Hello all!
I have been at several boards for over a year now, and find myself just now figuring out some of the relations between the above mentioned challenges. I'll try to summarize(hooboy)...
Aidan was born at home after about a ten hour labor, after which I hemmoraged (retained placenta pieces) and ended up at the hospital for transfusion and I think(can't remember) some antibiotics. He had no troubles, stayed in our care , sans hospital staff and routines, and was/always has been a champion nurser.
We made the mistake through the teething months, I believe of giving him too much tylenol. I nkow this caused some damage even though I haven't seen any specific info on it.
he decided to start eating solid things around 11 mnths. Sweet potatoes and avocado were firsts. He was already showing some sensitivities to the top eight, which I narrowed out of my diet. Over the next six mnths he had a bout of eczema on the backs of his knees, crusty goo behind his ears , the shiners, and the red anus ring. at this point, we cut the gluten and further narrowed any knowns, did a charted elimination diet for myself and for Aidan, along with a long list of supplements and dietary changes. He is eczema free now, at 2yrs10mos. Still has the red ring sometimes, the shiners, and I still chart what seems to bother him. he does have cradle cap , doesn't like or do well with dairy for sure, and has caries that the dentist wants to put him under for, and fill.
Our protocols , with help from a naturopath, still have leaky gut in mind, with added things for remineralization. the list is becoming daunting, even though Aidan has no aversion to taking any of it or doing most of it. Im willing to learn and figure it all out, make the transitions, but I really have a hard time 'holding on to' the knowledge until it becomes second nature in practice.
I have had heavy metals testing, showed some low level lead and mercury, gently chelating, using captomer and chlorella, green juices(just got a juicer!). I haven't done any other detox paths and am ssooo grateful for this forum to learn where to go with that!
I am wondering how this all relates, the ecc, leaky gut, yeast?, metals. I know it all comes down to the gut.
Im hoping, that sharing the list of what we do, someone can help me narrow down, streamline, get it clear in my head, so that I don't feel like we are living on supplements. I have felt like our diet was pretty whole, we eat organic, grassfed meats and eggs, simple foods. At times it's seemed like we were down to ten foods only.
So here is Aidan's list , I will gather mine, and look forward to more and more knowledge to help me do the best for us

thank you for any and all thoughts and sharing, I am so excited about this forum!
ECC Management
* step up Xylitol use- mints 2-3 five times per day (riccochet, their‘s is corn derivative)
Bulk xylitol(birch)
Use xylitol in baking
*High Vitamin CLO….oslo orange-green pasture.org
Check A(no palpitates, ¼ tsp-2500 IU‘s under 4 yrs)
D-500 IU
EPA 145-375 mg
DHA 150-360 mg
*X-Factor HV Butter Oil (1 tsp daily)(MK-4)….green pasture.org
*MultiVitamin A-beta carotene-2500IU
*trace minerals…Brainchild Ultra sensitive, Concentrace, http://www.vitacost.com/Trace-Minerals-Low-Sodium-ConcenTrace- Trace- Mineral-Drops#IngredientFacts
6-8strains, 3-6 billion organisms/day
Sacc.boulardii builds secretory Iga in gut
Lactobacillus reuteri kills strep mutans
*NO chewable Vit C’s……acidic, wears away enamel….use Amla or acerola
*colloidal silver~ kills strep mutans(contact)
*calcium-800mg-empty stomach
*magnesium-400mg-before bed ideal
*D-drops-1000IU daily( per Dr Keller)
* Calm for babies- magnesium
Mag note….soy, nuts and whole grains sprouted only…for absorption, otherwise phytates inhibit mineral absorption

