An old timey solution we used was Burow's Solution. It is Aluminum Acetate resulting from the reaction of
Calcium acetate and Aluminum Sulfate. It is buffered. I imagine it is the sulfate which helps, similar to Epsom salts which is magnesium sulfate.

We'd make a solution with water and the Burow's Solution powder. Then make moist wraps of gauze and wrap the open skin area to keep it moist and to allow the sulfate topical absorption. Sulfate is critical to opening the sulfoxidation process- detox pathway.

Other conventional treatments are Silvadene Cream, which we used for burns and other large areas of open skin. Silvadene is a sulfa derivative.

I assume you've tried Calamine Lotion and Benedryl topically.

Homeopathic Apis Mellifera in pellets and cream will help with itching.

- -support lymph system's ability to detox Lymphomyosot
- -dry, itchy Sulphur 30C
- -topical Calendula ointment 3.5oz
- -topical Calendula ointment 13.5oz
- -itch, burn, swell Arsenicum Album 30C
- -scalp Kali Mur 6X

Udder Balm
is another ole timey salve for open skin. "Bag Balm" is another version. Again the active ingredient appears to be sulfate!

Flanders Buttocks Ointment saved my son's butt. No joke. Dairy-caused excoriated skin beyond open and weeping. It was raw, hamburger looking skin in contact with green, mucous stool.

The ingredients are Zinc Oxide and Peruvian Balsam (these are the only ingredients listed on the tube!) It is the balsam which apparently has some healing properties. It would heal in 24 hours, until the next allergen exposure. Zinc Oxide alone didn't have the same effect. Flanders WILL STAIN anything it touches or rubs off on. His cloth diapers were permanently brown, forever and ever. (I assume you are not using any alcohol or antimicrobial based diaper wipes.) I don't think it is safe for baby to ingest this though.

Oatmeal baths help for soothing, unless a severe gluten allergy.

There is a "Miranda Castro 7-cream" which is legendary in Europe. Although, it has coconut oil.

Manuka honey is an amazing healer.

Shea butter is another holistic alternative. Source:
Quality grades:

Topical probiotics (dairy-free). Water kefir could help, from my understanding of the microbial benefits.

Other researched alternatives are: licorice gel, chamomile cream, witch hazel extract, evening primros.... These are diluted applications, it appeared from quick glance.

Additionally, Soaking in kelp and/or bentonite clay infused water helps.


Views: 803

Comment by Johanna on April 27, 2010 at 8:48am
Violet herb infused oil has done wonders for my kids eczema. Yes dealing with it internally is very important, but violet on the skin makes it less sensitive to a huge breakout, and sometimes eliminating the reaction altogether.

The way violet works is it encourages healing by nourishing and feeding the skin, oxidating. It has high vitamin E (how it feeds the skin). Has calming effect on raging eczema.
Comment by Pat Robinson on April 27, 2010 at 9:40am
So, do you use violet flowers or the leaves? How does one make a violet herb infused oil!?! I'm excited to learn! We have violets in the yard now, or did last week!

Which oil do you use? How long is the infused oil shelf-life?

Comment by Johanna on April 27, 2010 at 2:18pm
To make any herb infused oil, you first collect the plant. In this case you would collect the violet greens. If the flowers are out, then the energy is going to the flowers too, but I feel there is much energy in the greens all the time. Then lay the greens out to wilt or even dry. An oven with pilot light is good or a dehydrator at the lowest setting with some good circulation works or just a warm spot in the house. The purpose of this is there is water in the plant and mixing water and oil can cause bacteria, mold, funk, and means a short shelf life. People report mold but I always wilt or dry the plants and never have mold or other issues and my oils last well over a year (or until I use it up). Next crush up the herb, to have more surface area exposed, and place in jar. Cover with oil. I use organic EVOO, some people like grapeseed or almond oil for a more delicate oil. It all works well. Stir, cover, label, and date.

Let it sit atleast 6 weeks and stir when ever, or every few days, but I hardly remember and it all turns out fine. I am really relaxed about it. Now where you put it to sit for the few weeks is up to you. Susan Weed lets it sit in the dark, Rosemary Gladstar lets it sit in the window to get some sun, and a recent herbalist I met said she puts some heat near it like a radiator in the house. But with 6 weeks steeping, I think that kind of heat isn't necessary. I do whatever I feel with each individualized plant. I made some calendula oil (made from dried flowers from the local HFS in town) and felt it should go in the sun, but with my comfrey oil I put it in the cabinet. Just go with your gut or stick with an herbalist that you want to follow.

And rosemary gladstar sometimes only lets delicate plants sit 2 weeks till ready. Oh well, just go with the flow, and no stressing over the specifics.

After it steeps you can strain it with a cheese cloth or do what I do and just strain what I need as I go. Steeping longer than 6 weeks is fine. I let chickweed sit for almost 2 years since I made too much to use, and it started to go funny, but I used it for a more rugged use. That kind of tender herb you may want to strain eventually. Sorry if this is way more info than you were asking for.

Then I mix it with beeswax, melting it in a double boiler over low heat, 1:8 ratio, 8 parts oil, and it is so nice on the skin. Pour in small jars and give to friends as an inexpensive gift.

Violet is the best spring plant. I loaded up my smoothie with it the other day and we have been having salads with it. It does have oxalates, so just rotate it with other greens.
There, enough of me sharing off topic! :)
Comment by Pat Robinson on May 18, 2014 at 4:42pm

Often there is a "rebound" effect when one stops steroids, Benedryl or other anti-histamines (Claritin, etc). The drugs are suppressing the body's natural healing response and the immune system 'rebounds' more strongly when the drug is stopped - in an effort to heal.

Suppressant medications do not heal the body as they do not address the *cause* of the inflammatory response, they only push the inflammation deeper into the body, often with GI and lung issues developing, ime.

"All disease begins in the gut". I'd look to food intolerances and strengthen the immune system with probiotics.

Classical homeopathy can help to address eczema very effectively, in my experience.

I would be sure to avoid dairy completely. The most common food intolerances are dairy, wheat/gluten, GMO-corn and GMO-soy.
Here is a list of hidden diary:

Hidden corn:

Also, look about carpet, furniture and car seat for animal dander exposure.

I'd add bone broth and homemade probiotics.



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