~ Food Has Power ~
onion soup, onion honey (over age 1), onion bath, onion broth, onion poultice. Epsom salt baths, magnesium would be my goto.
Steam helped ds. And hydration. Wet sock treatment helps too.
Homeopathic Ipecac helped our son. Homeopathic Dorsera helped our friend's dd.
Vit A, C, D, zinc are keys to immune support, in addition to whole food probiotics.
Chicken soup (homemade) is demonstrated to shorten the duration of respiratory illness.
More herbal alternatives:
Green/black tea help too! http://www.greenmedinfo.com/disease/pertussis
It appears that Whooping Cough is “breaking out” in our town again. Fingers are pointing and scare tactics are being used to force, ineffective and dangerous vaccinations on all ages. But if we can step back and just look at each child and each case, we can have really positive effects. The beauty of working with the body is that immunity is built and the immune system is strengthened.
I received a call from a frantic mother. Her daughter had been experiencing a low fever for 6 days and had now developed a persistent cough. The night before her call, her child had a coughing fit that lasted 2 and 1/2 *hours*. She was turning blue, gagging and vomiting. She is a petite child and the mother was very concerned that neither of them could continue like this for any length of time.
As I looked at her case, I choose the remedy Drosera 30c. It is a common one for Whooping Cough but I looked at several. The key notes that stuck out were: worse after midnight, blue lips, extreme coughing fits ending with vomiting. I also considered Ipecac but more indications fit from Drosera.
In conjunction with the remedy, I had them do the “wet sock” treatment before bed. This is especially helpful for coughs. (Soak feet in HOT water. During that time, soak thin 100% cotton socks in ice water, ring out, put on the feet and cover with 100% wool socks and off to bed.) This process improves circulation and helps the body step it up a notch. This family has a pristine diet but I confirmed that she was drinking kefir and bone broth to help support her nutritionally. We also added Zinc and Vitamin C to boost her immune system.
Because of the extreme cough, I also recommended an onion poultice. Onion poultices have been used for generations and are extremely helpful for coughs. To make a poultice you sauté an onion until clear, add a bit of flour or corn meal (to bind), spread onto muslin and fold over. Apply to chest as warm as they can stand, adding a hot water bottle to keep in the heat. Keep on for 15-30 minutes.
The first night, she used the remedy before bed and did the wet sock treatment. The child woke up just after midnight and started coughing. It
only lasted for 2 *minutes*! She dosed her again and she slept the rest of the night.
The next evening they added the onion poultice to the routine. She slept for 11 hours straight. She woke up the next day saying, “I feel GREAT!” Over the next couple of days the cough would come on when she over did it. She redosed 2 times during those next few days. They continued the night time routine for 3 more nights. Each night was a full night’s sleep. It is now 2 weeks out and she is still sailing through, no relapse and feeling strong.
The vaccinated child she caught it from is still extremely ill over 3 weeks later. This mom has been trying to convince the other mom to try these steps.
Whooping cough is a serious illness but our bodies can handle it with proper support both nutritionally and homeopathically.
per Anna Brown
Here is an old post of mine about when our son had whooping cough and some alternatives to consider. http://www.mothering.com/discussions...h#post13033030
More info, including environmental allergen concerns: http://www.mothering.com/discussions...h#post12931980
The immune properties of breastmilk will optimize his gut. Also, adding gut healing measures, such as cod liver oil, coconut oil, magnesium, vit C, zinc, vit A and D.
This thread is by Momtezuma Tuatara about antibiotics and whooping cough: http://www.mothering.com/discussions...ight=treatment
Natural healing alternatives: http://www.mothering.com/discussions...03&postcount=2
Here is info regarding the concerns of mass antibiotic use in whooping cough and the inaccuracy of diagnostic testing, related to timing, procedure and screening. http://www.mothering.com/discussions...whooping+cough
More holistic alternatives: http://www.mothering.com/discussions...h#post10641412
And Where to start? Help 101 regarding strengthening your immune systems, especially after antibiotics!
Best wishes,
Antibiotics can make whooping cough worse: http://mothering.com/discussions/sho...d.php?t=332284
And here's another that may be of interest:
Here's a good website for info...
If child gets antibiotics, the ability to fight off other diseases is compromised due to the damaged gut microflora. Additionally, it increases child's risk of developing drug resistant bacteria.
Btw, our son did have pertussis at age 28 months. It was horrible. We did not do antibiotics. We supported him holistically and homeopathically. Now I know even more holistic alternatives for dealing with pertussis. The vit C, zinc, echinacea, bone broths, CLO, CO, magnesium, whole food probiotics, etc. gut healing and immune support are much healthier alternatives to damaging the immune system with antibiotics.
Here are a few more threads with information:
No way would I give antibiotics though without a positive culture. And getting a positive culture is tricky with timing, process, accuracy limitations, etc.
I'd be more inclined to get an aerosol nebulizer with sterile saline. And I'd see a classical homeopath to strengthen her immune system. Also, I'd eliminate all dairy which is associated with mucus production.
making onion poultice.
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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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