~ Food Has Power ~
Firstly, I thought perhaps, that I was losing my mind about the dried fruit and tooth decay, when I googled for 30 minutes to no avail! LOL But, fortunately, I found the study!! http://www.jyi.org/news/nb.php?id=377
The research team found that raisins contain five compounds that reduce the number of cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth. The compounds slowed the growth of Streptococcus mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis. S. mutans is known to cause cavities, while P. gingivalis causes periodontal disease, or gingivitis.
Personally, *I* believe that a 24 hr toxic metals test is not appropriate for nursing mothers. If this is the provoked challenge. Did you have to ingest something BEFORE the urine collection? And then a chelating agent afterwards? Maybe FF/PB/SB or Tanya will chime in, as I'm no toxic metals expert. But, I just want to point out my discomfort for the regard for you with mercury *present* in your mouth, and related to the toxins which ALSO dumped to your milk, IF it were a provoked test. Therefore, I question his/her 'big picture' suggestions. And I would not continue to take any "chelating", under the present situation.
Now, as I'm not well informed about this, I'd love more information to clarify my understanding. But, apparently, there are some alternatives which help to bind *released* mercury so that it is not redeposited in the organs, brain. And there are some alternatives which *remove* the mercury from storage in the body, including removing it from your teeth. But, my understanding is that it is therefore *released* in the body then. Netting MORE circulating mercury DUE TO the "removal" agent. And more mercury going to your milk, I believe.
The second part is when a provider initiates a "diagnostic" tool which results in a "need" for their continued services, in the way of chelating, further testing, etc. :-/
I'll leave this note and move on to other issues in your post.
ferments would be great to replace probiotics - what about milk or water kefir? Or homemade yogurt? think Aidan would go for them?
It is "best" to sprout grains, beans, rice, nuts, seeds, I believe. But, it can't be my whole life. I just mix up my grains ahead and soak them all together, for the variety of nutrients. Sometimes, we eat the nuts unsoaked, but we still get nutrients. I don't believe there is a "perfect" diet. And I'm not tied to eating "perfectly". We eat out. We eat conventional spinach, green peppers, green beans, processed grains, etc. occasionally. We eat more optimally, as a 'general rule'. But, I focus on how we are being nourished, not on what the food lacks in health benefits, iykwim.
I'd focus on adding nutrient dense options and not sweat the details. :-) You are already miles and miles ahead of the SAD. It sounds like you found some whole food probitotics; but ds hasn't? I add just a tablespoon of homemade milk kefir or homemade water kefir to other foods. A tablespoon is tons more nutritious than unused kefir, straight. ;-) Ds doesn't notice the little bit of kefir in smoothies, cereal, or juice. I just add a tablespoon each time and know it is more nutritious, no fuss, no taste issues. Both homemade milk and water kefirs have tons more probiotics than any store bought product. And both are SO EASY.
Again, the homemade broth is more important than the toothpaste, imo. A little bit here and there is SO beneficial!! The amino acids, the micronutrients, the vitamins, the minerals, the gut healing...
Bubbies dill pickles and sauerkraut are naturally fermented, not heat pasteurized. So, you get probiotic benefits of the fermented vegetables, with ease. I like ease. LOL Ds loves the pickles. Most store-bought sauerkraut is heated to "pasteurize" it, which means it KILLS all the good bacteria! Check what you are using, if you aren't making it already at home.
Sure, oxylates can interfere with some nutrient absorption, but less so when the gut has the proper HCl and the proper nutrients in combination. Again, the Bigger Picture is to increase nutrients, not *avoid* nutrient dense foods, imo.
Per my reading, most Americans have more calcium intake, as compared to magnesium. So, that supplementation of calcium and magnesium in equal amounts is more indicated, than the traditional 2:1 ratio. Still think that is a big dose of magnesium for a little guy, especially as a single dose. I believe that FF/PB/SB recommends Mag/Cal in the morning and Mag in the evening (divided dose), but I may have that backwards. Just curious if you were advised to buy the Cal/Mag supplement from the ND's practice, directly? And do you know what type of D3 it is?
The colloidal silver is a broad spectrum antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasite. I don't believe in consuming broad spectrum antibiotic non-food sources daily.
"And silver colloid can cause an imbalance in the microflora in the intestines that help you break down food and protect the gut from opportunistic infections, so it's important to recolonize those, " says Debra Brammer, N.D. In a word, if silver colloid does prove to have the benefits of antibiotics, it also has many of the same drawbacks." http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0820/is_n225/ai_18230829
Did you buy the colloidal silver from her office too?
Also, silver is a heavy metal. Unstudied ingestion of heavy metals doesn't sit well with me, personally. It has properties which are exerted on the other minerals in the body. Topically, yes, it can help kill strep mutans on contact, in vitro studies. But, it kills beneficial bacteria in the mouth at the same time. It disrupts the oral flora due to its *broad spectrum* qualities. Perhaps, swish and spit is an option? But, I wouldn't swallow it. Many, many alternative folks disagree. :-)
Lemon in the water throughout the day, is ok, per my best understanding. Lemon first thing in the morning, followed by a high fat diet, for nursing mothers, is not advised.
I believe that chlorella pulls mercury from your teeth (and other locations in the body) and releases it into the blood stream, to be eliminated by the colon. However, from my reading, it depends a lot on how well you digest/absorb the chlorella; and whether the chlorella has heavy metals in it, itself; and how quickly the mercury is excreted after being mobilized from the stored locations. It does seem to pull it from the tooth fillings, per my reading and some could be excreted into breastmilk.
This article disagrees: http://books.google.com/books?id=3LQ57_4VdkoC&pg=PA79&lpg=P...
My priority, is having someone *collaborate* with me, rather than direct our health care.
HTH, Pat
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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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