I read so much conflicting information..  It's so overwhelming.  I'd love to know if anything has helped others!

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Where to start? Help 101

Epsom salts for the sulfate. And beans/legumes for the molybdenum.

More environmental alternatives: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=14604849&...

Here is a long list of alternatives to avoid asthma.
http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=9777956&h... 77956

There was a study mentioned in the Healing the New Childhood Epidemics Autism, ADHD, Asthma and Allergies by Kenneth Bock, M.D. which "found that patients using a bronchodilator with beta-agonists may do more long-term harm than good in some kids. In a study of this approach, 30% of patients using this medication improved over an extended period of time, but 70% of those using a placebo improved."

The MD clarifies, "this lack of improvement probably occurred because this medication increases the sensitivity of the bronchial tubes. In addition, the steroidal medications can cause even more serious side-effects." (page 357)

Saying No to Nebulizer for Toddlers?

two asthma atacks in less than 2 months

I swear that the Classical Homeopathist has cured dh's severe exercise induced and allergen induced asthma. He is SPT positive to ALL airborne pollens, except pine. Plus pet dander, dust mites, molds, etc.

My friend had a history of asthma, and was training for a triathlon. So, she started using the albuterol prophlactically to maximize bronchial dilation. Very quickly, over about a month, she started "needing" the albuterol every day, even at rest. She has optimal nutrition. Ultimately ended up in the ER for nebulizer, because she couldn't breathe. She noted that it all started with *initiating* the use of the albuterol. So, she weaned herself off doing breathing exercises as prescribed by Professor Buteyko of Russia. Here is a video about it: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5216964387790732800#

More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buteyko_method

His site: http://www.buteyko.com/

There is a book Asthma-Free Naturally: Everything You Need to Know to Take Control ... - Featuring the Buteyko Breathing Method Suitable for Adults and Children which my friend read and practices the breathing. She avoids the albuterol spiral by focused breathing. I'm not suggesting to keep the albuterol away, if one needs it. But, these are proactive ways to improve oxygen exchange, which can be utilized during the 'tight' episodes. The albuterol has a sense of increasing sensitivity of the airways and increasing dependence on the albuterol.

Calm wrote about it here: http://sagaciousmama.synthasite.com/carbon-dioxide-test.php

Info about children and asthma, on her site: http://sagaciousmama.synthasite.com/asthma.php

And I'd focus on improving stomach acid, to improve detox nutrient bio-availability. And, whole food probiotics to improve immune function in the gut. Seriously, the Classical Homeopathy has been amazing for dh's severe 30-year history of asthma and allergies. No albuterol, benedryl, etc. for years.

There are biochemical changes in the body which the albuterol and its ingredients affect. Long-term, these have implications for our health. Albuterol is an amazing rescue drug. But, it doesn't heal the body.

ETA: Natural Remedies for Allergies & Asthma?

And probiotics are the major issue along with gut healing. Probiotics will help prevent and treat colds, flu, GI virus, asthma, etc. Probiotics help to recolonize the gut. The gut is 70-80% of the immune system. So, increasing bone broths, coconut oil, cod liver oil and whole food probiotics. Acidophilus is in yogurt, kefir, water kefir, fermented vegetables, etc. Goat's milk yogurt is more easily digested due to less allergenic proteins and because it is cultured. It has prebiotics and enzymes which help too.

Classical homeopath helped dh's eczema and ds's food intolerances. We can do raw dairy, but not pasteurized dairy or casein. Casein is in cheese, btw; 10x more than in milk! Casein is highly associated with allergies, eczema and asthma and autoimmune disorders.

So adding cod liver oil, coconut oil, magnesium, bone broths, probiotics, raw dairy, fermented foods, kefir, kombucha, soaked grains, avoiding gluten,
add zinc, enzymes, avoid artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, salicylates,
add Vit A and D supplementation, avoiding soy, wheat, casein, all help decrease the inflammatory process in the gut.

But, #1 get yogurt with "Active Live Cultures" or make kefir, which has 56+ beneficial microbials to help recolonize the gut. Everyone benefits from a teaspoon a day, unless IgE to dairy. There is dairy-free kefir too.

I give ds 3000 mg of Vitamin C in divided doses when he gets the first sniffles. And Sambucol for Kids, with echinacea, propolis, elderberry extracts and zinc.

Magnesium is so important for the immune system. We use Natural Calm. It tastes pretty good.

And essential fatty acids are critical. I order fermented cod liver oil. But, we've also used Nordic Naturals, peach flavored.

Bone broths are sooooo important for micronutrients. But, I would NOT use conventional store-bought beef. It is safer to use grass-fed beef bones, or organic chicken bones.

Bubbies sauerkraut and pickles are high in naturally fermented probiotics also.

So, we must recolonize the gut with healthy bacteria over and over and over.

ADD nutrient rich whole foods. Juicing is easy and delicious. We got a juicer second hand. Check Craig's list. We add dark leafy greens, lemon, apple, pear, celery, beets, cilantro, and everyone likes it. That is a LOT of raw fruit and vegetables to consume very easily.

Do not get a cough suppressant. Try lemon and honey tea for throat irritation.

Check out the "Healing the Gut" cheat sheet: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=434071

Consider black seed oil. (nigella sativa) It helps decrease inflammation, allergies, asthma.

Basically, it has been used in the Middle East for 2-3 thousand years for health and healing. Western science is now identifying the many beneficial properties. It would appear that the beneficial effects of the use of the seeds and thymoquinone might be related to their cytoprotective and antioxidant actions, and to their effect on some mediators of inflammation.



