I have had a small patch of psoriasis on my scalp for years but since the birth of my second son it has spread to where I now have small patches all over! Its terrible I hate it! and the amount of dnadruff it causes is horrible...


I have tried lots of things to help it go away all have helped a little but none have actually cleared it completely those things being: Krill oil supplements, Vit b12 supplements, using pure coconut oil on my head and in my smoothies and pouring raw apple cider vinegar onto my head.


Currently,  Im doing 2 tablespoons  Braggs Raw apple cider vinegar a day in a glass of water and also a quart of nettle infusions a day and also I take 3 Drenamin a day which is a supplement by the brand Standard Process ( Basically its a whole foods supplement that supports adrenal function).


Does anyone else have any experience with healing Psoriasis especially Scalp related conditions and if so please share! Iw ill keep you posted on my healing journey with it.... Next thing I want to try is Acupuncture, 'Ive heard a skilled Acupuncturist can clear it since at the root of it all it is a immune dysfunction 


Blessings- Jennifer

Views: 1719

Comment by Jennie M. on March 3, 2011 at 10:24am

I have been dealing with psorasis for 17 years.  Did Acupunture for 3 years with some improvement, but we moved and I discontinued due to cost.

After a relatively good summer 2010,  last fall I began having a horrible flare up.  Suspecting allergies, I began investigating my detox organs: liver, intestines, kidneys to understand why my biggest detox organ, the skin, was flaring so badly. That's where this wonderful website comes in. I have learned so much either here or from suggestions from other members.

I also began investigating traditional ways of cooking. Nourishing Traditions has been a big help as has the Gut & Psychology Diets website. NT is based upon the finding of Weston A Price as he studied the nutrition of other cultures worldview. GAPS is based on the work of  Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. She explores the strong connection between proper gut health and dis-ease . I have also found lots of blogs to help me understand these new things.  I just Googled for those.

Currently I'm drinking green smoothies made with homemade kefir, raw honey, and ground flax seed. I'm also eating homemade sauerkraut everyday. These are helping to bring my gut flora into proper balance.  I have recently found a source for grass-fed beef and pastured chickens and I'm learning how to incorporated more bone broth and saturated fat into my diet. I also found a dairy that will sell Raw Milk to make the keifr. First order goes in Friday!

I recently went to a homeopath. I am taking Lycopodium, but know that this is based on my constitution and may be different for you. I've been taking pictures to chronicle the changes. I have seen amazing improvement in the 2 weeks I've been taking the remedy.

I have also stared making my own shampoo and toothpaste and household cleaners and trying to reduce the amount of chemicals my body is exposed to in general.

I am planning to add fermented Cod Liver Oil soon.  And I'm planning to learn about soaking grains since I fail at avoiding them. My understanding is that soaking helps the body digest the phytic acid more easily. Another thing I am planning to add is the Nettles Infusion.

These changes are overwhelming all at once, but I just take baby steps. I learn one new thing at a time and add it to my lifestyle as I progress.  It is definetly a journey. And with Psorasis, what works today may not work tomorrow. Athough I grow weary and discouraged at times, I just have to keep searching. I do believe without a doubt, that the food I eat or don't eat has a direct effect on the condition of my skin. Also, the condition of my skin is simply sympotomatic of underlying issues and must be approached from that perspective.  Healing begins on the inside and progresses to the out. Plus since, I've dealth with this for so long, I try to be patient with the healing process.

Hope this makes some sense and is helpful in someway.

Happy Health,



Comment by Jennifer Lynn on March 3, 2011 at 9:14pm

Yes yes very helpful thank you. I am also familiar with the NT diet and I do agree that it is baby steps. I make my own bone broths, drink keifer daily although its store bought,  and by local pasture eggs, raw milk when I get to the health food store on the right day and time to get it before it sells out! I feel that all of these things do help but nothing I suppose is going to clear it completely.  I was soaking my own grains for a while but now I buy only the sprouted flourless breads for the most part. I try to look at my NT diet over the span of a week rather than daily, because I know I encompass a lot of it over the week where as sometimes daily I miss certain things.


ANyway thank you so much for the response I will be sure to post anything new I try that is helpful.

Comment by Amelia Bentrup on May 23, 2011 at 2:03pm

Jennie, one thing jumped out at me.  You mentioned that the psoriasis was better during the summer, and then flared up again in the fall.  I don't know where you live, but sunlight exposure and vitamin D are very beneficial for psoriasis.  Of course, if the psoriasis is on your scalp, you probably have hair covering it, but even just the Vitamin D expsorure you get will be helpful.


This page has more information on psoriasis, http://www.my-home-remedies.com/home-remedies-for-psoriasis.html but I wanted to specificially mention sunlight/D so you can take advantage of that now that summer is approaching.



Comment by Jennifer Lynn on September 9, 2011 at 9:43am

I just wanted to check in here and let anyone know that I have begun therapy for my scalp with a supplement from the company Standard Process, because I have had such great results addressing my Adrenal Fatigue with them. The name of the supplement is Cholac and basically what it is is a combination of Bile Salts. The theory of this supplement working to treat psoriasis is that Psoriasis is caused by ones bodys inability to break down fats properly, you can read more about it here:     http://www.mcvitamins.com/psoriasis.htm


I just began it yesterday so I will keep you all posted to my progress.


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