~ Food Has Power ~
OK. I have a daughter who is 7 yrs old and is suffering from....irritating, loose bowel movements. Not constipation, not painless normal stools, not rush to the bathroom diarrhea. It's been going on for over a month. I just assumed it was something we were eating, and it would work itself out. She also has stomach aches a lot. I assumed this was from anxiety over having to go out and poop in public bathrooms (something she worries about now).Nothing is so severe or clear to us, that something is wrong...well identifiably wrong. Veggie Couscous with beef helped, as did a meal of barley. But now we are back to square one...
What would be protocol for cleansing the digestive system and supporting a child with mysterious stomach problems?
I have to say I am rather chicken to try and live gluten/wheat/dairy free.
But sure. I think at this point her health is good incentive. It will probably be good for all of us.
Any thoughts on apple cider vinegar, or fiber?
You can do it! Dairy-free is easy, wheat/gluten is harder. Soy is e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. though. And all corn (and soy) is GMO, unless it says "organic". GMO is hard on the gut, ime.
Here are some recent discussions regarding UTI:
My husband is recovering from a heart attack and now on 7 prescriptions. He seams to have a stomach virus now, just started early this am with vomiting and now diarrhea. The cardiology nurse says he needs to call his primary doctor and get a prescription for anti nausea medicine because he still needs to take all his medications as prescribed. He has no desire to take his medicines right now. Our ND is on paternity leave and we are waiting to hear back from his associate.
So I am wondering what is best to give him to reduce naseau?
He tried dry plain ezekial toast. But didn't keep that down.
tried his homeopathic remedy that he has been taken per ND.
looking for naseua specific remedy or what else to try
thinking Kefir but he is not thrilled at the thought of taking that
my daughter also has same stomach thing but seams to be settled and less worried about her.
going to do more research
For vomiting with diarrhea, we take homeopathic arsenicum album. For vomiting and seeking cold things for relief, we use homeopathic veratrum album. Kefir will help to address GI bugs. Just need a tablespoon.
Here is a list of acute homeopathics for morning sickness (nausea/vomiting feelings): http://www.mothering.com/community/forum/thread/988001/pregnancy-...
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm
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