Everyone needs a toolbox in their health journey and thinking outside the box has been the best tool

This is my first blog post. I'm Amy, mama to almost 7 year old Sam, 3 year old Max and 6 weeks pregnant with baby Lentil.

My boys and I have significant food allergies that have forced us to look beyond regular health care and open our minds and toolbox to new ideas.

Ten years ago the tools I had were pretty typical: my doc, my asthma meds, lots of advil, occasional vitamins, very very rarely antibiotics and semi-healthy eating. As time went on, after the birth of my first, I began to explore healthy eating. I was aware of homeopathics but never had much luck - maybe because my Hyland's pellets would often fall out into my diaper bag and I would pick up the pellets and put them back into the container. I was firmly attachment parenting my little one but it was hard - poor sleep, high needs, hyper social, sensory issues - but he was also loveable,smart, beautiful (except for the dark circles), passionate. It wasn't until my second was born that I had to confront health issues head on. Poor sleep could be ignored, but not bloody, stinky, green, mucousy poop, bleeding rashes - many here know the drill.

We learned about eliminating foods. We lost foods right and left, but we were finally more comfortable. Elimination diets are important tools but I wasn't aware of their dangers.

At least a year later, we all struck bottom, our health plummeted and anxiety and depression set in for my oldest and myself. I lost friends and I was terrified. This is when the moving and shaking started, regular well respected doctors could no longer help us. We really began to think outside the box, with an amazing team of fellow suffering mamas we began studying nutritional biochemisty, homeopathy, flower essences, mercury toxicity and other things. This part of my journey has been challenging but the most rewarding. I have learned tons this past year, knowledge that will help myself and my family for the rest of my life - well beyond our allergy journey.

In the end, I feel blessed about this journey. I am blessed because of my boys and the immediate requirements of their health. I am blessed because I was required to think outside the box, allowing my toolbox to be spilling over with health giving tools. I am blessed because this forced mind opening experience allowed me to see exploring new ideas as exciting new challenges - not something to be shunned. And this attitude has helped me grow in many, many different areas of my life - which has been one of my greatest blessings.

Views: 22

Comment by Pat Robinson on March 5, 2010 at 3:03pm
Thanks for posting!!



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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

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