I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed... I'm so happy to have found this site, but I feel a little scared of what might lie ahead in the healing process. I have a mouth full of dental amalgams and I feel truly toxic. Unfortunately, my 2 year old is suffering along with me. Awhile back, before my pregnancy I got really sick and with the advice of my Naturepath I took a heavy metal test. The results scared the heck out of me. I was practically off the charts with mercury and lead poisoning. Again, taking her advice, I started chelating and became sicker still. So, I stopped and gradually got a little better. I didn't forget about it, but I continued on with my life and became pregnant. The pregnancy was great, but hell broke loose once Kofi was born. My stress level for the past 2 years has been over the top. Kofi never slept or stopped crying for the first 8-9 months of his life. He was posterior in the birth canal and became stuck and in fetal distress so they quickly surgically removed him. He had a HUGE hematoma on his head. And there went my home birth. We came home, in shock, and I couldn't let down or didn't have enough milk supply, so we asked friends for milk and when there wasn't any more we supplemented with formula. Things kept going down hill. At three months he was covered head to toe with oozing, infected eczema. We tried everything from Ayurveda to Chinese Medicine to acupuncture, etc. etc. Then on to steroids, but his allergies became intolerable. He stopped growing at about 1 year and then began to lose weight over the next few months. Finally, he had a feeding tube surgically placed in his stomach. We fed him hypo-allergenic, HFCS formula and he gained weight but became sicker (of course). So now we blend real food in a vitamix and syringe his food into his tumtum. He looks better, his eyes are full of 2 year old rascallyness, but he's still not growing and his allergies are still very much a problem. I know my issues, horrible stomach pain, gas, bloating, eczema, dry, itchy skin, depression, foggy head are all connected to his. We're just starting water kefir and the bone broth is simmering and we're doing lots of the other suggestions for healing our gut, but what about the mercury? I feel poisoned every day. Woah, just reread this and I'm sorry for the stream of conscious writing. I'm a mess. Any help is so greatly appreciated...Diane and Kofi

Views: 219

Comment by Diane Tantimonaco on January 28, 2011 at 11:34pm

Wow! Thank you ALL for such great feedback. I'm taking notes and feeling hopeful. 



Comment by Diane Tantimonaco on January 29, 2011 at 2:46pm
Does anyone out there have any experience working with Osteopaths for digestion issues? I keep coming back to Kofi's difficult birth and the resulting hematoma on his head. We see a great chiro often and she always feels his occiput is VERY jammed and never holds the adjustment. I spoke with a highly recommended DO who thinks that Kofi's vegus nerve could have been compromised during the birth process (last minute C-section with lots of vacuum suction to get him out of the birth canal). Just wondering if there might be any info out there? Thanks!
Comment by Pam Genant on February 7, 2011 at 7:51am
Hi Diane, I saw it was your birthday and so was thinking about you.  Hope things are improving, any news?
Comment by Diane Tantimonaco on February 7, 2011 at 4:47pm
Hi Pam, thanks for the birthday wishes! Still struggling here. Kofi now has chronic diarrhea and has been vomiting at night in bed. Now we're wondering if there's a parasite/protozoa or fungal issue. I just don't know what to work on first. OUr GI doc just wants to give him a round of Flagyl....ugh
Comment by Pat Robinson on February 7, 2011 at 4:50pm

Have you tried kombucha or water kefir? Kombucha has Saccharomyces boulardii and water kefir has many strains of lactobacillus which help diarrhea.



Comment by Pam Genant on February 8, 2011 at 7:18am
I am so sorry Diane, you had mentioned before all the changes you were making, adding.  Did you do that slowly, over time.  My thought is that with his digestive issues and sensitivities, that if you make too many additions at once, maybe it was more than his little body could handle all at once.  Just a thought.  Good luck with all of this, I hope you start seeing improvement soon.  How is he doing emotionally?  Also I am sure this is stressful for you, have you found time for yourself, even just a few minutes a day can make a huge difference.  {{{hugs}}}


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Homemade Beauty Tips to Enhance Beauty Naturally

Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm

Cancer Vaccines Are Profitable Business

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Vaccine Safety and the CDC

Posted by Pat Robinson on March 29, 2015 at 7:30pm

I certainly don't fear the measles.

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Gluten-Free Snacks

Posted by Pat Robinson on May 26, 2014 at 8:30pm

Cholesterol 101

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Safe Detox Protocol

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