*Cal Fluor 30x-3xdaily(2)
*Cal Phos 30x-3x daily(2)
*Magnesium Phos-3x daily(2)
*Silicea 30x-3x daily (2)
*Kreasotum 30c (3 dissolved in 2 TB water)
*Cal carb30c-1x daily
3 month program , then drop to 6x for maintenance
*Gluten free
*No soy, wheat, corn products(hfcs), msg, coloring additives
*hard cheeses-especially late snack time
*bone broths once daily (1cup and/or cook veggies in, gravies, soups)
*add organ meats(ground in other meats or in stews) chicken livers in bacon
* stop all dried fruit
*cut back even more on sugared treats
*increase meats and cheeses…grassfed…..RiverRunFarm.org
*Kombocha http://www.organic-kombucha.com/kombucha_microbial_studies.html
*raw milk, cream, butter from grassfed cows OR try goats milk products(more Vit A in goats)…realmilk.org
*nori http://takaokayausa.com/html/noriben.shtml
*natto(K2 source) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natto (soy)
*no raw spinach(oxalates)
*sprout the grains!….see Nourishing Traditions
* avoid soy
*nut butters from sprouted nuts only
* ditch the Teflon
*more fish/shellfish…..check oceana.org for mercury info
*pureed soups (aid mineral absorption)
*fermented veggies (also aid mineral absorption, good bacteria) eventually ditch ProB supp
* healthy fats-avocado, coconut oil/cream,olive oil, pastured eggs, meat
*lotta veggies(try juicing)
*Encourage mints or water drinking afterwards
*continue to monitor night weaning
*try Qtip wiping with xylitol wash after asleep
* see….http://brianpalmerdds.com/pdf/caries.pdf
*sanitize toothbrushes~dip in Listerine, rinse hot water, air dry
*brush twice daily-Toms of Maine mixed with bit o xylitol OR white oak bark and xylitol paste, or try ‘the secret’ recipe
*begin flossing
*MI Paste , Dr Collins rematerializing toothpaste…..dentist.net
*try tooth soap….Naturaltoothsoap.com
*tooth wipes….spiffies.com
*explore Nova in ~NovaMin delivers an ionic form of calcium, phosphorus, silica, and sodium which are necessary for bone and tooth mineralization. When microscopic particles of NovaMin are exposed to water, they release mineral ions that become available for the natural remineralization process. The ions form hydroxyapatite crystals, a form of hard and strong mineral in teeth.[1]
NovaMin can be used an effective, non-toxic alternative to fluoride.
*UncleHarry’s alkalinizing paste contains.......
calcium cabonate, sea salt, bentonite clay, ionic minerals, castille soap, and colloidal silver, essential oils. comes in tea tree, peppermint and 'childrens' which has no 'flavorings that i can detect. I rubbed in some xylitol and Aidan seems not to mind it.
*also has 'remineralization powder' that contains.....
unrefined sea salt, calcium carbonate, tabashir, magnetic earth with probiotic bacteria, alkalizer ionic minerals, purified seawater and marshmallow root. (Uncleharrys.com)

*try ACT(fluoride) on a Qtip per Dr Ellies program

I’ve read that real healing and improvement didn’t really happen until you get the mercury out, also that kids can get a higher concentration from their mothers via in utero transfer. I have three teeth left with old amalgam fillings, gently chelating now, delaying further dental work except cleaning while avoiding mercury laden areas(2 of those molars are also damaged), while Aidan is still nursing so much. There are two holistic dentist in Portland who use IAOMT protocol for amalgam removal. (Shimanovsky or Williamso

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I just found the 'about us' paragraph, this site is so wonderful, lots to read and soak in! If I need to consult about my long and mixed up tale, I am more than willing to do this! It does help me alot to see it in writing, and even print and hold in my hand, but I am glad for whatever guidance Mamas!
Hey, I've had this window open to read all night. Dh is sick. Ds has been in bed for almost two hours and I'm heading to bed. I'll work on this tomorrow, or nudge me with your elbow. ;-)

I believe it helps most to do the narration and see the patterns. I'll certainly have questions and food for thought to share.

Hey Pat! Thanks so much! Here is the list of supplements that I take...
coconut oil
HVCLO (blue ice)
B Complex
Super Enzymes+
GI Repair Nutrients..... http://www.vitalnutrients.net/vnestore/detail.asp?product_id=VNGIR
Raw Multiple Glandular
D-drops 2000IU
200mg of Zen (GABA, L-theanine)
Soothe&Relax..... https://www.researchednutritionals.com/store/item.cfm?code=CRN107
cal-mag (natural calm at night in tea)
I just started to step up my green juice intake, it makes me gag, I am just not a big juice drinker, just water and tea, but I'm going to keep at it.
happy happy monday, the sun is actually out here in the southern corner o washington!
Wow, you're doing a LOT! I'm amazed you can keep track of it all!

I'm going to point you here:

I put that together, and it'll help us figure out how your detoxes, and how to best support that.
Hey Shannon!
Yeah, it's alot, argh! But I keep it on the frig and alot of it has become habit along the leakygut trek. My supplements, I dole out into one of those smtwtfs thingies, so it's easier. There are a few of the things on the list that I am just learning about, like the kombucha and kefir, that I am not doing homemade yet, but learning.
Thank you for that link, I am onto reading!!
and one more, a natural progesterone (25mg) micron? The specific name is abbreviated on the bottle.
more reading!
so far it sounds like I am an under methylator/high dopamine(mixed on the examples)
back to eating cultures!
I'm a bit confused, you are already doing all of the above? Or is this A Plan? That sounds exhausting! I'll look at the particulars a bit more closely. A few things to consider. My understanding is that chlorella is not indicated with mercury fillings present. Here is some more info to read regarding chelating with fillings in. Check the links, yourself, I really didn't read them all yet. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=12032826&...