Wow and wow. I'm going to slowly go through this, thanks!
The Buyeyko breathing method looks amazing - I'm going to try to get the book soon. I'm still watching the video. Thanks so much!
It has helped many people!! Helps children (and adults) with stuffy noses from a cold, too. But, my friend eliminated her inhaler by using the Buyeyko breathing method technique.

I'm awed at the power to support the body naturally with this tool!!


Here are some immune support foods and herbal infusions to help respiratory issues.

There are a bunch of vitamins and minerals in herbal infusions:

Especially vit A, B5, B6, vit C, vit D (sunshine), selenium, sulfur, zinc, folate, Omega 3 fatty acids - all help the immune system. Magnesium and Molybdenum are beneficial for lung issues. Epsom salt baths help the body to excrete toxins out. As does lemon juice in water.

And glutathione is huge for healing. Food Sources That Boost Glutathione Naturally: Milk thistle, asparagus, whey protein, Indian curry spice, curcumin (turmeric), Brazil nuts, acorn squash, asparagus, avocado, broccoli, cantaloupe, grapefruit, okra, oranges, peach, potato, spinach, strawberry, watermelon, zucchini, apples, carrots, cauliflower, walnuts, garlic, and raw tomatoes.

Whole food probiotics are key, with active live cultures.


I found that when I removed all sulfites from my diet... my asthma pretty much disappeared.    Thanks for posting so much useful information!

My breathing was really bad this fall.  A lot of  asthma is emotional based. Dr. Lane recommended going to a hypnotherapist - said there was instances where the mother was hypnotized for a traumatic birth and the child's asthma improved. I went to a hypnotherapist and we did a regression for this lifetime to when the event occurred that  affected my breathing (back to birth). That helped some.


I also work with a natropath (Dr. Cheri Holloway) and she helps you come up with an affirmation (positive statement) for the issue. Also, I just got a special neck pillow from my new chiro. (to improve my neck curve) and I mostly stopped waking up in the night needing an inhaler. I am not out of breath during the day, like I was earlier this fall. Also, Dr. Lane recommended the herb, Butterbur, but I didn't try. 

Hi Chava

I have had a lot conflicting information too. I have been a chronic asthmatic for 50 years and it was classified as life threatening for 2008/2009 (in fact I was airlifted by the Royal Flying Doctors to hospital in a bad state in 2008). Since I have followed a gluten free and dairy free diet it has improved incredibly! It is very wet and humid in Sydney at the moment (which would result in a lot of mould & mildrew, an allergy for me and most asthmatics) and normally I would be really sick but I'm not even on a preventative now!! I cant tell you if it is a result of the gluten free, the dairy free, the combination or the fact that it is basically a low card diet but it has dramatically helped me. This diet was suggested by a naturopath as I have a thyroid condition but my asthma has been the winner! I hope this information helps a little. Good luck :)

Thanks!  We have gone gluten free and I really think it has helped..  We're mostly dairy free but for butter and cream.  Love raw milk when I can get my hands on it though.  I'd love to try an air purifier.  We're in Israel, it's pretty dry..  I'm so glad that you're doing better!

Toni Walker said:

Hi Chava

I have had a lot conflicting information too. I have been a chronic asthmatic for 50 years and it was classified as life threatening for 2008/2009 (in fact I was airlifted by the Royal Flying Doctors to hospital in a bad state in 2008). Since I have followed a gluten free and dairy free diet it has improved incredibly! It is very wet and humid in Sydney at the moment (which would result in a lot of mould & mildrew, an allergy for me and most asthmatics) and normally I would be really sick but I'm not even on a preventative now!! I cant tell you if it is a result of the gluten free, the dairy free, the combination or the fact that it is basically a low card diet but it has dramatically helped me. This diet was suggested by a naturopath as I have a thyroid condition but my asthma has been the winner! I hope this information helps a little. Good luck :)

I have just, this week, weaned myself off Advair that I have been taking for 5 years now. I was on the highest dose and now, I'm taking nothing. The only thing I can attribute it to is the GAPS diet, which is grain free & dairy free at first, but now I am having as much kefir as I want every day and can do cheese a little. But no grains. I also saw a classic homeopath and that helped a little, but I think it must be all the good fats I am having now. I never thought I'd be off Advair, but I did it! We did the full GAPS diet for a year and then cheated for the next year (meaning trying to limit grains, but indulging once in awhile) I think we still had some healing. But this year we are going back to the full GAPS diet, just started yesterday. I might consider doing the Intro diet myself just to boost the healing even more, not sure yet, we'll see how it goes.
Wow, awesome!  I'm into the Traditional Foods movement and the Paleo movement, but GAPS is one that I don't know much about.  I'll have to look into it, thanks!

Gina Malewicz said:
I have just, this week, weaned myself off Advair that I have been taking for 5 years now. I was on the highest dose and now, I'm taking nothing. The only thing I can attribute it to is the GAPS diet, which is grain free & dairy free at first, but now I am having as much kefir as I want every day and can do cheese a little. But no grains. I also saw a classic homeopath and that helped a little, but I think it must be all the good fats I am having now. I never thought I'd be off Advair, but I did it! We did the full GAPS diet for a year and then cheated for the next year (meaning trying to limit grains, but indulging once in awhile) I think we still had some healing. But this year we are going back to the full GAPS diet, just started yesterday. I might consider doing the Intro diet myself just to boost the healing even more, not sure yet, we'll see how it goes.



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