (the third time I've had it) which affected my pancreas and gave me chronic pancreatitis. It also affected my liver. After a couple of years of going to regular MD's and getting much worse through tons of antibiotics and numerous harmful tests, they told me there was nothing more they could do for me. So, by the grace of God, I've been slowly healing through natural means ever since. I recently had all my mercury fillings removed and then did some detox for about 5 weeks. I did, Chlorella, Pectasol Chelation Complex, Maca, ACS, ACZ, nano spray, Mega Vit. C with D- Ribose, Greens+ and Liver Guard by Source Naturals. It was hard to afford all those supplements and I was wondering if anyone has any advice on what else I could use, and for how long? Or if I should try to stick to this protocol for a longer period of time. I'm also dealing with candida. Wanting to really destroy it, and looking for any info there also.

Sorry this is so long. Thanks for any advice.
Julie <>/body>
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Thanks for all this info. The tongue stuff is so interesting. I'm really going to have to do some research on that. I'm definitely going to do the Mag. test and calcium test. I woke up to a terrible cramp in my calf the other day. I think I might be taking too much magnesium. I even use the kind you rub on your skin for fast absorption.

I'm pretty sure I do have leaky gut. I might need to cut out dairy. I'm also going to look into the DMSA and ALA. I've heard of Vit. C to bowel tolerance but I haven't done it. I'm going to try that as now would be a good time to get cleaned out, and the C is supposed to be good for the mercury toxicity.

Thanks for your help. :-D
One other thing that's helped me a lot is described in this document...


Read the whole thing. I use their product (or 50-50 with Now sodium ascorbate which is cheaper and tastier). I think it's really helped bring down my level of circulating toxins--when I started with the bowel tolerance vitamin C, I needed 44 grams per day, and that flush (done exactly like the document talks about, every 15 mins til watery diarrhea) really brought that down, and I think really helped in the months after I got my amalgams out.

I'm going to subscribe to this thread, somehow I keep forgetting. Yeah, I have short-term memory issues, but they're getting better! :-D It's one of my mercury issues, it'll be so nice to be done. Really.

One other thing--when you look through the stuff in the yahoo group, you'll see that they mention hair tests from Doctor's Data. I found that sorta helpful for my daughter, I used her as a proxy for all three of us (my daughter was 4 then, my son 2yo). It has pluses and minuses and isn't necessary, but it can help bring clarity to what's going on (other metals? are you mercury toxic? can help with some mineral levels, my kids are really low in zinc, still low though I've been supplementing for almost 2 years now) so it can help with that--though the zinc isn't a shocker, it's so common with mercury issues.

Anyway, best of luck, let me know if I can help more. It's a strange ride to be on, I hope the next few months go well for you, and I hope you can resolve all your issues. Healing is good!

Julie said:
Thanks for all this info. The tongue stuff is so interesting. I'm really going to have to do some research on that. I'm definitely going to do the Mag. test and calcium test. I woke up to a terrible cramp in my calf the other day. I think I might be taking too much magnesium. I even use the kind you rub on your skin for fast absorption.

I'm pretty sure I do have leaky gut. I might need to cut out dairy. I'm also going to look into the DMSA and ALA. I've heard of Vit. C to bowel tolerance but I haven't done it. I'm going to try that as now would be a good time to get cleaned out, and the C is supposed to be good for the mercury toxicity.

Thanks for your help. :-D
Tanya, this is so interesting. I didn't know you could use the Vit. C as a flush! I have some powdered Vit C from Twinlab. It's just called ascorbate, from potassium ascorbate. It also has the mag, cal, zinc, potassium and manganese all from ascorbate in it . Do you think this would be a good one to use?
I would say no. Because you are increasing many minerals at once with that product. Some can vitamins and minersals be "too much" in quantity. We were just discussing the impact on the stomach and blood ph due to different forms of vit C. I'd follow Tanya's suggestions. Or Sodium ascorbate is the one most recommend.

I'd compare it to Perque's, which has some minerals, but I'd probably be hesitant, or at least need to check carefully, because too much potassium could be problematic. The sodium I've been fine with (I've read that it's excreted very simply when the sodium ascorbate is broken apart in the stomach, but I don't really know), but with the amount you may need to take of potassium, I'd be more cautious.

Julie said:
Tanya, this is so interesting. I didn't know you could use the Vit. C as a flush! I have some powdered Vit C from Twinlab. It's just called ascorbate, from potassium ascorbate. It also has the mag, cal, zinc, potassium and manganese all from ascorbate in it . Do you think this would be a good one to use?
Okay, I'll get the right stuff. Thanks :)
< but with the amount you may need to take of potassium, I'd be more cautious.>>>

Yes, excess potassium can cause heart irregularities.

Yeah, I'm going to have to buy the right kind. I have the article on how to do this. I'll have to read through it. I probably will have to get some potassium.

I'd really like to do this flush. I think this would be a good time.
When you say you need to get some potassium, what's going on that you need more? Right now, I'm doing better with more sodium, my adrenals are pretty fatigued from all this. Adrenal fatigue seems common with most long-term, chronic illnesses--or maybe it's just the places I read. :-D But one of the chemicals (aldosterone? I think?) gets imbalanced and it's part of how our bodies regulate sodium, and we become poor at holding onto sodium and actually need to consume a lot more than normal people in order to have enough available in our bodies for basic good functioning at a cellular level. Low blood pressure was an early clue for me, before I knew anything was wrong, health-wise. But potassium and sodium balance each other, and some people actually need to limit potassium-containing foods (not eliminate, of course, but avoid bananas and potatoes, just a few of the biggies).

re: this flush, I actually do them regularly. For a while it was weekly, not it's about every 2-3 weeks. Especially as I take stuff to deliberately mobilize metals, it helps get rid of the extra. And right now is an excellent time to start, but you may want to do it periodically for at least the first 6 months post-amalgam removal, since your organs will likely start to dump mercury in the coming months.

Julie said:
Yeah, I'm going to have to buy the right kind. I have the article on how to do this. I'll have to read through it. I probably will have to get some potassium.

I'd really like to do this flush. I think this would be a good time.
I think I just confused what Pat was telling me about watching my potassium intake with needing more potassium. I get fatigued and speed read because of a short attention span. That happened with this illness.

I really want to do this Vit. C flush though. I printed it so I can read it over a few times and get it right.
Yeah, I've BTDT on the attention/thinking type of problem, it's no fun!

Best of luck! :-D
Do you think the C flush is safe to do while breastfeeding? I'm nursing Sam now who is two and a half. (Selena, almost 5, has pretty much weaned)

Also, would you have considered having your fillings removed if you were nursing an older child? Does anyone know if it's safer when they're older or if it's just a wait til they're totally done kind of thing?

I want mine OUT! But not at her expense, of course. I'm reading about chlorella right now and will be starting to take that as fighting my candida is giving me serious Hg toxicity symptoms. The rock on my right keeps shoving me up against a hard place on my left!

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