MI paste has some nasty chemicals which I was uncomfortable using. The xylitol is 1gram 4x per day, I believe, for an adult. And xylitol in baking can cause the runs and doesn't work easily, I believe. You could add it to smoothies, instead as a sweetener. Also, include some honey to your diet. It is a terrific food. You need a vit C source. Did I see selenium and zinc?

We use H2O2 overnight soaks for the tooth brushes.

Are you both doing kefir? What type?

What grains are you soaking already? Are you consuming gluten-free whole grains daily?

I'd focus on bone broths and juicing and kefir. Are you already doing those daily for both of you?

No nut allergies? Have you made nut butters? We just soak without sprouting, much quicker.

Have you tried the Bubbies sauerkraut? Dill pickles? That is an easy way to start fermented veggies. Just need a tablespoon a day.

Are you having an issue with oxylates? If you have enough nutrients for the detox pathways, I think that shouldn't be an issue. Raw spinach is a wonderfood. :-)

You might do Epsom salt baths. 400mg of Magnesium is a lot for an adult as one dose. I wouldn't give that much to a child. Ds takes 100mg 2x day. I take 200mg 2x, per the Natural Calm. But, the bone broths have mag too.

I'm not crazy about colloidal silver. How often is this being given?

I'm ok with dried fruits for the many microminerals. Actually heard that they are not an issue with ECC, most recently. We had avoided them. But, something recently countered that.

Are you doing any yogurt, 'cause it is easy and tasty.

I would go easy on the kombucha for both of you. Start slowly, both of you. One ounce a day, increase by an ounce a month.

What about lemon in water throughout the day, helps to alkalize the body? The caution, is not for you first thing in the AM, with the fillings.

I'd add more fruits and greens. Daily, multiple times a day. Ds likes salads for years now.
Oh, and some asparagus, garlic, kelp, lentils, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, egg yolks, are other foods to include.

Biotin is for cradle cap. There is a list of biotin foods in the "Nutrient Dense Foods", iirc.

Pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts are great, if you can do them.

Are you putting fruit in your green juice? do. ;-)

HTH, Pat
"But, the bone broths have mag too"

Do you have a link for that? Cause I can't find anything that confirms it. Bone isn't particularly high in Mg.
What I consistently see is "Bone is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus, and to a lesser degree, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfate and fluoride."


hey there!
Just getting back here during naptime....
Yes, it IS exhausting...lol....the majority of it is what we're doing, some is plan, I'll try to clarify. Alot of what's on the list is given by our naturopath, and I think the list is so beastly partly because it's transitional from concentrating on leaky gut to dealing with the ecc stuff.
The naturopath told me to take the chlorella after having a 24 hr toxic metals test by Doctors Data done. She gave me captomer, chlorella and reminders to do the sauna and fiberfoods. Her suggestion is to do the rounds of captomer and chlorella then retest, staying away from getting my dental work (3 amalgams, two damaged) done until Aidan stops nursing. He still nurses 5 or 6 times a day plus nibbles. I'll read the links!

MI paste was recommended on several boards, I have tried so many sorts of things. What Aidan likes to use best is white oak bark with a little xylitol mixed in. Recently, after giving her my page of ideas, she recommended using the Oravive. I've not read up on that one yet. What nasty is in the MI paste? I will have to dash to the label again!

The xylitol for baking was a reminder to read into , because I have come across alot of recipes using it in that way and Aidan loves to bake. Usually, I use local honey, a beekeeper has two of his hives parked on our place. Then I started coming across things saying to lay off the honey if you are dealing with ecc *bafflement*.
For vitamin C, I count on our juices, I keep emergenCs around and there is a small amount of C(50mg) in his multi's and (250mg) in my prenatals. There is also 15mg of zinc and 200 mcg of selenium in my prenatals.
H2O2 sounds perfect and easy, much better idea, thank you!

kefir is a new one for me, I've bought a few brands at our Health Food store, Aidan and I didn't like them. I'm just beginning to learn about that one, and the kombucha.

I soak barley, buckwheat, brown rice. Also use quinoa, millet, amaranth. Yes most days we both eat some grains. Aidan asks for rice and quinoa alot. I cook those in broth, sometimes with lentils, adding bits of vegetables like carrots, celery, kale and/or leftover meats.

I don't keep up with the broths as much as I want to. My goal there is to have enough made for warm sipping, as well as using them for a cooking base. Due to timing of events around here I usually get to make broths about every two weeks. I do the TF recipe sort. Broths were a staple at GreatGrans so it's a familar. This is my speed bump, I know, I need a kick towards my crockpot.
Since we got the juicer, this part is ssooo much easier.

Aidan definitely has some discomfort from peanuts, so we both stay away from those. I have whirred almond butter, walnut, and made tahini. My reading had me thinking it was best to sprout eveerrrryyything! Soaking overnight would be a breeze, I can easily sit out another bowl or jar, I'll try this!

