Sam has hives... They are driving her crazy and last night we gave her 10 mg benadryl and she got such relief. I'm wanting to know more before giving it to her again. Does it damage gut flora? Any feedback asap would be wonderful! Thank you!


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You can give large doses of vit C to decrease the inflammatory reaction and help with detoxing. Also, Apis, a homeopathic pellet and/or Apis cream help for hives, swelling, etc.

You don't want to continue an antihistamine, long term, imo. But, for hives, it is necessary.

What happened?

Pat Robinson said:
What happened?


I don't know! Saturday morning I noticed red patches shortly after we got up. She just had an intestinal infection and so I assumed it was a kind of virus that comes with the rash... But it lasted all day and she started getting the swelling and itching and now it's clear it's hives but I have no idea what's causing it. She was just miserable with itching just now. She wouldn't take the tablet (doesn't take syrups either) so I ground it up and poured it in her mouth when she was crying! My gosh, I want to cry.

It couldn't be my breastmilk could it?
I just read that "In many of these cases, hives is caused by an internal virus inside the body that heals itself in a short period of time, thus making viruses the number one cause for most cases of hives." I'm not sure if the same virus that caused her intestinal infection could be the cause of these hives, but I'm really hoping it is. I thought hives were an allergic reaction. Maybe they can be an allergic reaction to a virus?
Rashes are not uncommon with virus and fevers. Self-limiting. But, raised hives are generally food or environmental exposure, I believe. Vit C will help, either way.

Doubt it is your milk, unless you ate something she has an IgE allergy to.

I know nothing about this site:

But I read this there:
"Single episode urticaria is caused by infections such as chicken pox, viral infections, mononucleosis and serum hepatitis. Reactions to medications can also cause a single episode."

She looks better this morning. Only a couple small hives and little to no itchiness. Her face is still kind of puffy, especially under her eyes but there aren't obvious welts and she's not scratching, thank goodness.
I'm wondering how Quercetin would work for her?
In my experience, it is a histamine regulator.
I take one when the seasons change, and it is like magic.
Thanks Lisa. I'll keep Quercetin in mind in case there's a next time. I'm happy to report she seems to be in the clear. ;) Thanks Pat, for your help!
Quercetin is a phytochemical in that is part of the coloring found in the skins of apples and red onions, and in tea, nuts, berries, cauliflower and cabbage, capers, tea, red grapes, citrus, tomato, broccoli, leafy green vegetables, cherry, raspberry, cranberry.

Did you figure out the cause? Detoxing and nursing could increase toxin processing for baby, and the skin is an excretory pathway of excess toxins.

I'd keep benedryl on hand at all times, as subsequent reactions are often more severe. I'd try to identify every variable in your diet the day preceding and look for patterns or new exposures. New foods, increased probiotics, new supplement, new packaged product...

Pat Robinson said:
Did you figure out the cause? Detoxing and nursing could increase toxin processing for baby, and the skin is an excretory pathway of excess toxins.

At this point I'm operating on the premise that it was "single episode urticaria" caused by the intestinal infection/virus she had. Neither she nor I had changed our diets in an easily recognizable way during the previous day/s. If it happens again, I will definitely re-examine this. And for good measure, I'm going to write down what I can remember of what we had eaten the day before.

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