I made my tonic yesterday so it's brewing away for us. Ms. Pat didn't mention that the whole area around my house would smell like garlic and onions. People were coming over saying, "what you cookin' girl?" Then they'd be disappointed when I said it would take two or more weeks to taste it.

So here's the deal. I made 3 gallons of tonic and it cost me about $60 to get all the ingredients. I never knew I would have to hunt far and wide for horseradish root! I've been telling anyone who would listen about the tonic, but my concern is that all those who agreed saying, "oh yeah that sounds great." are just going to wait to drink up mine. A friend and I split the cost of making it and we will split the 3 gallons (I put the tonic in 6 half gallon mason jars) and I already know I'll need to make more to make it throughout the winter. I guess what I want to put out there as a question is would it be wrong to charge people for doing the work to make their tonic. It took me nearly 3 hours to make and I can't have my toddler around because of all the hot stuff (like jalapeño seeds) that fall to the floor before I can sweep and mop up. (Yes, I admit it. I'm a sloppy cook, but the food is clean and I clean up when I'm done so don't judge!)

Regardless, I'm looking forward to that first swig! My husband wants the relish for his "everything". So were shaking our bottles till the 15th!

Happy shaking!

Views: 149

Comment by Pat Robinson on September 1, 2010 at 12:24pm
Yes, we've considered how to price out the ingredients specifically and add some time/labor costs for the (literal) tears involved. Because when you need it - you NEED it and can not wait three weeks.

Reminds me of that old story of the rabbit (squirrel?) who prepares for winter by storing food away while the others played. I couldn't locate it, but found this alternate perspective.

I haven't made extra. And I have shared some (enough for one illness ~1/4 cup) when a friend is quite ill. But, I've also considered a local business with this alternative available for people I do not know. So, I think you'll have plenty to share with friends who are quite ill. But, I'd suggest they make their own. And if you wish, you could share or sell, whichever feels best to you in the moment.

Comment by Shekinah Lawrence on September 1, 2010 at 1:09pm
Thanks Ms. Pat for that comment. I don't mind sharing at all. Especially for a person really ill. It's good to know that what I've made will yield enough to do so. I already know people will love what it can do so I think it's when someone ask for their own gallon will I consider charging.

And by the way, you are so right! I shed PLENTY of tears over this tonic! Lol! My hands are still stinging from the de-seeding! I'll use gloves next time.......
Comment by Pat Robinson on September 1, 2010 at 1:27pm
I used the whole pepper pod, minus stem. And put them in the food processor, seeds and all. But, I did the white onions last, they were the worst tears, I found!

When you strain, you lose about 1/3 volume. So, you'll probably end up with about a gallon for each of you.

You only need a couple of tablespoons each time and it has resolved everything that came along here with just 2-4 doses over a day or so. So, that is 15ml = 1 tablespoon, so (4 doses) 60ml = about 1/4 cup for an illness. Then they need to make their own for next time. ;-)

With a gallon, you'll have about 80 illnesses worth. It keeps forever too. A gallon is a lot!

Comment by Osunlade on September 12, 2010 at 11:49am
@Shekinah, your comments about the smell and the neighbors is priceless! lol.... I "missed" the new moon because we were away from home, and I wouldn't be able to do my daily shaking! But, I am actually headed to the store for some of the ingredients right now...

@Pat, keep up the good work! =)

Comment by Ifasayo Egunjobi on March 21, 2011 at 8:07pm
I'm relatively new to the site and still finding my way around. Where can I find this recipe and it's purpose? It sounds like it will knock a cold/flu on it's tail. lol
Comment by Pam Genant on March 22, 2011 at 7:09am

Here is the link for the "recipe"  http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/master-tonic-101


I am just now reading your blog post.  What if you paid for using your space and gathering all ingredients.  And make it a "how to" class, sort of.  I am thinking of those places where people go to make and take meals.  They have a space, and buy all the ingredients and people come "make the food" then take it home to cook it.


You could have an RSVP sort of deal so you know how many people are coming, and provide all the ingredients, people bring their own container and you are there to guide them through the process, tell them what to do next etc.  I did that with the water kefir (sort of, kefir is by far less messy), LOL.  I brought grains for my friends that wanted some.  I walked them through how I strained it and mixed it back up, they could add the fruit they wanted, etc.  They took home a quart jar of grains mixed up to get them started.  I didn't charge but you could. 

Comment by Shekinah Lawrence on March 22, 2011 at 8:53am
That's a great idea Pam! My extended family and church friends LOVE this stuff. But the thing is that it really works! I'm about to make my third batch this week and I have to make nearly two to three gallons to cover everybody who wants some. I even invested in some amber colored bottles to put it in. Still not sure on a price just yet but I know I can't keep giving it away because it cost me too much. I do enjoy seeing people fall in love with its healing properties and I wish I would keep making it for free. Also thanks Pam for posting the link.
Comment by Pat Robinson on March 22, 2011 at 9:02am
I think we figured the ingredients cost about $10/quart + tears. :-)

People could make it at illness--- it is still strong, just not nearly as potent.

I like Pam's "how to" class. (might be messier than doing it yourself and selling it)



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