I love kraut and pickles, Aidan won't touch them. What is different about Bubbies? I'll have to see if we have it locally......I haven't found anything fermented that he will eat yet. My goal there is to begin with some local produce when the market opens in May. I've never fermented anything, but did find a great rec ipe for dilly green beans.

naturopath told me not to give Aidan raw spinach and made a passing comment about oxalates interfering with mineral absorption? He loves raw spinach and kale and will ask for them sometimes. I give them to him, if he asks. Otherwise, it goes in soups, quesadillas and now, into the juicer.

I don't like baths for me, but get in with Aidan sometimes (bathtime is usually Da's time). I do keep epsom salts, but didn't know if they were safe for Aidan, since he drinks so much bathwater still, and stays under like an otter sometimes. the magnesium amounts were given by the Naturopath for Aidan! I typed them out on the list because they seemed so so high, I thought she must've meant them for me, but no, she said for Aidan and that an ionic form would be best. I revisited that issue on the 24th and she said try Priority One's Effervescent Cal-Mag which has a ratio of 600mg/300. Also hs 2500IU of D3 & a few other minerals. Of all the choices given over the past few weeks, I only use this last one. I give him 1 tsp which is half dose.
I've been told the colloidal silver kills the strep mutans on contact, N's suggestion is 1/4 tsp 2x daily. I have not researched the silver thoroughly and what I have read, is difficult for me to understand. I'll keep plugging on that one. What is it that you don't like about it?

Dried fruit has been the first thing I was asked about when I was talking about the ecc, that and nursing. We all love dried fruit. What did you come across that changed your mind?

Aidan loves yogurt. I can't stand it, texture thing.

Thank you for the guidelines about the kombucha, I have had no idea where to begin with that , h aven't made any, but have a few sites bookmarked to go back to in a clear space (my po head...lol)

Lemon is ok for Aidan, but not me, is that right? I read that in another discussion here too. I get such mixed info about keep the fillings, ditch the filling, chelate, dont. So I have been doing nada on that one, except to have some careful cleaning done and taking the chlorella. I stayed away from the captomer because I didn't want to provoke the movement.

Aidan loves salads too! I keep a big bag of crudite cut up for him, he likes hummus dips. Yes to all the o ther things on that list, we do, except the eggs. Aidan will not touch an egg unless it's baked in something. He can smell them at fifty paces and will say 'i'm not havin that'. I figure he knows something that I don't. I was using a soy based egg substitute for a while, until I began taking stock of how many soy sources we had in the house.

I'll check that biotin list, thank you, I didn't know that! I haven't done anything specifically for or about Aidan's cradle cap, it just wiggles off on it's own. I wash his hair and head when he says it's bothering him (checkin in with him now and then) He is a little tender headed.

Yes to all the seeds and nuts. I call Aidan my birdman(mainly cause he used to caw when he wanted to nurse), he loves all of those and I do too. I make our trail mix. We eat alot of almonds especially.

My favorite juice so far is apples and spinach or kale . Aidan will drink pretty much anythin.

What I am finding is that we need a new Naturopath, who has more experience with younger people maybe. Ours is relatively new and doesn't have experience working through some of the issues we have as a pair. I try to educate myself and come back to her with what I have learned, but we are often at odds, or just different sources or perspectives.
I stay overwhelmed because, yes this list is too much and my preference would be to make gradual changes in our diets, which I'm trying to do. I got caught up in the supplement whirl trying to help Aidan through the leaky gut. This was the focus of our current ND maybe to 'catch us up' . I have a pretty tough case of blurrybrainfog which is why it helps me so much to have something on paper in my hand...I guess that list does look exhausting....lol ...it isn't quite so bad in practice, alot of it is habit now

Thank you so so much Pat, for all your time and energy on this! I am getting worn out trying to think my way through it all and it is a fantastic help to have someone look at this with me! I will read through the links you shared , about the mercury, and think a bit, have more questions too .
Xylitol for teeth - what matters most is how long it's in the mouth. So gum and mints you suck on will be far more effective than xylitol baked into stuff.

Personally, bone broth is my favorite for getting lots of minerals in, and proper mineral levels are key to remineralizing teeth and preventing new cavities.
agreed! thank you Shannon~
this is why I feel I need help further clarifying what in the world we are doing. I want to smplify, don't want to double efforts. If we're ok on our dietary front, I want to move away from using supplements, the cal/mag/phos stuff, especially for Aidan.
I think I am premenopausal and probably have some adrenal fatigue. I did have my thyroid checked, no flags, so I have this supp and that supp and still.....it seems like our diet is pretty good to me!
I am stll wiggling my way through eating culture, thank you for that, the videos are great too, helps me to see the path on paper so to speak


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